Big Fish Movie Summary
Adapted from Daniel Wallace’s novel, Big Fish explores father-son relationships and the tension between the literal truth
and the fantastical flourishes of myth and legend.
Will Bloom (Billy Crudup) hurries to his father’s bedside when he hears the doctor’s dire news. Edward Bloom (Albert
Finney) has only a short time to live. Will’s mother (Jessica Lange) attends to her husband with deep affection, showing
patience and even delight as the old man continues to spin unbelievable tales about his past adventures. Old Edward
insists that his life journey involved a lonely giant, a dark and dangerous forest, a mystical small town called Spectre, a
circus, a flood, a wicked witch, and a love story that pushes the limits of plausibility. As we see in colorful flashbacks, the
charming and youthful Edward (Ewan McGregor) would let nothing stand in the way of his ambition and his dreams.
As Will tries to pull apart these fanciful tales to find the truth about his father, he learns something about the nature of
truth and how it can sometimes be better expressed through metaphor and imagination than through cold hard facts.
Discussing the Scenes
Select one or more of these themes to discuss:
1. The Power of Story
2. Embellishing the Truth
3. The Power of Symbolism
4. Fearlessness