Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday. December 23, Presentations, discussion review

Objective: Review poetic devices to date and give examples of each. Complete presentations.

Warm -Up

Personify snow. Write at least three -five sentences giving snow human qualities.

2. Review all devices to date and ensure definitions and examples for each are in notebook. Notebook check.

3. Presentations and discussion.

Have A wonderful holiday. See you next year.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wednesday, Dec 22, Personification, Metaphors and Wordle / presentations

Objective: Review personification and metaphors by practicing on handouts. Use laptop to create a wordle that matches your imagery collage. Continue presentations.


1. Personification worksheet.

2. Life Ain't no Crystal Stair - metaphor.

3. Presentations.

4. Wordle on laptops. save and share with me. These will accompany your imagery collages and be displayed after the holiday.


1. Go to
2. Click on create. Add words that describe you. If you wan t a word to be bigger than another, type it mANY TIMES.
3. Use imagery words that describe yourself. Use words that you used last week to creat the collage of yourself. Also, add more descriptive words. The worddle should be able to be matched to your collage. I am going to put them up in hallway ...collages on one side and words on other...then try to match.
4. HIT "GO" when you are done. Then play with color, font, etc.
5. To sve, go to print on bottom. Then save as a PDF on desktop.
6. Send to me via gmail.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Monday, Dec20, 2010, Personification, Repitition, Aliliteration

Objective: Define poetic devices and learn how to identify them in poetry. Then practice using them yourself. Finally we will finish class with 4 presentations.


1. Use Holt text to define personification and repetition and give examples of each. Write in NOtEBOOK.

2. Personification handout.

3. The Carpenter and the Walrus by Lewis Carroll. Read together and identify poetic devices.


HW Read seven ages of man in holt text page 444 - what is the metaphor? We will be working with this poem tomorrow in class.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday, Dec 17, Poetry Test and Presentations

Objective: Assess your knowledge of symbolism and imagery. Several students to then present persuasive projects.

Warm -Up

Quick review of poetic devices. Check your notebooks!

1. Test. After you complete questions #1 and #2, you will receive a laptop. For # 3, you have an option. You can follow direction as is and create th imagery for yourself, or you can use Lucy in the Sky w Diamonds instead. If you choose to use the song instead of yourself, i will give you the lyrics to use as a guide.

2. Presentations

a. Nickson
b. Brian
c. Chaya

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thurs. Dec. 16, Imagery, Symbolism, Alliteration

Objective: Continue to review and practice identifying imagery, alliteration and symbolism. Practice using them. three persuasive presentations....

Warm - Up

1. Take out poetry packets and continue working on them. We will review portions of it before end of class as a study guide for test tomorrow.

2. For periods 1-2, the Blessing - soft holt reader - pages 201-204

3. For periods 3-4, 8-9, The sacred mooring - p 206-210

3. Presentations.

HW study for test....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wed, Dec 15, Alliteration, Metaphors, Imagery and Symbolism

Objective: Analyze the use of literary devices, identify them in various poems and understand their affects on the reader. Learn how to use each in your own words.


1. Write in your notebooks the definition of symbolism and give three examples of common symbols that you know.

1. Imagery - Soft Holt Reader - the blessing - pages 201-204 - Imagery!

2. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Listen, read lyrics and read analysis

4. Begin Poetry packet. Complete metaphors and alliteration.

HW - study for test on Friday - will include imagery, alliteration, similes, metaphors and symbolism.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tuesday, Dec 24, Imagery, Alliteration and Power Point presentations

Objective: Today, we will continue with imagery and introduce alliteration as a poetic device. Then , you will HAVE TIME TO COMPLETE YOUR POWER POINT presentations and practice with a partner. We will draw numbers to decide order of presenters.


(turn in Homework for periods 1-2 and 8-9...)

1. What is alliteration? Use holt text to find definition (in back of book - purple section) and write in notebook. Also find definition for imagery. then write a sentence giving an example of each.

2. For period 1-2 - tatayana's presentation. Then you will receive laptops to continue your work. I will provide you with note cards for your presentations upon request.

3. Fro period 3-4 - Complete "How to Eat a Guava" handout. Turn in - then you will receive laptops.

HW - Freedom Writers poem (handout). Also, write five original tongue twisters using the handout for examples. (alliteration).

Friday, December 10, 2010

Monday, Dec. 13, Using Imagery

Objective: Today, we will introduce literary devices that enhance writing and poetry. We will begin with imagery, define it, read a piece of literature that uses it, identify it and then use it ourselves.


Describe your favorite ice cream using all five senses: sight, taste, feel, sound, smell... you must be creative in your thought process to be able to do this. Don't tell me that ice cream doesn't smell!!! Think of the time of year, where you are eating it, if its in a cone or bowl, etc....

1. Read intro to How to eat a Guava - page - 543 - holt textbook

2. Write vocabulary words that are unfamiliar to you in notebook.

3. Read story together.

4. In notes, compare a ripe guava to an unripe one as she does in first few paragraphs. Use ALL five senses.

5. Do Do handout for How to Eat a guava. Use book if needed.

HW. Freedom Writer poem - get handout!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Friday, Dec 10, Integrity / Self Eulogy

Objective: Examine lives, define integrity and write self eulogies. How would you like to be remembered? Think about your life to date, where you are headed and how you are going to get there. Answer questions provided and ultimately write your own ideal eulogy.

1. Warm -Up

In your notes, answer the following: If Atkinson does in fact, kill James (in August Heat), what would be said about james at his funeral? Do you think that if James could watch his own funeral, and see what people said about him, that he would be happy?

2. Integrity handout and answer questions.

3. Write your own eulogy as per instructions.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thursday, Dec 9, Power Point Presentations

Objective: Continue to work on power point presentations for your persuasive speeches. Please remember to use google docs and share with me. Also, refer to guidelines already distributed.


Review rubric for presentation.

Get a laptop and continue to work!

HW - Study for August Heat test on Friday. Vocabulary will be included.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wednesdy, December 8, August Heat, Grammar

Objective: Today, you will finish analyzing August Heat and make connections throughout the story. Now that you have read it, can you find any examples of foreshadowing? What clues help you make predictions? We will then use the smartboard for interactive grammar practices.


Take out homework - vocabulary sentences.

Write the conclusion of the story in a well organized paragraph. What happens next? Finally tell me why you think that.

1. Complete all questions on 161-163 in soft holt reader and do sidebars for August Heat.

2. Share ideas / predictions about August Heat.

3. Interactive grammar - teams.

HW Grammar wroksheet- dont leave class without it!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesaday, Dec 7, August Heat, Ambiguity, Predictions

Objective: Identify and explain the use of ambiguity in literature. Make predictions and draw conclusions. introduce short story - August Heat.


1.What is ambiguity? What do ambiguous stories force you to do? (why does Ms. Reina like to read them?)

2. Read intro to August Heat soft holt reader - page 152

3. Write Vocab words in notebooks. Do bottom of 163 fro practice.

4. read, anaylze, interpret August Heat.

5. Do pages 161-162 in soft holt reader.

HW - sentences for vocabulary words

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Monday, Dec 6, Begin to Prepare Powerpoint Presentations

the art of persuasion and guidelines to transform your persuasive essay into a power point presentation.


1. Read Art of persuasion and write down five bullet points in your notes that you think are most important.

2. Read and review together the guidelines for the presentation.

3. Log on to google docs together. I will walk you through how to set up power point on google docs. You MUST do your presentation on google docs because you will NOT have these laptops when it is presentation time!!!!

4. Find photos, quotes, etc for a minimum of six frames to present. Tomorrow you will use notecards to help outline information that you can refer to during presentation.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday, Dec. 3, Gift of The Magi Test / The Art of Persuasion

Objective: Assess knowledge of Gift of the Magi, identifying theme, situational irony, plot, vocabulary, etc. Then we will discuss and review the Art of Persuasion and prepare to create presentations for your persuasive essays.

Warm- Up

Quick review

1. Gift of the Magi Test

2. Read / review The Art of Persuasion and guidelines for persuasive presentation.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thursday, Dec 2, Gift of the Magi

Objective: Analyze Gift of the Magi. Identify theme. Create plot structure. Define character traits. Identify the motif of "three." How many sets of threes can you find?

Warm - Up

1. Complete ALL QUESTIONS in soft holt reader on pages 150-151.

2. Complete side bars for Gift of MAgi and as you are doing so, identify as many sets of "3" as you can find. Why are things in threes in this story?

3. Apply character traits to Della and Jim. Cite physical traits as well as those inferred through actions and conversations.

4. create a plot structure for Gift of the Magi.

5. Review last five vocabulary words. They will be included on test tomorrow.

HW - study for test friday.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, Dec1, Persuasive Essays Due!

Objective: Today you will put the finishing touches on your persuasive essays and share with me on google docs.

1. Before you submit your final copy, please do the following:

a. check to see if you have enough facts to back up your thesis.

b. make sure you have six paragraphs as defined by the outline provided.

c. check the rubric against your own work.

d. peer edit - let someone else read your essay before me - let them try to find mistakes so you can correct them.

e. make sure you cite all of your references (at least three). make sure your quotes from your sources are in quotation marks so it is clear that you re not plagerizing!

f. share with me on google docs.

i hope to read some GREAT papers!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tuesday, Nov. 30, Gift of The magi

Objective: Quiz on O Hnery's life and vocabulary words. Review the diction that O Henry uses and identify why he uses such speech. Make predictions. What do you think is going to happen? Identify irony. What is the theme?

1. Warm-Up

Quick study for quiz. Questions will be on o Henry's life and the first five vocabulary words from Gift of the Magi.


3. Read Magi handout. What were the greatest gifts the Magi really gave to the infant Jesus? Keeping this in mind, why is the number three repeated so many times in the story?
HW - Be prepared to complete persuasive essay on wednesday. Be sure you site at least three sources in your essay. be sure to check types of appeals that you used and that you addressed the opposing argument. Remember you can also go back and use the sample essay in the text as a check for format. Also, use the rubric provided!

Monday, November 29, Gift of the Magi

Objective: Tody, we will discuss giving and receiving, traditions and themes. We will continue to develop vocabulary and begin The Gift of The Magi by O'Henry. Then we will brain storm holiday traditions for our class.

Warm - Up

Constructed response in Notebook

What was the greatest gift you have ever given? Received? Is it better to give or receive and why do you think that?

1. Read pge 293 in Holt text - O'Henry Bio - write down ten facts about him in your notebook.

2. Vocabulary - page 286 - First five - sentences and definitions in notes.

3. Holt soft reader - begin together - Gift of the Magi page 142 thru page 145

4. Side bar questions to 145

5. Discuss family traditions - suggestions for class traditions?

HW - finish vocabulary - sentences and definitions - quiz on O Henry and first five words on tuesday

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 24, Twelve Angry Men Quiz, Persuasive Essays

Objective: Today you will have a short assessment of you r knowledge of Twelve Angry Men. Then, you will continue to work on your persuasive essay on laptops, saving and sharing on google docs. be sure to peer edit and check your work against the rubric and guidelines previously distributed.

Warm - Up

Q & A and study - 5 minutes.

1. Twelve Angry Men Quiz

EXTRA CREDIT - There are 6 rounds of voting. Tell me how the vote went in each round. Who was the first juror to say, " Not guilty" and who was the last to say , "not guilty?"

3. Persuasive essay.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Tuesday, Nov. 23, Twelve Angry Men Review and View

Objective: Today, we will review the plot of Twelve Angry men, the character traits of the jurors, and emotional and logical appeals. We will review the questions on the handouts and then finally view the rest of the film for reinforcement. Your quiz will be Tomorrow - Wednesday.


Who is the last person to change his vote from guilty to not guilty? Why was he so reluctant to change his vote?

1. Review handout questions.

2. Review character traits.

3. Review plot structure.

4. Review logical and emotional appeals.

5. View Acts 2 & 3 of film.

HW - study for quiz. Continue any research necessary for your persuasive essays ( you will have laptops tomorrow).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Friday, November19, Vocabulary Quiz, Persuasive Essay

Objective: Today, you will take a vocabulary quiz that uses words from Twelve Angry Men. Then you will continue to work on your persuasive essays on the laptops. Be sure to save in google docs and share with me and one other student so you may peer edit.

Warm -Up

Study words for quiz.

1. Vocabulary Quiz

2. Continue to work on your essay... Be sure to refer to the handouts I have given you to ensure that you are including all necessary components to create a strong argument.

3. Peer Edit. Check each other's work! What are you missing? How can you improve?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

thursday, Nov 18, Twelve Angry Men

Objective: Objective: Review ACT 2 and 3 (to date) of Twelve Angry Men. Identify logical and emotional appeals. Discuss the ART OF PERSUASION. Continue to read / act and finish play. Analyze reasons for outcome. Complete questions for ACT 3.


Name three major logical appeals that the majority of the jury claimed made the boy guilty. Now tell me how juror # 8 weakened these appeals to create reasonable doubt.

1. Complete answers from Twelve Angry Men handout and turn n for a grade.

2. Complete viewing Act 2 and 3.

3. Discuss / analyze identify appeals and results.

4. Summerize each act in clear concise paragraphs (so you'll write three paragrapghs)..

Study vocabulary from twelve Angry Men for quiz on Friday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010 Twelve Angry Men

Objective: Review ACT 2 and 3 (to date) of Twelve Angry Men. Identify logical and emotional appeals. Discuss the ART OF PERSUASION. Continue to read / act and finish play. Analyze reasons for outcome. Complete questions for ACT 3.


Why and how is juror # 8 so convincing (persuasive)?

1. review answers from twelve Angry Men handout to date.

2. Read / act. Resume jury table and complete.

3. Discuss / analyze identify appeals and results.

4. Finish questions and review.

5. If time, view.

HW - Summerize each act in clear concise paragraphs (so you'll write three paragrapghs)..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuesday, Novembr 16, 2010, Persuasive essay writing, grammar

Objective: Today, you will continue to research sources for your persuasive essays. Write an outline on paper and SITE YOUR SOURCES prior to continuing to type essay into google docs and share with me. Use the handouts I have given you for direction and the instruction from text on pages 320-323 (i photocopied these pages for your convenience).


Grammar - Run-on Sentences handout

1. Outline essay and site sources. Use outline handout as guide.

2. Research and type.

3. Proofread and peer edit. What are you missing? Is your argument strong? Do you have enough logical appeals? Did you start with an anecdote? Do you address an opposing argument?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday, Nov 15, Persuasive essay practice, ACT 3, Twelve Angry Men

Objective: Today, we will review rules and format of writing a persuasive essay and read an example together to interpret, analyze and evaluate. You may use the format of this sample for your own essay. Then we will review ACT 2 questions from Twelve Angry Men and begin to read ACT 3.

Warm - Up
Vocabulary from Act 3. Define and write sentances for the three following words:

NOTIFY TENEMENT HESITANT (are they verbs, adj, or nouns)

1. Turn to page 320 of holt text - Read together pages 320-323-. Take notes.

2. Read sample persuasive essay on page 323-324. Analyze and evaluate. Identify logical and emotional appeals and opposing argument. Find thesis and analyze conclusion.

3. Review questions and answers from ACT 2 from TAM handout. Summarize to date.

4. Resume places around jury deliberation table. Read and act out Act 3.

HW - Act 3 questions.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friday, November 12, Twelve Angry Men

Objective: Review Act 2 to date. Answer questions on handout and review vocabulary. Continue to read / act ACT 2. Identify both logical and emotional appeals as we read. Finally, we will view the first two acts on DVD.


Write sentences for FOUR of the following SEVEN vocabulary words that you already defined:


1. Answer questions from ACT 2 on handout.

2. Resume positions around jury deliberation table to continue to read/act out the rest of ACT 2..

3. View acts 1&2. Take notes.

4. Identify emotional and logical arguments. Relate to your own "art of persuasion."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday, Nov 10, Twelve Angry Men, Persuasive Essay

Objective: Today, we will review Act 1 to page 22, learn new vocabulary and complete acting out Act 1. You will then continue to work on your persuasive essays, doing research on the internet and typing the opening paragraph into google docs.


Use dictionary to define the following three words:

Unanimous / Alibi / Premeditated – can you use each in a sentence?

1. Complete Handout by using the book, Twelve Angry Men, to find answers. We will review together.

2. Gather around our “jury deliberation table” to act out ACT 1 / PAGE 22-25

3. WHAT JUROR DO YOU THINK CHANGED HIS MIND????? WHY DO YOU THINK THAT???? (look at their character traits and opinions thus far)

4. Persuasive essay writing. When you receive your laptop, continue to research your topic to strengthen your thesis statement and gather information that will support your position.

5. Write your opening paragraph starting with an anecdote. Remember an anecdote is a brief story used to capture the readers' attention. If I approved your anecdote in class, you may use that one. If not, create one or find one in your research.


Wrap - Up

Make the connections....Defense of the Jury / Twelve Angry Men / Persuasive essay.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Tuesday, Nov. 9, Persuasive Essay Outline, Twelve Angry Men

Objective: Today, we will review vocabulary from TAM and summerize ACT 1 and review the character traits of the jurors. then, you will write your thesis and an anecdote for your introduction for your persuasive essay. If you did this yesterday, we will begin outlining the body paragraphs


What are some of juror eight's reasons for his uncertainty about the defendants guilt?

2. Write down plot and setting in notes.

3. Answer the following questions in your notes:

a. Pick your three favorite jurors. Describe them and tell me why they are your favorite.

C. What are some of the logical appeals in this case? list at least three.

d. What is an emotional appeal in this case? Who presents it?

e. Which juror do you think voted not guilty at the end of ACT 1?

f. The POWER of PERSUASION.....juror eight got someone to change their mind about the guilt of the boy. How? What was his most influential argument?

3. Persuasive essay.....either working on outline or anecdote with thesis. I will assist you in this process.

HW - Complete outline for persuasive essay.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Monday, Nov. 7, Introduction to Drama, Writing Process for Persuasive essay

Objective: Today, we will introduce elements of Drama. We will familiarize ourselves with all components and then read the introduction to Twelve Angry Men together. We will review characters and their traits. We will then shift gears and focus on our essay planning and outlining for our persuasive essay.


1. Write down your thesis statement for your persuasive essay. Think of an anecdote that you may use to introduce your essay. remember an anecdote is brief story that captures the readers attention.

1. Intro to Drama. Turn to page 751 of holt text. Read together pages 752-753 and take notes. Write definitions of all dramatic elements as we review them.

3. Distribute Twelve Angry Men. Read introduction together.

4. Write down character traits of all characters listed on pages 4-5 of TAM. Establish plot and setting. Write in notes.

5. Write Down vocabulary words on board.


These are your vocab words so far. HOMEWORK = definitions and sentences!!

6. Assign parts. Create setting. Begin reading Act 1.

7. Summarize Act 1 in notes.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday, Nov. 5, Justice Systems, persuasive essay research

Objective: Today, you will have the opportunity to redo the Defense of the Jury System quiz. You will begin research for your persuasive essay topic.


1. take out homework and share with table. Did anyone choose same topic? review and discuss.

2. I will collect homework and approve topics.

3. We will review note taking strategies and those that want to redo quiz, may.

4.. Research your topic for your persuasive essay. Remember, you need a lot of evidence (facts, statistics, surveys, etc) to back up your claim. Find information, write down websites, sources, quotes, etc. that you may use in your essay. DO NOT USE WILKEPEDIA as a source!!!

5. The justice system of another country compared to the US system of trial by jury will be extra credit if you choose to complete the asssignment. You may turn this in on Monday.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 4, Defense of the Jury QUIZ, Persuasive Essay GuidelinesThe Road Not Taken

Objective: Test your knowledge of the jury system and what you learned regarding author's claim, emotional and logical appeals, opposing arguments and vocabulary used in the article, Defense of the Jury. We will then review steps to writing a persuasive essay. Finally, we will read A Road Not Taken and determine its relevence in the unit.


Pencils out. Textbooks out. Notebooks away.

You have 15 minutes to review and take notes on Defense of the Jury. Use the paper I give you. I am going to allow you to use these notes during the quiz. I will collect these notes with the quiz.


2. Review steps to writing a great persuasive essay (power point).

3. Give out essay topics. Review nd discuss.

4. the Road not Taken - page holt text.

HW - review persuasive essay topic list. Research some of the topics you are interested in and choose two. Write a paragraph with your "claim" and why you want to write about this topic. What do you want to persuade your readers to do by writing about this topic?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, Defense of the Jury, Subject verb agreement

Objective: Read, analyze and interpret Defense of the Jury. Identify emotional and logical appeals. Identify the opposing argument. Practice subject verb agreement and review vocabulary.


1.Complete subject/verb agreement worksheet. Remember, singular subject = singular verb. Plural subject = plural verb. Subject cannot be contained in a phrase.

2. Read together - Defense of the Jury pages 310-311 hotl text

3. Identify emotional and logical appeals as we read.

4. Identify opposing argument.

5. Complete reading check and practice tests on 312-313.

6. Review vocbulary.

HW - Study for quiz on Thursday.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday, Nov. 1, Analyze justice systems, introduce informational text, persuasive writing

Objective:Introduce types of appeal that affect informationa and persuasive text. Discuss types of justice and research different kinds to compare and contrast. Preactice identifying different kinds of appeals.

warm up -

grammar - page 307 - holt reader

1. Introduction to defense of the jury - pages 308 - 309

2. Take notes for logical vs. emotional appeals and other devices used in persuasive writing.

3. Appeals handout.

4. How is justice best determined? Think of our own justice system, the king's from Lady or the tiger and other countries. Who should be allowed to determine someone else's guilt or innocence and why?

WORK IN PAIRS - Use laptops to research two different types of justice systems in the world today. For example, describe the justice system in the USA today then determine how justice is decided in another country. Take notes from your research and write down the websites from which you obtained your information. Then compare and decide which is more effective and why. Do the compare/ contrast on google docs and share with me.

HW - Defense of Jury vocabulary - definitions and sentences in notes.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friday, October 29, Finish Benchmarks, Lady or tiger Packet, Sequel

Objective: Today, you will finish your benchmark if you did not do so yesterday. We will then wrap up our analyzation of Lady or the tiger and discuss alternate endings from various points of view.

Collages to be collected / Notebooks and study packets out


How is justice best determined? Think of our own justice system, the king's from Lady or the tiger and other countries. Who should be allowed to determine someone else's guilt or innocence and why?

1. Complete study packets.

2. Write 3 different paragraphs with different endings for Lady or the Tiger. The first should be written from the boyfriend's point of view, the second from the princess's, and then, for the third different ending, write it from either the maiden or the tiger's point of view.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday, October 28, BENCHMARKS!

Take your time and do your very best on this bench mark test.

Read the directions for each section carefully!

Read the questions prior to reading the story.

You may write on the test booklet so circle, highlight and make little notes as you read.

Remember to use multiple choice strategies. Eliminate two, then choose the BEST answer.

Remember your prefixes!! Use them to help you figure out the meaning of words.

Take your time and check your work. You will have time tomorrow as well if needed.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

wed, Oct 27, Finish Lady or tiger, Short nd Long term goals, Essay check

Objective: today, you continue to work on your Lady or Tiger? packets and write a short sequel to the story. With laptops, you will enter information into studentnet as per Ms. Freeland's instructions. Finally, you will view your essays and review comments and have option to improve for better grade.

Warm -up

Hand in homework - edit handout

Decide if you chose the Lady or the Tiger. Then, respond to this quote by Frank Stockton:

"If you decide which it was, the lady or the tiger, you find out what kind of person you are yourself."

2. Continue to work on packets.

3. Ms. Freeland will assist you with studentnet.

4. Get onto google docs and look at essays and comments. Decide if you'd like to do try to improve your grade by making improvements. If so, you have until Friday to submit a rewrite.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday, Oct. 26, Lady or the Tiger?

Objective: Continue to read and analyze Lady or the Tiger? and the role ambiguity plays in this work of fiction.List character traits of the King, the princess and the boyfriend. Answer study guide questions in groups. Each student to submit their own study guide.

Warm - Up

Editing Handout / also take out HW (vocab to review)

1. Review vocabulary and collect edit handout.

2. Read Lady or the Tiger? Jot down character traits of king, daughter and boyfriend as you read.

3. Handout study guide questions. Begin study guide questions.Answer each question in detail with references from the story. Answer in complete sentences and have evidience for each answer.

HW - collage and complete editing handout

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday, October 25, Ambiguity, Irony, Lady or the Tiger

Objective: Review grammar rules. Today, we will add ambiguity to our literary term definitions. We will see how ambiguity is incorporated into a story witb irony and how it affects the readers' interpretation. We will continue to increase vocabulary and analyze character traits to determine motive.


Edit the following paragraph:

i was walking down the stret wen a ugly Dog come running at I. he is so big he make me scared. help! i screemed but noone come to help me.what does me me do? i thought anxiously. then, the big dog leaped at me. i thought i is going to die. but he just lick my face and rolled over on his back. so i rub his belly and i knew he didnt want to never hurt no one.

1. Read intro to ambiguity, irony, Lady or the Tiger? Holt textbook - page 297

2. Vocabulary v- definitions in notebooks - page 297 - holt text. Also do quick write on same page.

3. What is justice? Discuss justice system of olden days compared to now. Who has the right to implement and determine justice?

4. Begin to listen to and read lady or the Tiger? Who is the king? Why does he beleive his justice system is fair? Identify verbal irony as wev read.

HW - vocabualy sentences - also begin collage that is due friday - directions handed out and on friday's blog.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Friday, Oct 22, Informative Essay and Accompanying Project

Objective: Complete informative essay on google docs and share with me. Follow directions for accompanying project (below) and start to plan. Project is due next friday, October 29.



2. Take out notebooks and soft holt readers to be checked.

3. LAPTOPS distributed for essay writing to be completed by end of class. Be sure to follow directions and guidelines very carefully. Be sure to use transitions and proper grammar. Spell check and double space! Check rubric!

4. If essay complete, review guidelines below to complete collage to accompany your essay. THE BEST DISPLAYS WILL BE EXHIBITED IN HALLWAY.

Directions for Collage to Accompany Informative Essay (Three Major Influences…)

1. This project is to be DONE AT HOME due Friday, October 29.

2. You have an option to do it on the computer or by hand. Either way, the following components must be included in your collage.

a. Representation of the three influences that you used in your essay. You may use photos or images that represent the influences.
b. Representation of at least three of the character traits that you attributed to yourself. These images can be literal and/or symbolic. For example, you can use a rock to symbolize strength, or and image of Hercules, or a photo of you flexing (better look good though!).
c. You must have a minimum of 15 different images in your collage. You may use only five photographs. The rest must be images.
d. Set a tone with your collage.. For example, if you are a happy person, make it bright, colorful and energetic. If you feel quieter and more reserved, reflect that in the colors and images that you use.
e. Your collage should have a headline.
f. It must be neat, easy to read/ follow and be a clear representation of you.
g. It must reflect the components in your essay.

3. The best projects will be displayed in the hallway... They will be graded out of 100 points according to the above criteria. DUE FRIDAY< OCTOBER 29!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursday, October 21 Transitions, Essay Review, Themes Across Genres

Objective: Review essay format and thesis to ensure you are all on the right track! Practice transitions for purpose of improving your essay writing. View Sniper. Listen to Einstein's interview about war (nonficton / genre). Analyze and compare / contrast the Sniper's view on war, the soldier from Hanoi, Einstein's view and finally your view. Understand how different genres can have universal themes.

warm- Up

Transition handout

1. Transitions on smartboard

2. Handout Outline for essay to accompany the sample already distributed. Review together.

3. View Sniper. Review and briefly review thoughts of Hanoi.

4. On a separate piece of paper, compare and contrast the Sniper to the soldier in thoughts of Hanoi. How are they alike? How are they different? What do each of them think/feel about the civil wars in their countries? Please give as many details as possible. Remember to go back and look at traits and circumstances as you answer this question.

5. "ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR" - do you agree or disagree with this cliche? Why or why not? explain your answer in three to five sentences.

6. Listen to Einstein's view of war. Could we ever eradicate (get rid of) war completely on this earth?

HW - Continue to work on essay. Gather magazines for project. Project directions (project to accompany essay) will be distributed on Friday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wd, Oct 20, thoughts f Hanoi, vocabulary, literacy program intro

Objective: Today, you will compare and contrast thoughts of Hanoi to Sniper. Identify the themes of each. Same theme different genres? How does the genre affect the message? Continue to work on vocabulary for short stories. Finally, we will review in detail the literacy program and how it can help you!

Warm - Up

Vocabulary - soft holt reader page 120

1. Review both Sniper and Thoughts. Do pages 118 and 119 in soft holt reader.

2. Review literacy program and distribute books if requested.

HW - Continue to work on essay that was started in class on Tuesday. Final copies due end of class on Friday (most of you will have access computers in class on Friday)

Tuesday, October 19, Sniper, Thoughts, and Essay Writing

objective: Today, we will read and analyze themes across different genres. We will read and analyze Sniper, a work of fiction, and then Thoughts of Hanoi, a poem addressing the same topic. We will then review the outline for writing an informative essay.

Warm up

In notebook, write down the setting for Sniper. Write at least 5 character traits of the republican sniper. What person is Sniper written in? What motivates each sniper? Describe in literary terms, how this story ends.

2. Finish Sniper. Do sidebars.

3. read Hanoi poem and do exercises at end of story to compare and contrast (soft holt reader)


4. Wrie thesis statement and opening paragraph to be oked prior to beginning essay.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Take out notebooks and get a textbook!

After test.....

interactive grammar on smartboard.....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 14, Marigolds Conclusion, Motives, Conflicts

Objective: Continue to read, interpret and analyze Marigolds. Continue to increase vocabulary and identify word forms. Use character traits and setting to determine motive. WHY????


1. Complete vocabulary words for Marigolds - definitiONS AND SENTENCES.

2. Listen / read Marigolds. Discuss and determine internal vs. external conflicts for several characters.

3. Complete questions below:

a. The author uses several similies and metaphors - identify at least two of each in your notes.

b. Why does Lizabeth get so angry?

c. Identify at least two internall conflicts inside of Lizabeh.

d. What is Lizabeth's Dad's internal conflict?

e.Is the conflict between Lizabeth and Miss Lottie internal or external?

f. What motivates Lizabeth to do what she does?

g. Why does she regret it?

h. During this time of the GREAT DEPRESSION, when relief was no where in sight, the destruction of the marigolds, symbolizes that what has been lost?

LAPTOPS - create gmail account and send to Include in this gmail the following information:

1. List three major influences in your life that have shaped who you are today. then attach a character trait to each influence.

Influence = Trait
Example - competitive athlete = hard work
family = loyalty
school = intelligence / communication abilities

From here, you will develop a thesis statement for your essay. the thesis statement is contained in the opening paragraph:

Example: three major influences that hve shaped the person I am today are my family, my expereince as a competitive athlete and my education.

Now develop that thesis statement into an opening paragraph.
Example: Three major influences that have shaped the person I am today are my family, my experience as a competitive athlete and my education. My family has made me realize that loyalty is a very important trait to have, especially for those closest to me. I learned to work hard and accomplish great things from being an athlete and sticking with my education HELPED ME LEARN THE COMMUNICATION SKILLS NECESSARY TO get the jobs I wanted.


HW HANDOUT - worksheet - lizabeth - motives, and conflicts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, Marigolds, Inferences, Motives...Begin Essay Writing

Objective: Analyze and interpret Marigolds and motivation behind characters' actions. Why do people do what they do? Identify character traits for 6 characters. Begin essay writing process. Review the steps and establish a thesis statement.


1. Vocabulary for Marigolds - p 118 - definitions and sentences into notes.

2. Finish Marigolds by listening / reading along.

3. Use your textbook (pages 120-128) to answer the following questions in notebook :

a. List character traits of Miss Lottie, John Burke, Lizabeth, Joey, mom, dad

b. Why does Miss Lottie plant and care for the marigolds?

c. What do the marigolds represent / symbolize?

d. why do the children want to harass her? Why do they want to destroy the marigolds?

e. What internal conflicts does Lizabeth have to deal with? Why is she feeling conflicted when other children aren't?

f. What Point of View is Marigolds written in? How does this affect the story and how the reader interprets it? How would character traits be different from another point of view?

g. The author uses several similies and metaphors - identify one of each in your notes.

5. What motivates Lizabeth to do what she does?

6. Why does she regret it?

HW - Handout - motivation / internal external conflicts...for lizabeth

Tuesday, October 12, POV, irony , Marigolds

Objective: How does choicee of narrator voice affect story? Review POV and irony. Begin intro to marigolds. Discuss inferences and motivation.

1. Open BOOK - redo story from friday's test. Write a creative short story. Identify the POV you are using. Use five vocbulary words from Interlopers. Create an ironic (surprise) ending.

2. Read p 118 in text - Intro to Marigolds.

3. Do quickwrite.

4. Read - as you read, identify setting, characters, character traits. Make inferences. Write down in notes.

5. HW - Write down three things or events or influences in your life that have contributed to who you are today. What are the strongest character traits tht define you as a person and what in your life made you the way that you are?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friday, Oct. 8, POV, Vocab and Irony Quiz and Interlopers

objective: Today, you will be assessed on your knowledge of Points of View, Irony and Vocabulary from Interlopers.

Warm- Up

1. Quick review. Leave notebooks out for notebook check.

2. Quiz:

Using full sentences and your best grammar,define the following and give an example of each:

1. 1st person Point of View (12 pts)

2. 3rd Person Point of View (12 pts)

3. Omniscient Point of View (12 pts)

4. Why is point of view important? (Clue: What if the wolf from "the three little pigs" told the story instead of the pigs?) (10 pts)

5. Verbal Irony (10 pts)

6. Dramatic Irony (10 pts)

7. Situational Irony (10 pts)

8. Write a short story and identify what point of view you are using. Ensure that the ending is ironic and use all five vocabulary words that you chose yesterday (i will give you back your sheets). Use your best grammar. Don't forget subject verb agreement! Also, dont forget, if you start in present tense, keep it in present throughout! Same if starting in past, future, etc. (25 points)

extra credit - 15 points

Write a New Ending

Saki’s story has several surprising twists, the most stunning of which is the ending. Choose a point in the last two pages of the story, and create your own plot twist by changing the action and writing a new ending. You might decide not to have Ulrich and Georg reconcile; you might come up with a new twist beyond the final one. In your version, imitate Saki’s omniscient narrator by showing what each character is thinking.

Thursday, October 6, Interlopers

Objective: Today, we will read / listen to the Interlopers. We will recognize point of view and irony. We will continue to practice vocabulary words and prepare for quiz on friday.

warm - Up

1. Use your soft holt reader to pick five vocabulary words off of page 81. Write them down on a piece of paper and write down if it is a noun, adj, adverb or verb. Hand into me.

2. Listen and read Interlpoers. Do page 89 in soft holt reader.

HW - Study POV's, irony and vocbulary for test on Friday.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wed, Oct 6, Review liter ary terms, vocabulary, complete creative writing

Objective: Today we will review the eight new literary terms we learned this week. we will review, not only their definitions, but how to use them and/or identify them properly. We will also use recently learned vocabulary words to prepare to read Interlopers. Finally, groups will complete stories in which new vocabulary, literary devices and proper grammar are used effectively.


Warm - Up

1. Read excerpts on smartboard and write in your notebook what kind of irony each represents and why (verbal, situational or dramatic)

2. Point of View review on smartboard.

3. Continue to work in groups to complete stories.

4. Peer edit stories. Each group should write down on the sheet who is doing the editing. then all stories should be handed to me for a grade.

HW - Study vocab and literary terms for quiz on friday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

tuesday, Oct. 5, Irony and Vocabulary

Objective: Today, we will review the definition of irony and site examples. we will also review vocabulary for the Interlopers and write a short story using vocabulary words and irony. Continue to use your best grammar and subject verb agreement because we will trade papers an peer edit at the end of class.

Warm - Up

1. Vocabulary, page 91 of soft holt reader.

2. Define Irony - three kinds:

Irony is an implied discrepancy between what is said and what is meant.
Three kinds of irony:

1. verbal irony is when an author says one thing and means something else.
2. dramatic irony is when an audience perceives something that a character in the literature does not know.
3. irony of situation is a discrepency between the expected result and actual results.

when something that happens is the opposite of what you expect to happen.

3. Play IRONIC song by Alanis Morrisette and hand out words. Identify examples of irony.

4. Each table can work together (one story per group)to create the following:
Write a short story.
Use at least three of your vocabulary words.
Identify it as 1st person, 3rd person or omniscient narrator.
Create an ironic ending.

You may use the following prompt to begin:

It was a typical Monday at Randolph...or so it seemed. For some reason, at 730 am, the halls were empty. There seemed to be no apparent reason......

HW - study literary device definitions for quiz on Wednesday

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Monday, Oct. 4, Point of View, Vocabulary, Interlopers

Objective: Today, we will earn about how the author's different point of view can affect the interpretation of the literature. We will analyze 1st person, 3rd person and omniscient narrators. We will practice writing in each form and compare and contrast. We will begin the introduction to the work of fiction, THE INTERLOPERS, by Saki and work with vocabulary from the story. Finally, we will continue to work on grammar by peer editing.

Warm - Up

1. Use the back of your textbook, definitions of literary terms, to define the following in your notes:narrator, irony, point of view, first person point of view, third person point of view, and omniscient point of view. (you do not nee to copy whole paragraphs - just the main definitions).

2. Read together pages 1`48 and 149 in text.

3. Some students will write about the following in first person, some in 3rd, and some in omniscient narrator voice. then we will compare and contrast the effects.

.....was walking down the street when...........................(write T LEAST 4-5 SENTENCES) then i just kept walking.....

remember 1st perosn, use "I" and you only know what is in your head.

3rd person, the narrator says "he" or "she" but still only knows what is going on in that person's head.

Omniscient - the narrator knows what all characters in the story are thinking ( so you must tell the reader all characters thoughts as you write).

4. Share answers to compare and contrast effects of points of view.

5. Vocabulary words on page 150 of text. First five - sentences in notebooks. Be sure to use context clues.

HW - Finish vocbaulry words for home work.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday, October 1, Editing, Sub / verb, metaphors

Objective: Today, we will practice grammar by editing and continuing to practice subject / verb agreement. We will review Langston Hughes', Mother to Son, make final analysis and determine the metaphor in the poem. You will then write your own metaphorical poem per the instructions provided.

Take out homework if not completed in class yesterday (letter)

Warm - up

1. Editing handout.

2. Subject / verb agreement.

3. Family metaphor poem. Use the sample poems as a guide to write your own metphorical poem about your own family. What would you compare your family to? What represents each person in your household and how do they contribute to your family? Stick with whatever theme (metaphor0 you begin with!

4. After I proof read your poem, rewrite onto clean paper and decorate or illustrate so it can be displayed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

thursday, Sept 30, Comprehensive and Grammar Assessment

Objective: You will complete the assessment for reading comprehensive of Langston Hughes' Thank You M am and the story's vocabulary. When complete, you will begin creative writing assignment below.

Warm- Up

Quick self review and clarify answers to any questions. Take out notebooks for notebook check.


Character traits
Direct vs. Indirect Characterization
Round vs. Flat characters
Internal vs. External conflict
Vocabulary (synonyms)

2. Review the character traits of the characters in both Mother to Son and Thank you M am. Analyze the relationship between the boys and maternal figures. Now imagine what the boys' lives will be like over the next ten years. Will they go to school or drop out, live on the streets, join a gang, go to college, get a job? Have children and/or get married? Work hard to succeed? Become an athlete or do drugs? You decide what happens to each of them.

Then write a letter from the boy to maternal figure as if it were ten years from now. What does he say? Write at least three paragraphs. Use your best grammar, vocabulary and adjectives. Double check subject /verb agreement.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 29, Langston Hughes, Mother to Son

Objective: We will learn about Langston Hughes' life and how his real life experiences affect his writing. We will read, interpret and analyze his poem, Mother to Son, and compare and contrast to Thank You M am (different genres). We will continue to practice subject / verb agreement and review for TEST on THANK YOU M AM TOMORROW!!


1. Subject / Verb agreement handout - remember, if plural subject, the verb does not have an "s" and if singular, verb does have an "s." Exceptions are "I" and "you."

2. In textbook, page 91, read biography on Langston Hughes and write down six important facts about his life in your notebook.

3. Now consider LH's life and the story Thank You M am. Do you see the connections? Identify at least three similarities.

4. Discuss genres and their effects on the reader.

5. read Mother to Son in text, page 92. Interpret and paraphrase in notes.

6. Compare and contrast themes in each tYM and MtS. Compare speech, language, and messages. Compare the women and the boys.


Tues, Sept 28, Thank you Mam, subject verb agreeement

Objective: Today we will continue to analyze character traits and how we can infer traits by dialogue, setting, behavior, speech, etc. We will increase vocabulary and brainstorm synonyms for each new word. We will reinforce understanding of the story Thank you Mam, by answering comprehensive questions, skimming the story over again to find inferences. Finally, we will continue increasing grammar skills, review prepositions and identify subjects and verbs.



1. Write down definitions of characterization, direct characterization, indirect characterization, flat characters and round characters in your notebooks. You can find these definitions on page 51 of soft holt reader. Give examples of each.

2. Vocabulary words on page 53 of soft holt reader. Write a sentence and three synonyms for each.

3. REVIEW CHARACTER TRAITS TO DATE FOR ROGER AND MRS. JONES. read out of text book - pages 84-85 to help determine inferred traits. Complete page 60 in soft holt reader.

3. Work at tables in groups to complete the sidebars in holt reader for Thank You Mam.

4. Complete comprehensive questions on page 61.

5. Groups to share answers. Review definitions and traits.

6. Subject / verb agreement - continued practice hndout

HW - complete definitions / subject / verb agreement handout.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Monday, Sept 27, Characterization, Prepositions, Sub/Verb

Objective: Today, we will analyze characterization and how it motivates behavior. We will learn new literary terms and apply them to characters in the story, "Thank You Maam." We will also continue to work on grammar in order to improve writing skills.


Constructed response

1. Today's story, "Thank You Maam" centers around characterization. Often, character traits are suggested or inferred by your reputation. Reputation is developed how? How does reputation affect your behavior and the choices you make? How does your reputation determine how others treat you? Write a well thought out paragraph in your notebook.

TAKE OUT HOMEWORK (creative writing) if you didnt turn in on Friday.

2. together, we will read pages 84-85 in textbook. Review literary terms on page 51 of holt reader.

3. Read introduction on page 52 of soft holt reader. Begin reading "Thank you MAAM." IDENTIFY character traits by what is inferred through dialogue, actions, speech, dress, appearance, attitude, etc.

4. Use information to make inferences and build a character profile for each Roger and Mrs. JONES.

5. Do exercises from holt reader in groups for reinforcement of knowledge.

6. Grammar - subject verb / agreement..


Thursday, September 23, 2010


Objective: today, we will continue to practice and learn new grammar rules and use them in creative writing assignments. Learning to identify prepositions, nouns, adjectives and adverbs will help you learn to then identify the subject and verb of a sentence and thus, ensure that you make the subject and verb agree (singular or plural).


1. PRONOUN Handout

2. Simple subject / verb agreement. Use smart board to review simple rules. TAKE NOTES!

3. Analyze relationship between subject and verb...careful identifying!

4. Introduce simple prepositions and phrases.

5. Review parts of speech we have learned to date.

4. Creative writing. In well thought out answers, write constructed responses for the prompts provided. Use complete sentences, juicy adjectives and check for subject verb agreement!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thursday, Sept 23, Can Animals think?

Objective: Today we will continue with grammar exercises and practice grammar through worksheets. We will also read a non fiction story, analyze the anecdotes and make determinations based on the information.

Warm - UP

1. Adj / Adv worksheet.

2. Vocabulary - page 26 - Write definitions in notes and a sentence for each. Also, write one antonym for each.

3. Read together "Can Animals Think?"

4. Evaluate, draw conclusions and answer reading check questions and test practice questions on page 30 of text in your notebooks and constructed response.

HW - New subject / verb agreement worksheet and complete vocabulary if not done in class.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesday, Sept 22, DG TEST 3 2, projects

Objective: Today you will be assessed on your comprehensive knowledge of the short story, Dangerous Game. You may also complete the grammar worksheet for extra credit. Finally, you will continue to work on, nd complete the projects you began yesterday.


1. review your notes!

2. DG test

5. Poster stories. Choose any poster at the back of the room. Interpret it and write me a well thought out paragraph.. USE YOUR CREATIVITY. USE INTERESTING WORDS AND Adjectives TO DESCRIBE THE SCENE AND WHAT YOU THINK IS HAPPENING. AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES.

Monday, September 20, 2010

DG Choice Project / Grammar

Objective: today, we will review the test answers, preview test for Wednesday and continue to work on grammar skills. Each group will have a choice of a project, due at end of class, to be used as a review of DG for Wed test. Best projects to be displayed in the hallway.

Warm -up

1. There, Their or They're or parts of speech

2. Final review of DG.

3. Choice of group project:

a. Prepare an illustrated map of the chase around Ship-Trap Island. Before you start, brainstorm all of the features of the islandthat you want to locate. Include geological features (jungle, crags,cliffs, etc) as well as man -made features ( traps, chateau, etc). Refer back to the story! Be as neat and as detailed as possible.

b. Illustrate one scene from the story. Carefully and neatly label important components. Write a short summary explaining the scene ( ON LINE PAPER) to accompany it. BE as detailed as possible!

c. Illustrate each Rainsford and Zaroff. Identify character traits for each and determine those that they share. List at least five for each (total of 15) and creatively incorporate these words into your illustration.

d. If you truly do not want to work within GROUP, you may write a sequel to the story. After Rainsford kills Zaroff and sleeps in his bed, what happens? Write a well thought out essay with clear introduction and conclusion. it should contain 2-3 body paragraphs (between intro and conclusion). Please make sure you write in full sentences, check spelling by using dictionary and use the best possible grammar that you know (so far!)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dangerous Game Conclusion, subject / verb agreement, adjectives

Objective: Today we will read the conclusion of DG and analyze behaviors and complete plot structure. We will analyze instinct vs. reason and determine motivation for each. In addition, we will focus on grammar lessons and practice subject / verb agreement and the affect of adjectives on mood. We will review Friday's test and answer any uncertainties.


1. Adjective worksheet.

2. Review Friday's test

3. Conclusion of DG and discussion. Questions in Holt Reader. Constructed responses in notebooks.



Friday, September 17, DG TEST # 1

Assessment for what we have completed to date:

1. Vocabulary - matching and short story

2. Literary term definitions

3. Plot Structure

4. Character traits.

5. Identify words (adj) that determine mood.

6. Foreshadowing examples

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thurs, Sept 16, Dangerous Game

Objective: Today you will continue to interpret and analyze Dangerous GAme and build plot structure. You will also add onto character traits and review use of literary devices and how they are used. ALL elements that will be on test on Friday will be reviewed.


1. Internal and External conflict Handout

2. Review plot structure to date. Q & A's.

3. Continue to read and interpret DG and add onto plot structure and character traits.

4. Continue to make predictions and identify foreshadowing.

5. Review vocabulary with interactive game.

6. Review use of adjectives to establish mood. Identify adjectives.

HW - STUDY for test

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 15, Dangerous Game

Objective: Today, we will review vocabulary words and prefixes and continue to read Dangerous Game. As you read, you will be expected to identify examples of foreshadowing. You will also review other literary devices that we have been studying.You will also create VENN DIAGRAMS comparing character traits of Rainsford and Zaroff.


1. Holt Soft Reader - page 37...Vocabulary review.

2. Add events onto plot structure.

3. Continue to read Dangerous Game and work in Holt reader.

4. Create VENN Diagrams to compare Rainsford to Zaroff.

5. Internal /External conflict worksheet.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, Sept 14: Dangerous Game

Objective: Today, we will review plot structure and literary devices learned yesterday on pages 2-4 in text. We will develop plot structure for Dangerous Game so far and agree on major events of the plot. In addition, we will continue vocabulary words and sentences, and introduce subject/verb agreement.


1. Write sentences for the next five vocabulary words on P. 4 OF TEXT. Be sure to use context clues.

2. Review plot structure and literary devices.

3. Share ideas for basic situation and first four major events.

4. Predictions: In notes, write down what you think is going on on this island.

5. Continue to read and listen to DG.

6. Add onto plot structure in groups.

7. Create wall words for literary devices with definitions.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, Sept 13, Dangerous Game

Objective: Today you will learn about plot and setting, plot structure and other literary terms that will assist your understanding of the short story, A Dangerous Game.


1. Vocabulary on page 4. Write a sentence for the first five words in your notebooks. Be sure to use context clues as discussed last week.

2. We will read together pages, 2-3, regarding PLOT, SETTING, FLASHFORWARDS, FLASHBACKS AND PLOT STRUCTURE. You will take notes as we read!!

3. Readand listen to dangerous game together. Stop to make predictions and acknowledge foreshadowing.

4. In groups, use information obtained so far from story to create plot structure. Compare to other groups. Class as whole reviews for accuracy and agreement.

5. Wall words for literary devices introduced today.

Friday, September 3, 2010


OBJECTIVE: Today you will express yourself through a creative writing and illustration, practice sentence structure and be introduced to literary terms that you will use to interpret reading passages.


1. View illustration on smartboard and respond to the question in a well thought out paragraph that you will write in your notebook. ANSWERS WILL BE SHARED.

2. "I AM" poem. Directions will be handed out.

3. Subject / Verb agreement exercises.



Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 7, Introduction

Objective: Today you will complete necessary forms, be issued textbooks and participate in assessment exercises in grammar, vocabulary and writing. You will also receive overview of course and review syllabus.

1. Student information forms

2. Issue textbooks

3. Review overview and syllabus. WHAT IS EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION?

2. Smartboard grammar - prefixes!

3. Brainstorm words using prefixes and write sentances (groups).

4. Choose ten words from student developed lists for word wall and define

5. Write words and definitions on strips for wall.

HW - be sure to obtain all requested supplies for class and come prepared on Thurs.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

compare contrast essay will be graded as follows:

Accurate information - 50 points
transitions - 20 points
Interpreting and analyzing - 20 points
Grammar and vocabulary - 10 points

Thursday, June 3, 2010

thursday, June 4, 2010


1. Begin the rough draft of your compare / contrast essay. You have written directions....directions are also below on this blog.

2. During this class period, you should complete your opening paragraph, and at least three of the body paragraphs according to the outline provided.

3. Be sure to use transitional statements between paragraphs!

4. I will check your work nd guide you through the process today. Whatever you do not complete, IS HOMEWORK! Rough Draft is due tomorrow. No exceptions.

5. If you are doing your work in class today, you may also ask for photos for your posterboards that you will contniue to work on tomorrow.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


1. Constructed Response

Reread the Robert Frost Poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay” on handout provided. Now read Johnny’s interpretation of it on page 178 of The Outsiders. Do you agree with Johnny? Why or Why not? What exactly does Johnny mean when he tells Ponyboy to “STAY GOLD”?

2. Posterboard

Complete Research on 1960’s and current day with instructions previously distributed. Use the POSTERBOARD provided and split it down the middle. Use it to compare / contrast the times. Each group should choose ONE area of interest (ex: economy, war, technology, fashion, ettc. Use visual effects (illustrations) of the comparisons.

Compare / Contrast Essay


When complete read directions for compare/contrast essay below and begin. Rough draft is due Friday, June 4.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

COMPARE / CONTRAST ESSAY – Due Friday, June 3, 2010


Use the information acquired during your research to compare and contrast 1960’s life in the USA compared to now and its affects on teenagers’ lifestyles and the decisions they make.

I. Opening Paragraph

Opening paragraph includes a thesis statement plus three or four sentences. Your thesis statement should include the things you researched. You should choose at least four. These are the ideas you’ll develop in the body of your essay.

Sample Thesis Statement

“Times have changed in many ways from 1967 to now; the economy, racial issues, feminism, technology and war all have an impact on the way teenagers grow up, form relationships, make decisions and how they spend free time.” ………add more to complete opening paragraph……

Then, you should be able to compare the following in separate paragraphs with the facts you already acquired . Don’t overcomplicate this part of your essay!!!

II. Second Paragraph – compare and contrast economies.
III. Third Paragraph – compare / contrast racial issues / feminism
IV. Fourth Paragraph – compare contrast technology
V. Fifth Paragraph – compare contrast war

VI. Sixth Paragraph - Now, you need to THINK….

How do these differences change the behavior of teenagers today? Or do they?
THINK about the Outsiders…the greasers and socs….think about gang activity……think about how technology affects free time……compare yourself and your friends to them…..


Finally, sum up your thoughts in a closing paragraph that includes your opinion.
Do you have compassion for the Greasers and relate to their situation?
Would you prefer to live in the 1960’s compared to now? Why or why not?
What major changes in society might you expect by the year 2050 and what might teenagers be like then?

You must use the rubric provided and be sure to include all above components in your TYPED DOUBLESPACED ESSAY. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!!!!
The Outsiders

The following poem by Robert Frost is what Ponyboy recited to Johnny when they were watching the sunrise. At the end of the novel, Johnny interprets the poem and tells Ponyboy to “stay gold.” Read the poem and interpret it for yourself. Explain in a short paragraph and illustrate.

Nothing Gold Can Stay – Robert Frost

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Research Project – Part 1 - The Outsiders - May 19-21

1. Research life in the Midwest in 1967 and then find out the same information for present day, Philadelphia, 2010. You will be using this information to write a compare / contrast essay. Those directions TBD.

Find out the following:

1. Economy

What was the average cost of the following?
Loaf of bread, gallon of gas, movie ticket, pair of blue jeans, box of cereal…and 5 other things of your choice.

What types of jobs were common? What was minimum wage? Was the average yearly income?

World Affairs / Government

2. What was going on in the world at the time? Was there war or peace? What was the state of affairs in USA? Who was President and Vice – President?


3. What forms of prejudice existed in the US and give examples of each. Was there racism? Classis? Sexism? Lookism? Ableism? Ageism? Use chart attached to determine if each existed and if so how and why.


4. How did people live? What did people do for entertainment? How did technology affect people’s lives? What was the average size of a family? How common was divorce? Single parent homes? No parent homes?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 6-9

* Introduction to Shakespeare. read text - 778-782....

*Write twenty questions with the answers from information derived from those pages

*Copy definitions from handout into notes

* Review types of prose and poetry used in Romeo and Juliet

*Write five paragraph essay as per following instructions:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Shakespeare Test – 70 points (breakdown below)

1. Write a short three paragraph essay about Shakespeare, the theater and types of verse that Shakespeare used in Romeo & Juliet. You must include at least 10 facts from the text that we reviewed. UNDERLINE each fact so I can easily identify it. Do NOT JUST LIST facts…this is an essay! Each paragraph should be at LEAST 4 sentances long! The following guideline should help you get started:

a. First paragraph – introduction – include thesis statement….example might be…..

Shakespeare, a master of his art, wrote dramas in which he used prose and poetry to enthrall the audiences of 16th century England. ……..

b. 2nd Paragraph – discuss Shakespeare’s life….

c. 3rd Paragraph – Discuss the theaters and how they evolved

d. 4th Paragraph – Discuss the style in which Romeo and Juliet was written. Tell me about different poetic styles and how they are used.

e. Conclusion – give me your input / opinion on what you have learned and what you expect from reading Romeo and Juliet.


Test will be graded as follows:

1. Correct ten facts underlined – 20 points
2. Sentence structure and grammar - 10 points
3. Use of transitions ( connect each paragraph) – 10 points
4. Proper information in each paragraph – 20 points
5. Neatness – 10 points

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


Use all of the information that you learned to organize an essay in the "Dr. Seuss" format and create a collage for the lyrics and author of your choosing. This will require that you use written and visual organizational and creative skills.

Lyrics must be approved by me prior to beginning essay or collage. If you have already received my written approval, you may begin essay today. If not, contniue research on computer to find a song rich in meaning and poetic devices to work with. It must be a minimum of 20 lines long.

Use the specific directions and rubrics provided in the prior blog of March 16 and the handout. Artistic materials will be provided when you are ready to create the collage. The ESSAY must be completed and submitted to me prior to beginning the collage. Each will be graded separately. Each is worth 100 points. Final date for completion for both is Thursday, March 25.
Thursday, March 18

Read and identify poetic devices in two poems - American Hero and Base Stealer on page 476 in text
Do critical thinking questions on page 478.

Complete "Wandering lonely as a Cloud" essay page 457 in text. Remember, essay format as follows:

1 - introduction - include facts about poet and be sure to use transitional phrase.

2 - Paragraph about the meaning of the poem - what is it about? USe an example from poem to back up your idea or interpretation.

3 - Identify poetic devices, show examples and explain how the poet uses them to enhance the poem (make it better).

4 - conclusion - go back to author bio - page 458 - and give another fact - refer back to poem and wrap up all of your ideas in a neat and clean finish!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poetry Project


Learn how to identify and then effectively use poetic devices to ultimately improve written and oral communication skills.

1. Choose a song, poem or rap that is at least 20 lines in length. You may use a variety of sources including your text book or the internet to seek lyrics. Be sure that your choice has depth of meaning and you can identify at least three poetic devices within it ( metaphors, similies, etc)

2. Get poem or lyrics approved by me prior to continuing!!

3. Look up biography of the author. Write 10 facts about author in notebook.

4. Print two copies of lyrics or poem. Use one to Identify poetic devices and submit. Other copy will be used for collage part of project.

5. Write a four paragraph essay using Dr. Seuss guidelines that were provided. Remember to use transitional sentances between paragraphs. Remember to use quotations and examples and explain how they affect and/or enrich the poem or song.

6. Final copy of essay due on Friday, March 19. It is to be double spaced and TYPED!!!

Part 2

1. Create a collage.

The collage must include the following components:
a. lyrics or words to poem
b. At least three poetic devices identified.
c. The biography of the author.
d. At least 5 images representative of the song or poem (imagery).

All presentations will take place the week of March 23.

Essay will be graded as follows:
1. Understanding the meaning of song / poem
2. Ability to identify and explain devices used.
3. Organization of thought.
4. transitions and clarity.
5. Proper format (intro, meaning, poetic devices, conclusion) as provided in Dr. Seuss.
6. Grammar and vocabulary (use rich, descriptive, and interesting words as you did with imagery essays).

Collage and presentation will be graded as follows:
1. Neatness (type or artistically illustrate).
2. Creativity
3.Effective use of imagery and symbols ( does it make sense).
4. Speak clearly.
5. Eye contact and body language.
6. Effectively explain meaning, poetic devices and author info.