Friday, April 29, 2011

Monday, May 2, BENCHMARKS



TEST ID # = 78671

Answer ALL questions.

Use multiple choice strategies.  

This will count as a grade in this class so please do your very best!

You should have all questions through ACT1 SCENE 3 done in your study guide packets. please work on these questions if you finish your test early.

Romeo & Juliet Wordsearch

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday, April 29, Romeo & Juliet Act 1, Scene 2

Objective; Students will demonstrate understanding of plot of R & J and use new vocabulary.


Write a sentence for each of the following words using context clues:




1. Read / act scene 2.

2. Add onto plot structure.

3. Complete study guide questions.

4. Exit pass.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thursday, April 28, Romeo & Juliet Newspaper Article

Objective; Students will demonstrate understanding of characters and ACT 1 scene 1 by creating newspaper articles using laptops reporting "on the scene."


Add these three words to your word bank in notebooks -


2. CHASTE = virgin, forever pure

3. GRIEVEANCE = grounds for complaint

Work with a partner, get a laptop and follow directions below. I also printed directinos for you if you'd like.

Directions for Creating a Newspaper Article for Romeo & Juliet

You will write a headline newspaper article telling the local citizens about Verona current events. Remember as a reporter, you do NOT have an opinion; your article must be OBJECTIVE (do not take sides), just stating facts. Your article must contain:

1. The name of your Newspaper across the top.

2. At least one photo.

3. The article must contain at least three quotes (as if you are interviewing people about what happened. For example, if reporting about the city brawl, one quote might be – When asked who instigated the fight, Benvolio Montague said, “I tried to stop it before it started but Tybalt Capulet took the first shot.”

Topic suggestions below:

a. Report on the third civil brawl in the streets of Verona.

b. Report on the High Society page about the big upcoming Capulet party.

c. Report on the fact that Count Paris plans to ask Juliet to marry him.

d. Report on the recent missing whereabouts of Romeo Montague. Where has he been and what has he been doing?

Please double check spelling, grammar and your facts. Your article should be clear, concise and easily understood.

You may want to google the summary of ACT 1 SCENE 1 and/or character traits of whom you are writing about in order to get started. Remember, you are a news reporter! Get excited about reporting BREAKING NEWS!

The top three articles will have the opportunity to present to the class for extra credit next week. I will determine the top three after reading/ grading them.

If you are chosen to present, you will report to class. In your report, you may want to begin with….”This just in….” or “Breaking News…” or “Hi, I’m so n so reporting live from the streets of Verona,” etc…….

Have fun, be creative and give me some great, interesting stories to read!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, Romeo & Juliet

Objective: Students will  show comprehension of plot of Romeo & Juliet and increase vocabulary.


1. Copy words and definitions from soft holt reader - page 313 into notebooks.

2. Quick review of plot.

1. Study guide questions - prologue and act 1. Review.

3. read / act scene 2.

4. Add new words onto "word wall."

5. View through Capulet party.

HW study guide questions for Act 1 scene 2.

HW - study guide questions for scene 2. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, Romeo & Juliet

Objective; Students will learn new vocabulary and show comprehension of the plot of Romeo and Juliet. Students will also begin to recognize Shakespearean humor.

Write the following archaic words and definitions into your notebooks:
Bite my thumb - insulting gesture

Whence - from where

Hither - here

Wherefore - why?

Maidenhead - virginity

Star-crossed - doomed by fate

Anon - right away

Rapier  - sword

Foreswear - go back on your word

Lammastide - August 1 festival

2.  Review Study guide questions to date.

3. Finish Scene 1.

4. Find quotes in Prologue and Act 1 as per directions in handout.

5.  Famous quotes from prol0gue and scene 1.

6. Write quotes and new vocabulary on wall word sheets. 

HW - Finish questions.  Identify new vocabulary words that should make "the wall."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday, April 25, Romeo & Juliet

Objective: Students will demonstrate ability to use new vocabulary, literary terms, begin to develop plot structure for Romeo and Juliet and practice reading / acting.


1. Write the following archaic words and definitions in notebooks:

Bite my thumb - insulting gesture

Whence - from where

Hither - here

Wherefore - why?

Maidenhead - virginity

Star-crossed - doomed by fate

Anon - right away

Rapier  - sword

Foreswear - go back on your word

Lammastide - August 1 festival

2. Review literary terms and language. read page 783 together.

3. review families on board. Start plot structure.

4. Read prologue and act beginning of ACT 1 / Scene 1. Identify any new vocabulary. Create wall words for them.

5. In groups, Anwser study guide questions.

6. Add onto plot structure.

HW - Finish study guide questions through scene 1.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Friday, April 15, R & J Anticipation Guides and Family Trees

Objective: students will demonstrate understanding of Drama literary terms and background of Shakespeare's life and times. Students will demonstrate understanding of background of Romeo and Juliet.


Quick review

1. Quiz.

2. Read page - 784 in Holt text. 

3. Romeo & Juliet Anticipation guides.

4. View first two scenes of Romeo and Juliet - modern version.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thursday, April 14, Background to R & J

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of Shakespearean language and style. Students will demonstrate knowledge of grammar rules.


1. Grammar Worksheet

3. Review new literary terms.

3. Read pages 781-782 - Holt text. How to read Shakespeare. Take notes.

4. Romeo and Juliet background page - 784. Answer questions at end on seperat piece of paper.

5. Review what will be on Shakespeare / drama test on Friday.

6. Crossword Puzzle review  and/or family trees.

6. Exit pass.

HW - Study for Quiz

Wednesday, April 13, Shakespeare

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of Shakespearean language and style. Students will demonstrate knowledge of grammar rules.


1. Grammar Worksheet

2. Review HW / worksheet started in class yesterday.

3. Review new literary terms.

3. Create wordles using only Shakespearean language.  you may use quotes or words that you can find from  handouts, the textbook, and or websites. Your wordle should have at least 20 words.

5. Use text to solve Shakespeare Crossword puzzle (pages identified on worksheet to find answers).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, Introduction to Drama and Shakespeare

Objective: Students will be introduced to drama and shakespeare and demonstrate understanding of new literary terms.


Grammar worksheet.

6. Read together pages 752 - 754. Takes notes on new terms.

7. Shakespeare's language cards and insults.

8.. Read 776 - 778 on own. Fill in blanks on worksheet provided as you read.

HW - Shakespeare Crossword puzzle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Monday, April 11, DIAMANTE POEMS

Objective: Students will create original cause / effect diamante poems.


Identify cause / effect of each of the following statements:

1. I passed the course because I studied hard.

2. Since it was raining, I brought an umvrella.

3. i woke up late, therefore I asked for a ride to school.

4. The sun is shining and I got really tan.

5. The ocean is salty which made my eyes burn.

6. Directions for Diamante Poems. Review together and read examples together.

7. Handout rubric and review together.

8. Write two original cause / effect diamante poems. Check them against the rubric. Show me. If approved, write neatly on clean paper provided. Use colored pencils and markers. Make paper a diamond shape. You may design and illustrate around the diamond shaped poem .

9. Hang your poems on the wall!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday, April 8, Vocabulary, Allegory and Tall Tale Presentations

Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of allegory. Students will be assessed on creative writing creative imagery and presentation skills through tall tale presentations.

1. Pick three vocabulary words from page 364 and use them in a creative paragraph to be turned in.

2. Read together - "A Happy Man's Shirt, " pages 394-395.  Answer questions 1-11 on a separate piece of paper including the constructed response.

3. Tall tale presentations. 

4. Introduce cause / effect Diamante poems.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Objective:Students will demonstrate understanding of allegory and complete creative illustrated writing projects.


1. The Golden Kite / Silver Key chain of events appears silly, however it is an allegory for something deeper. In a minimum of five sentences, explain the allegory of Ray Bradbury's Golden Kite / Silver Key. What do the very last changes represent?  

2. How does Ray Bradbury think about  technology and science will affect the future? What should we do instead?

3. When you complete your quiz, you will receive a laptop. 

Complete tall tale if you have not done so. All  presentations will take place on Friday (tomorrow). When complete....

Choose a theme and create a wordle with words that symbolize that theme.  You may also create a mosaic collage to accompany it.

Example: Theme = Freedom
Wordle words could include = american flag, peace, civil war, statue of liberty, 4th of july, liberty bell, etc.....
Mosaic collage should mimic the wordle.

HW - Study for vocabulary quiz.

Wednesday, April 6, Tall tale presentations, Allegory, Symbolism

Objective: Students learn new vocabulary and demonstrate understanding of allegory. Students will also identify symbols and what they represent. 

1. Vocabulary - put definitions of second five words on page 364 in notesbooks.

2.  Reread last page of Golden Kite/ Silver Key together, pages 369. 

3. Read cold war handout together.

4. COMPREHENSIVE QUESTIONS HANDOUT on Golden Kite / Silver Wind. To be collected AND GRADED. 

5. Vocabulary handout.

HW - complete handout.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, the Golden Kite and the Silver Wind

Objective: Students will learn new vocabulary and identify symbolism and cause /effect in short allegorical story.

Vocbulary = first five words page 364. Definitions in notebooks.  Sentences to be collected.
1. Introduction to Golden Kite / Silver wind page 364.

2.  Students read on own.  

3.  Each city continues to change the shape of the city - combined, they change 15 times! 
USE THE HANDOUT  to fill in the causes and effects and tell me WHY each city creates the shape it does as shown in the example.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Monday, April 4, cause / effect, Symbolism and allegory

Objective: Students will demonstrate ability to use cause/effect in original writing.  Students will demondtrate understanding of symbolism and allegory and create original work.


Cause / effect worksheet.

2. Write cause effect paragraph according to directions.

3. Complete Sound of Thunder.  Answer comprehensive questions.

4. read introduction to symbolism and allegory.  Write definitions in notes. Page 340-341 - holt text.

5.  Read Bradbury biography on page 371 - write down ten facts about him im notes.

5.  Word creation worksheet. 

6.  Review and exit pass.

HW creative writing prompt (cause / effect).