Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 19, Can Animals Think?

Objective: By the end of class, SWBAT read, interpret and analyze NY times articles about animal intelligence. 


  Is man really the most intelligent animal? What are possible negative effects of technology on human communication? 

Direct Instruction

What is an ANECDOTE ? 

1a short account of a particular incident or event, especially of an interesting or amusing nature.
a short, obscure historical or biographical account.
Good essays are often begun with a short, interesting anecdote to hook the reader's attention. 

Can Animals Think  - pages - HOLT text

 Read each short article / anecdote that demonstrates animal intelligence.

Guided / Independent
Write a summary of the article on a neo.  Write 4-5 sentences and include WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY AND HOW. Remember quotes are NOT included in summaries. Do not give too much detail.  No more than 4-5 sentences.

Complete Open -Mind Portraits to be displayed.

Exit Pass



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