Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, June 10, Act 3 scenes

Objective: By the end of class, students will read / interpret and view ACT's 3 and 4 of Romeo & Juliet.


Review the character relations and the timeline of Romeo & Juliet.

Direct Instruction 

Review the rest of Act 3 and then view.

Read Act 4 scene 1 and 5.

View through Act 4.

Exit Pass
 In your own words, restate the Friar's plan. Do you think it was a wise plan? What might you have suggested if you were the Friar?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7, Act 3 Romeo & Juliet

Objective: By the end of class, students will read and analyze Act 3 scene 1 and 2, answer study guide questions and view film through Act 3.


Complete handout by choosing correct answers for each letter.

Direct Instruction

read / act Act 3 scene 1 & 2.


Answer study guide questions.


View through Act 3.

Exit Pass

Is exiling Romeo fair punishment? Why or why not?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 6 Romeo & Juliet

Objective: By the end of class, students will read / analyze Act 2 scenes 3-5, answer comprehensive questions and view film to date.


After Romeo and Juliet profess their love for each other, Romeo goes to speak with the priest, Friar Lawrence, to ask him to secretly marry them. Do you think the priest should married them without telling their parents /Why or why not?

Direct instruction

Read analyze scenes 3-5 of Romeo and Juliet.

Identify the reasons that Friar Lawrence gets involved compared to the nurse's involvement. Do you agree or disagree with their actions? Why ?


 View through Act 2.

Answer film review questions.

Exit Pass

This marriage plan is very sporadic and sudden. They have no plan for the future. Would you get married secretly against your parents wishes? D you think the Friar and Nurse should have made these teens more aware of possible problems they could encounter? Explain.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, Act 1 Study Guide / Act 2

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of Act 1 and

Do  Now

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think Romeo ever really did love Rosaline? Or is it all just LUST? 

Direct Instruction

Take out study questions from Prologue and Act 1. Complete  - to be turned in by first bell and graded as quiz.

Guided / Independent

Read Act 2 scene 2 in Old English!! Complete old English handouts with examples from the text. 

View through Act 2 scene 2.

Exit Pass

Do you think the priest, Friar Lawrence, should have married them? Was it a sin on his part, or do his good intentions pardon him for his actions?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday, June 3, Romeo & Juliet Act 1 Scenes 2-5

Objective: By the end of class, students will read the rest of Act 1 and demonstrate reading comprehension in addition to identifying and interpreting Shakespearean language.


 According to basic plot structure where does all of ACT1 take place? Describe the setting and basic situation of Romeo and Juliet. 

Direct Instruction

Read / Act scenes 2-5 of Act 1.

Identify Shakespearean words as we read and add to handout from Friday.

Guided / Independent

Answer study guide questions for Prologue and Act 1 on handout provided.

Exit Pass

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think Romeo ever really did love Rosaline? Or is it all just LUST?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, Romeo & Juliet

Objective: By the end of class, students will read / analyze ACT 1 scene 1 of Romeo & Juliet and identify and practice Shakespearean language.


Read the prologue from NO FEAR Shakespeare page 3, and summarize in your own words in a short paragraph.

Direct Instruction

Assign roles.

Read together ACT 1 scene 1. 

Guided / Independent

Use No Fear book to find examples of the Shakespearean words on the handout provided. You are given the definitions of the words. Find examples from Act 1 / Scene 1 for each and write down the quote below the word. You will be responsible for memorizing the meanings of these words!!

Exit Pass

In Romeo & Juliet, who speaks in prose and who speaks in poetry? Why?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 28, Introduction to Shakespeare

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on knowledge of poetic devices, introduced to Shakespeare, complete anticipation guides for Romeo and Juliet and practice language / phrases of Shakespearean language.


Poetry device quiz

Direct Instruction

Shakespeare introduction - pages 776-777.

Guided Independent

Divide into 5 groups. Click here - we will review directions together.  Each group to take a section and answer the respective questions.


Each group must share findings - other groups take notes. All groups will be responsible for ALL information.

Exit Pass

How do the 5 acts of Shakespeare's plays correlate to a plot structure?

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24, Poetry

Objective: By the end of class, students will review poetic devices, read Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man and complete personal imagery poems.


Tongue twisters are good examples of Alliteration. Some examples is:

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Sally sold sea shells by the seashore.

Now write one of your own.

Direct Instruction

Read The Seven Ages of Man by Shakespeare pages 444-445.

Identify the metaphors within the extended metaphor.


Complete Imagery poems on laptops.

Exit Pass
Print to display.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, Poetry / Personification / Hyperboles and Imagery Poems

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new poetic devices and write original imagery poems with visual pairing.


Describe ANYTHING using sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. DO NOT TELL US WHAT YOU ARE DESCRIBING. We will have to guess when you read the description.

Direct Instruction

Personification and hyperbole worksheets.


Type finalized copy of personal imagery poem.  Be sure to have a title and your name on it! Then create a visual to match it. You can use a power point slide to create a collage of pictures.  Minimum 5 pix

Exit Pass

Share with me on google docs or drop it in my drop box - see rihgt side of blog.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, Imagery in Poetry

Objective: By the end of class, students will read and identify imagery in poetry and create their own imagery poem.


Using all five senses (taste, smell, sound, touch, sight) describe one of the following:

1. Your favorite ice cream.
2. Your favorite sport.
3. Your favorite season.

Direct Instruction 

slideshare - imagery

Read and Analyze Hope is a thing with Feathers.


Break don and identify images. What do they represent? What picture does this create? What is the poet trying to say?


IMAGERY  - Poetic thoughts

Think of a topic for which you would like to write a poem full of imagery.

Complete the graphic organizer provided.  Then using he information on the organizer, restructure the information into poetic format.  It does not have to rhyme.

Exit Pass