Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday, December 23, Tall Tales

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate understanding of new vocabulary and TALL TALES.


Write a sentence using context clues for the following words (5 points each):

1. Pioneer (noun)
2. Flint (noun)
3. Shanty (noun)
4. Eccentric (adjective)
5. Shriek (verb)
6. Nibbled (verb)

Tall Tales review

2. View Big Fish

3. Answer questions on handout during film.

Big Fish Movie Summary

Adapted from Daniel Wallace’s novel, Big Fish explores father-son relationships and the tension between the literal truth

and the fantastical flourishes of myth and legend.

Will Bloom (Billy Crudup) hurries to his father’s bedside when he hears the doctor’s dire news. Edward Bloom (Albert

Finney) has only a short time to live. Will’s mother (Jessica Lange) attends to her husband with deep affection, showing

patience and even delight as the old man continues to spin unbelievable tales about his past adventures. Old Edward

insists that his life journey involved a lonely giant, a dark and dangerous forest, a mystical small town called Spectre, a

circus, a flood, a wicked witch, and a love story that pushes the limits of plausibility. As we see in colorful flashbacks, the

charming and youthful Edward (Ewan McGregor) would let nothing stand in the way of his ambition and his dreams.

As Will tries to pull apart these fanciful tales to find the truth about his father, he learns something about the nature of

truth and how it can sometimes be better expressed through metaphor and imagination than through cold hard facts.

Discussing the Scenes

Select one or more of these themes to discuss:

1. The Power of Story

2. Embellishing the Truth

3. The Power of Symbolism

4. Fearlessness



Thursday, December 22, 2011

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, Tall Tales Project and BIG FISH

-Objective: By the end of class, students will write their own tall tales from a choice board.


Write this down in notebooks:

The three most important elements that you must include in your tall tale are:

a. exaggerations
b. main character depicted as some kind of hero or heroine with non-human abilities or features.
c. have a clear, direct plot with a setting, events, climax and resolution.

View part of BIG FISH. Pay attention to the tall tales to gather ideas for your origianl writing.



You will receive a handout with 6 assignments on it. Choose two of the six to complete.


Review assignment progress.

Exit PAss

Three things always in a tale tale are.....??


Friday, December 23, Presentation Quiz and Introduction to Poetry

Objective: by the end of class, you will demonstrate understanding of each others' presentations and learn opposing views on the importance of poetry and teaching style in the classroom.


QUIZ - Answer the following (5 pts each):

1. Name four reasons that cell phones should be allowed in schools.

2. Name three reasons cell phones should not be allowed in schools.

3. Who is Annie Oakley?

4. How many women have been in government to date?

4. How many years do doctors have to go to school?

5. How much money does Kobe Bryant make per year?

6. Give me three reasons why students should get paid for getting good grades.

7. Why should we have more sex ed in schools? Give me three reasons.

8. Why should schools NOT give out condoms? Three reasons.

Introduction to Poetry

1. Sound
2. Language

View Dead Poet's Society

Answer the questions on the handout provided. You may answer questions as you watch film.


Review answers.


Turn in poetry handouts and HAVE A WONDERFUL AND SAFE HOLIDAY!!!!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thursday, December 22, Persuasive Presentations

Objective: By the end of class, all students will present their persuasive presentation and take notes on their peers presentations.


Write down one thing you learned from a presentation made yesterday.

reminder for your presentation....


a. Understand your audience
b. Mirror their body language
c. Be cheerful / nice / smile
d. Be sincere and trustworthy
f. Play on their emotions (just a little) - use photos that evoke emotional response
g. Show them why it wil benefit THEM
h. Understand your topic and speak enthusiastically and passionately about it. Do not speak with a monotone voice!



Review the logical appeals made from each presentation.

Exit ticket

Write down three things you learned today from presentations.


Objective: By the end of class you will demonstrate readig comprehension and learn new vocabulary through TALL TALES.


Write a paragraph using the following words correctly!!!

Flint - small piece of metal used to start fire (noun)
shanty - small, modest house on the prarie (noun)
shriek - loud, high pitched scream (verb)
pioneer - a person that is the first to do something (noun)
nibbled - took small bites (verb)

1. When you receive a laptop, go to my blog,, and click on the link below:

2. Read EVERY story and answer the comprehensive questions in notebooks.

3. Copy all of the vocabulary words that you are not sure of into your notebooks. You will be having a vocabulary quiz on 15 of these words on Friday so be sure to copy them with their definitions so you have them to study.


Review answers and vocabulary words.

Exit Pass

Write a sentence with context clues using the word "eccentric"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, Persuasive Presentaions

Objective: By the end of class, you will complete your powerpoint presentation that reflects your persuasive essay and take notes on each others' presentations.


REVIEW THE FOLLOWING LIST AND incorporate into presentation:


a. Understand your audience
b. Mirror their body language
c. Be cheerful / nice / smile
d. Be sincere and trustworthy
f. Play on their emotions (just a little) - use photos that evoke emotional response
g. Show them why it wil benefit THEM
h. Understand your topic and speak enthusiastically and passionately about it. Do not speak with a monotone voice!

 You will have until the first bell to complete presentations. If you finish early, you should practice with a peer and peer edit. Be sure that you have 6 slides that reflect your essay and you have a call to action in the end. Be prepared for questions at the end of your presentation.










Exit ticket

What is the most memorable thing you learned from a peer today?

Tuesday, December 20, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class you will demonstrate readig comprehension and learn new vocabulary through TALL TALES.


Write into notebooks...

A tall tale is an exaggerated story often used to explain something that people didn't understand. They were generated in American society during the development of the Western frontier. Tall tales were often orally told around campfires. They were told to explain natural creations such as how mountains and rivers were formed.

1. When you receive a laptop, go to my blog,, and click on the link below:

2. Read EVERY story and answer the comprehensive questions in notebooks.

3. Copy all of the vocabulary words that you are not sure of into your notebooks. You will be having a vocabulary quiz on 15 of these words on Friday so be sure to copy them with their definitions so you have them to study.


Review answers and vocabulary words.

Exit Pass

Write a short paragraph using the following words:

flint, shanty pioneer nibbled shriek

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19 - Symbolism and Allegory - periods 8 & 9

Objective: You will define symbolism and allegory, recognize them in short fiction and be able to explain the allegory in your own words.


Write the definitions of each of the following literary terms into notebooks. You can find the definitions and descriptions on pages 340 -341 holt text.:

1. Symbolism

2. Allegory


Write this down into notes:

Remember that allegories always offer a deeper message or moral lesson. You must look beyond the actual words and think about what the message is that the author is trying to convey.

1. Examples of good allegories that you may be familiar with are The Wizard of Oz (teaches lesson that there is no place like home) and Alice in Wonderland (actually a statement against the English govenment at the time).

1. Carefully read the FOLK TALE, The HAppy Man's shirt on pages 394-396 - holt text.

2. Do the test practice and the constructed response.

3. Creative Writing

You may work in groups to create a TALL TALE that delivers a message (allegory). The story must include:

a. Three exaggerations that seem ridiculous
b. Characters may be personified (give human qualities to non human things) - for example, your main characters can be animals or trees, etc that talk. Again, think of Wizard of Oz, Charlie and Chocolate factory, or simple tales such as PAul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, Dr. Seus stories, etc.
c. In the end, the main character should learn a lesson.

Have fun and be reative. You should determine the message you want to deliver BEFORE you start to create your story so you have direction.


Review with groups.

Exit Pass

Do you think allegories are a good wayto deliver a message/ Why or why not? Does it make you think more or less about the message?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of new vocabulary, plot in drama and emotional and logical appeals. Students will also learn presentation skills to prepare for prepare for persuasive presentation.


Write a paragraph using the following vocabulary words - hung jury, bigot, unanimous decision, reasonable doubt and alibi.

1. Answer the following comprehensive questions regarding Twelve Angry Men. you may use your notes and the script:

1. How does juror eight display reverse discrimination (he uses an emotional appeal)? (act 1)

2. What are three things that juror ten says that makes him a bigot (Act 3)

3. How does juror eight discredit the strongest two pieces of evidence -

a - the old man heard the boy say, I"ll kill you" and saw him leave.
b - the lady across the tracks saw the murder with her own eyes.

4. List at least logical appeals vs. emotional appeals throughout the play that you can find.


Logical appeal vs. Emotional Appeal

Old Man was slower than he said - logicsl appeal
feel sorry for boy because he was beaten by dad - emotional appeal

5. View presentation skills videos - art of persuasion - take notes

6. Return and review persuasive essays. Create notecards for presentations.


Review answers to TAM quiz

Exit pass

Name three things that you will do to make your presentation stronger.

HW - study for vocabualry quiz

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 16, Twelve Angry Men Test

Objective: By the End of class, students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Twelve Angry Men and apply new vocabulary.


Juror # 10 is a bigot (noun). What is bigot?

Juror # 5 is naive (adjective)? What does naive mean?


1. Review your ACT 1 quiz when I return it.

1. Read summary of ACT 3 and answer the following questions.

a. When they first revote, what is the result?

b. How did they all think the boy stabbed the father (overhand or underhand)?

c. Which juror shows them how a switch blade is used?

d. Why does he know how to use a switch blade?

e. Why is the lady who thinks she saw the murder no longer a good witness?

f. The jury finally makes a unanimous vote which is _______________!!

2. Twelve Angry Men Quiz - open note / open book. Choose 4 of the 6 questions and answer on a separate piece of paper.


Review Act 3 answers

Exit PAss

Do you think the jury made the right decision? Why or why not?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friday, December 16, TWELVE ANGRY MEN ACT 2 &3

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate understanding of plot and the use of emotional and logical appeals in drama and learn new vocabulary.


Juror # 10 is a bigot. What is a bigot?
Juror # 5 is naive? What does naive mean?

1. Act out the final ACT 3.

2. View juror 10's prejudice speech.

Answer Comprehensive Questions Below:

a. At the beginning of Act 3, there is a revote. What is the result?

b. What is the problem regarding the stab wound?

c. Which juror knows the most about knife fighting? Why?

d. What is the problem with the testimony of the lady that saw the crime through the window?

e. The power of persuasion is an amazing thing. Why do you think juror eight was able to be more persuasive than juror three (hint - think about his behavior and the specific things he presents).


Review answers

Exit Pass

Juror #5 was naive and 10 was a bigot. Use naive and bigot in the same sentence.

Thursday, December 15, 12 Angry Men & Persuasive letters

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate understanding of plot and the strength of persuasion by using logical and emotional appeals and develop a persuasive letter typed on neos.


What is an alibi? What is the boy's alibi in Twelve Angry men? Does the boy on trial have a good alibi? Why or why not?

1. Review ACT 1. Vote is 10-2 at end of Act 1. Juror's 8 and 9 vote not guilty. 9, the old man changed his vote.

2. View ACT 2

Why does juoror 9 feel bad for the old man that said he heard and saw the crime?

What does Juror 3 say at end of Act 2 that makes other jurors realize that their evidence might not be very strong (logical)?

3. Get a neo. Use your graphic organizers for your persuasive letters to type a letter.

It must be at least three paragraphs - 4-5 sentences each.
You must provide three strong reasons why the person you are writing to should do what you ask. Provide facts if you can.


Dear Randolph:

Some of your policies are crazy! For instance, in this day and age, to expect students not to have cell phones is asking too much. We need them to travel to and from school for safety, we use it to access information for classes and get in touch with our parents in case of emergencies.......

(then write details about each reason)


When you are done, spell check and peer edit.

exit Pass

Print and submit.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, Twelve Angry Men ACT 1 QUIZ

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate knowledge of 12 Angry Men, ACT 1 which includes new vocabulary, emotional and logical appeals and plot.


Are the following emotional or logical appeals?

1. The kid was poor and beaten by his father.

2. There are many knives like the one that stabbed the father.

3. The old man that said he heard and saw the boy could not have due to the loud train and the time it took him to get to the door.

4. The boy screamed, " I am going to kill you!"


Quizlet Plot timeline of Twelve Angry Men. Click here. Copy into notes


View ACT 1


ACT 1 handout / quiz. You may use your notes.


Review quiz answers.

exit Pass

Do you think there will be an unamimous decision or will this case result in a hung jury? Why do you think that?

Thursday, December 15, 12 Angry Men Review Act 1 & 2, Persuasive essays

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate understanding of plot of 12 Angry Men, identify emotional and logical appeals and complete your persuasive essays.


Are the following emotional or logical appeals?

1. The kid was poor and beaten by his father.

2. There are many knives like the one that stabbed the father.

3. The old man that said he heard and saw the boy could not have due to the loud train and the time it took him to get to the door.

4. The boy screamed, "I'm going to kill you!"



Review timeline of 12 Angry Men and copy into notebooks.


Take out drafts of persuasive essays. Review rubric on page 324 on holt text and answer any questions.


Type final copy of persuasive essay into neos. Ensure that you have at least two logical and one emotional appeal in each paragraph. Check against rubric. Spell check.


REview rubric again to ensure all double check work before printing.

Exit Pass

Final draft handed to me.

HW - study for twelve Angry Men quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, Twelve Angry Men / Persuasive Letter

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of drama, emotional and logical appeals, make predictions and understand the components of persuasion.


In order to be really persuasive and convince someone of something, what are some things you should do? Are logical appeals stronger than emotional ones? Why or why not?


1. Review logical and emotional appeals.

1. View short video on the art of persuasion. Take notes.


2. Think of something you feel passionate about that you want to convince others of. Then complete the persuasive word map provided. Tomorrow you will use this map to type a persuasive letter on the neos.


Review the character traits of the jurors from Twelve Angry Men.

3. Read the summary of ACT 2 from Twelve Angry Men. Answer the following questions afterwards:

a. In the second vote, what juror changes his vote to not guilty? What persuaded him to change his vote?

b. Do you think when the boy supposedly said to his father, "I am going to kill you," that he meant it?

c. Why does juror # 5 cahnge his vote?

d. What does juror three do when he gets really mad? What is the result of this outburst and what kind of effect do you think it will have on the rest of the jury (prediction)?


Review answers.

Exit Pass

If you were on this jury, at this point, do you think the boy is guilty or innocent? Why?

HW - TAM - vocabulary fill in the blanks.

Wednesday, December 14, Twelve Angry Men / Persuasive essay

Objective: By the end of class, students will identify emotional and logical appeals in drama, and how character traits affect behavior and make predictions. Students will also complete rough draft of persuasive essay.


PHRASE OF THE DAY - Define "HUNG JURY" .....THEN Make a prediction – will all jurors change their vote or will there be a HUNG JURY?


Review ACT 1.

Make predictions.

Read / ACT out ACT 2. Take notes. Identify appeals.


Answer the following comprehensive questions from ACT 2.

1. Who was the first to change his vote?

2. What evidence does juror 8 offer regarding the noisy train?
How long did it appear to take for the old man to get to the door after reinacting it??
Are these logical or emotional appeals?

3. Who is next to change his vote to not guilty?

4. Juror three gets angry an screams at juror 8. What does he say? Does he mean it? So, the boy saying this to his father becomes what kind of evidence (weak or strong)? If it is weak , is it logical or emotional?


We are seeing how important the art of persuasion is in Twelve Angry Men. Take out your rough draft of persuasive essay and continue to work on it. You may refer to rubric in text on 322-324 for additional guidance.

Use ANT in introduction
Ensure 2 logical and 1 emotional appeal in each body paragraph.
In your conclusion, mention the opposing argument but then ask the reader to TAKE ACTION TO support your idea.



Review essay components / peer edit

Exit Pass

DO the supporting details of your thesis statement directly strengthen it ?? Do the emotional and logical appeals directly support your ideas??

HW - Finish essay...ensure transitions, check spelling, grammar, complete sentences, etc. Use writing rubric provided. You will type final version tomorrow in class on neos.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tueesday, Dec. 13, Twelve Angry Men / persuasive essays

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of drama by role playing and make predictions. Students will also develop rough draft of persuasive essay using complete sentences and paragraphs.


Phrase OF THE DAY – ….The jury must have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. What do you think "reasonable doubt" means?


Review character traits of each juror on quizlet - click here

1. Read / act together - Act 1 - 12 Angry Men

2. Comprehensive questions

What does the judge advise the jury?

What does jury # 8 say?

What juror offers an emotional appeal and what is it?

What juror offers a logical appeal and what is it?

Make a prediction - which juror is the first to change their vote?

Independent practice

We are seeing how important the art of persuasion is in Twelve Angry Men. Begin writing your rough draft of your persuasive essay. Use ANT in introduction, and ensure 2 logical and 1 emotional appeal in each body paragraph.

DO the supporting details strengthen your thesis ?? Emotional and logical appeals?

Exit pass

Do you agree with your character? If not, which character to you relate to best and why

HW - develop rest of draft of persuasive essay and research opposing argument and transitons.

Monday, December 12, twelve Angry Men

Objective: By the end of class students will learn new vocabulary and make predictions about how character traits affect behavior and decision making.


WORD OF THE DAY – Unanimous – A jury must be unamimous to come to a verdict. What does unanimous mean? Do you think this it is fair to decide someone's guilt or innocence by majority or should it be unamimous?


Read the profiles of each juror from 12 Angry Men. Write down a few character traits for each juror in your notes.

Read the summary of the ACT 1.


Which one of the jurors are you most like or do you most relate to? How do you think he will vote in the end and why? (make a prediction)


When you receive a laptop, look up the following terms and information. These terms are important to understand to understand Twelve Angry Men. Write them down in your notebooks. When you complete this part, raise your hand so I can check your work.

1st Degree Murder
2nd Degree Murder
3rd Degree Murder
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Hung Jury

Then go to quizlet - click here - and match the jurors to their profiles.

Check for understanding

Check notebooks for correct information and definitions.


Review newly introduced terms.

Exit Pass

Make a prediction - Now that you have been introduced to the Twelve Angry Men and the the jurors, what do you think is going to happen?

HW - vocabulary worksheet

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday, December 12, twelve Angry Men / persuasive essay planning

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand character and character traits in new drama, make predictions and use laptops to research emotional and logical appeals to support their persuasive essay.


WORD OF THE DAY – Unanimous – A jury must be unamimous to come to a verdict. What does unanimous mean? Do you think this is fair or should it be a majority?


1. Overview of Twelve Angry Men...take notes!

2. Read description of characters and assign roles.


3. Make predictions. From what you just learned about the characters and the introduction, what do you think is going to happen in this play?


Persuasive essay development. Laptops. Continue to research topics for emotional and logical appeals. Remember, you need two logical appeals and one emotional for each supporting detail... Go back to text and check types of appeals on page Holt text for guidance. Use graphic organizers and google docs to log your information.Determine opposing argument.

Check for understanding

Check graphic organizer to ensure enough information gathered.


Review and Q & A for essay components.

Exit pass.

From the charcter trairts of who you are going to represent in TAM, how do you think he is going to vote?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9, periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills, identify symbols and how the author effectively uses them in a short story, THE GRANDFATHER.


Write a sentence using context clues for the vocabulary words on page 358, holt text (the same words you wrote down yesterday.)

1. Read The Grandfather on page 359-361

Then answer the following questions:

1.How many years pass before the avocado tree produces it's first fruit?

2. Why were trees like money? How did grandfather gain from them?

3. What do the avocado tree and Soto (the narrator and author) have in common?

4. What does the avocado tree represent (symbolize)? Who are the branches? Who is the trunk?

5. Why is the avocado tree the grandfather's favorite even though it doesn't produce harly any fruit?


Then, get a laptop and go to this site, click here, and match the symbols correctly.


Check interactive answers.

Exit Pass

Why do authors use symbols in stories and do you think they are effective?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday, December 8, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice new vocabulary, learn and identify symbols and create collages on laptops using symbols that represent you.


Vocabulary - page 358 write definitions in notebooks.

1. What is a symbol? Answer is in Holt text page 1031. Write it in your notes.

Examples - eagle represents freedom and symbol for USA
Peace - lay down your arms (during wartime)

1. List 10 symbols that represent you. For example, a heart represents love, candy can be a symbol of being sweet, a rock represents strength, etc.

2. On laptop, go to this site - click here - and study vocabulary words and do the speed matching game. Record your best time and show me.

2. On laptop, use powerpoint or other to create a collage using symbols that represent you.


exit pass

Why is an eagle symbolic of the USA? What does it represent?

How does the peace sign represent peace?

For example, a heart represents love, candy can be a symbol of being sweet, a rock represents strength, etc.

3. When complete, go to HERE -and drop it in my drop box. CODE is eng1.