Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 14, Marigolds Conclusion, Motives, Conflicts

Objective: Continue to read, interpret and analyze Marigolds. Continue to increase vocabulary and identify word forms. Use character traits and setting to determine motive. WHY????


1. Complete vocabulary words for Marigolds - definitiONS AND SENTENCES.

2. Listen / read Marigolds. Discuss and determine internal vs. external conflicts for several characters.

3. Complete questions below:

a. The author uses several similies and metaphors - identify at least two of each in your notes.

b. Why does Lizabeth get so angry?

c. Identify at least two internall conflicts inside of Lizabeh.

d. What is Lizabeth's Dad's internal conflict?

e.Is the conflict between Lizabeth and Miss Lottie internal or external?

f. What motivates Lizabeth to do what she does?

g. Why does she regret it?

h. During this time of the GREAT DEPRESSION, when relief was no where in sight, the destruction of the marigolds, symbolizes that what has been lost?

LAPTOPS - create gmail account and send to Include in this gmail the following information:

1. List three major influences in your life that have shaped who you are today. then attach a character trait to each influence.

Influence = Trait
Example - competitive athlete = hard work
family = loyalty
school = intelligence / communication abilities

From here, you will develop a thesis statement for your essay. the thesis statement is contained in the opening paragraph:

Example: three major influences that hve shaped the person I am today are my family, my expereince as a competitive athlete and my education.

Now develop that thesis statement into an opening paragraph.
Example: Three major influences that have shaped the person I am today are my family, my experience as a competitive athlete and my education. My family has made me realize that loyalty is a very important trait to have, especially for those closest to me. I learned to work hard and accomplish great things from being an athlete and sticking with my education HELPED ME LEARN THE COMMUNICATION SKILLS NECESSARY TO get the jobs I wanted.


HW HANDOUT - worksheet - lizabeth - motives, and conflicts

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