Monday, January 31, 2011

Wednesday, Feb 2, Secondary / Primary Sources - JFK

Objective: today, we will continue to explore historical accounts from primary and secondary sources. We will determine what is objective, subjective and why.


1. Vocabulary - second set of five words on 579 in Holt text. Write definitions in notebook and sentences for each. Choose 'your" word.

2. Objective vs. Subjective - take notes.

3. Review difference between primary and secondary sources. take notes if necessary.

4. Read kids reactions to death of JFK - pages 586 587 in holt text (primary sources).

5. Do VOCABULARY HANDOUt. Finish for homework.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Monday, January 31, Primary and Secondary Sources

Objective: Today, we will examine primary and secondary sources and its affect on the reader. We will use articles from the John F. Kennedy assasination as examples.

Warm- Up

Vocabulary - write words and definitions in note book from pages in holt text. Write sentences for first five words with context clues.

1. Read introduction together on pages of holt text. Write down definitions of primary and secondary sourxes in notebooks.

2. View the assassination.

3. Read together first article. Analyze and identify why it is secondary as we read.

4. Do yellow boxes in notebooks.

4. Read second article and identify why it is primary.

5. Quietly to yourselves, read the childrens' reactions to the assasination.

6.. Write in your notebook your reaction. How would you feel and react if President Obama was assasinated?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, Song Lyric Anal ysis and Tagxedo

Objective: Review my comments on your poetry test ( mama is a sunrise). Use my comments to help you complete your analysis on your song lyrics. If you don't have a laptop, HAND WRITE it! When complete, create a visual to accompany your analysis using Tagxedo.


Tagxedo sample. How to use.

1. Review essays written in class and my comments.

2. Take out song lyrics and biography of artist. Continue to analyze in four paragraph format. Use my comments on your test to guide you.

3. When complete, go to and create a visual effect for your analysis. You will use this in your presentation. Choose words full of imagery that best describe the meaning and message of the song or poem.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday, JAnuary 14, Dead Poets Society

Objective: View and, in groups, answer video questions about Dead poet's society.....OR....African American Poetry from I, Sing, America. Guidelines below:

In groups, students will choose a poem and author from the book, I, too, Sing America. Then:

1. Write down ten facts about author.
2. Read, read and reread poem.
3. Identify poetic devices. How does each affect the poem and how the reader interprets it?
4. Analyze meaning.

5. Each group will present its poem and author to the class. The class must take notes on each others' presentations.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thursday, January 13, Poetry test..Intro to Fences

objective; assess knowledge on poetry unit. Introduce August Wilson's, "Fences".


Quick review and questions regarding test.

2. Poetry test.

3. Quietly read the introduction to Fences. Read the setting and characters. In your notes, write down the characters. Then answer the following:

What year does the play take place?

Where? Describe the setting.

What is the plot?

What kinds of lives did the descendents of black American slaves have at the time?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, Poetry Analysis and Review

Objective: Practice reading, understanding and analyzing poem. Identify poetic devices. Review definitions of poetic devices, vocabulary and grammar to prepare for test tomorrow.


Read Dream Deferred and answer questions.

2. Mama is a sunrise - read, identify devices, look up any vocabulary words you don't know and answer questions on back.

1. Jeopordy Review Game

2. Wall Words for all poetic devices

HW - study for test!


Objective: today, we will review the steps how to analyze a poem (or song lyrics). We will review the guidelines for writing the essay which will be ultimately developed into a presentation. Then you will receive laptops to begin your essays. Finally, if you have not completed your imagery collages or wordles, they must be completed and shared with me before the end of this class.


Read and review analysis guidelines. Prepare any questions.

2. Read and review together the guidelines for the essay and presentation.

3. Get a laptop and begin working. Do all work on google docs and share with me BEFORE you start. MY GMAIL IS (its not an L after my name, its a 1).

HW - A dream deferred handout / analysis/ identify poetic devices

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friday, January 7, I, too, Sing America

Objective; Analyze, identify poetic devices, explain meaning. Then write down 10 facts about author. Improve ability to interpret poetry and understand why the author writes the way he/she does.

In groups, students will choose a poem and author from the book, I, too, Sing America. Then:

1. Write down ten facts about author.
2. Read, read and reread poem.
3. Identify poetic devices. How does each affect the poem and how the reader interprets it?
4. Analyze meaning.

5. Each group will present its poem and author to the class. The class must take notes on each others' presentations.

6. Q & A on each others presentations.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday, Jan. 6, BENCHMARKS

OBJECTIVE: Do your best on the benchmarks!!

1. Read questions first.

2. Read passage. Highlight or underline important information.

3. Read all the answers before deciding.

4. Use multiple choice strategies ( eliminate two of the four choices and then decide on the best answer.

5. Remember to answer every question!! Don't leave any blank. Take your best shot.

Good Luck and stay focused!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday, Jan 5, Vocabulary and Poetry Analyzation in Essay Form

Objective: Introduce new vocabulary words. Use the Dr. Seuss poem and his biography to write a four paragraph essay analyzing "Oh, the Places You'll Go." Use the specific guidelines that I provide to you. I started each paragraph for you may use my words or not. Be sure to use transitions and your best grammar.


In your notebooks, use a dictionary to define the the words on the board.

2. Together, we will read the directions for the Poem Analysis. The analysis is due by the end of class. I have started it for you. You will be responsible for a simialr essay for the song or poem you chose to analyze yesterday.

HW - get a good night's sleep! Benchmarks tomorrow!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tuesday, Jan 4, Hyperboles, Analyzing in essay format, Research for Poetry project

Objective; Today, we will review hyperboles and add to our list of poetic devices. we will review Dr. Seuss poem and identify. Then we will review instructions to write an analyzation in essay form and you will follow guidelines to analyze Dr. Seuss poem. This will be your guide to writing your own analyzation (coming soon!), so please pay careful attention!!



2. Review Dr. Seuss poem that you finished for homework. Identify poetic devices throughout.

3. In a short partagragh, summerize the poem.

4. Review directions for essay poem analyzation.

5. Use laptops to research a poem or song. LOOK FOR MEANINGFUL LYRICS in which you can identify t least three different poetic devices. Also research the author or lyricist and write down ten important facts about his /her life in your notes. Do this very carefully as you will need to use this information at a later date.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Monday, January 3, Poetry - Dr. Seuss

Objective: Review poetic devices already introduced. Read and analyze biography of Dr. Seuss and then read one of his poems. Identify poetic devices throughout and determine how they contribute to the positive effect on the reader.


Look up parrallelism and add to list of poetic devices in notes.

2. Read Dr. Seuss biography (handout) and writew down ten facts about him in your notes.

3. Together, we will read, "Oh, The places You'll Go" and identify and analyze as we read.

4. We will review Instructions for 'How to Ananyze a Poem" in essay format.

5. Add Poetic device definitions to THE WALL.

HW - Study definitions of devices and how they are used.