Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Objective: By the end of class, students will receive an overview of the course, learn class procedures and provide a writing sample in paragraph format.


In notebooks, write down my email address and blog address on the inside cover.  Also, please be sure to have your name written in notebook.

Direct Instruction

1.  English 1 Overview

* You will learn how to communicate effectively in writing and verbally, use critical thinking skills, problem-solve and use multiple resources to make inferences and decisions.

* We will read several short stories, fiction, non-fiction, articles and novels from various sources.  Just a few include, A Dangerous Game (short fiction), Homer's The Odyssey (greek mythology), Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.We will use these sources as a basis for discussing real life problems, situations and emotions.  Many of these selections will also model how to use certain literary devices in your own writing.

* We will be writing - A LOT!!! Writing will not only improve the skill itself, but help you retain content information. 

* Materials needed for course: A three subject notebook, pens, pencils, highlighter and a folder or binder to keep work in progress or returned work.

Guided Practice

2. Choose one of the sentence starters below and write a clear, concise paragraph using your best grammar and vocabulary.  Do your best to spell out words and not use texting shortcuts.  Your paragraph should be 4-5 sentences long.

a. The craziest thing happened to me this summer. 
b. The thing I remember most about last school year is...
c. I am so excited about finally taking my shop class...
d. What worries me the most about this class is....

In pairs, check and edit each others' stories. 


Share stories and collect.

Exit Pass

Tell me something special about yourself.  And yes, everyone has something special so don't say, "Nothing."

HW - if you did not complete your paragraph, please do so for HW and hand in on Monday.

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