Thursday, April 26, 2012

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete study guide questions for act 1 scene 1 and take notes on film for their own future production.


Questions for Act 1 scene 1

1. When Walter comes into the living room, what thoughts are on his mind? What does he ask Ruth?
2. When is the check coming?
3. When Walter's son, Travis, comes out of the bathroom, what does he ask?
 4. Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school. What are Walter's and Ruth's attitudes about money?
5. Ruth tells Walter she doesn't want to know what he has been thinking about Why? What has Walter been thinking about?
6. How does Walter think women should treat their men?
7. How does Ruth react to Walter's desire for her support?
8. Describe the immediate exchange of words between Walter and his sister, Beneatha, when she comes into the living room.
9. What are Beneatha's hopes for her own future? Why is Walter concerned about Beneatha's plans?
10. What sacrifices does Walter say have been made for Beneatha's sake?  How does Beneatha react when she hears this? How does their conversation end?
11. Why does Walter return to the apartment? What does he do?
12. What does Mama retrieve when she opens the window? What is unique about this object?
13. In conversations with Ruth and Beneatha in this scene. Mama's values become more clear. How does Mama feel about money?
14. What kind of man was Big Walter? Why does Mama claim he worked himself to death?
15. How much does Mama value religion? How does she react to Beneatha's denial of God?
16. Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the plant symbolize to Mama?
17. What does Mama ask Ruth to do at the end of this scene? What happens to Ruth?

View film and take notes. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thursday, April 26, Raisin in the Sun, Act 1 scene 1

Objective: By the end of class, students will read ACT 1 scene 1 of Raisin in the Sun and  analyze each characters dreams and how money will help fulfill them.


Take out study guide packets and get a book.  We will assign roles and get started on Act 1, scene 1.

2. Complete the first page of your study packet about the Younger family's dreams and how money will help them realize those dreams.

1. When Walter comes into the living room, what thoughts are on his mind? What does he ask Ruth?
2. When is the check coming?
3. When Walter's son, Travis, comes out of the bathroom, what does he ask?
 4. Walter and Ruth react differently when Travis asks for money for school. What are Walter's and Ruth's attitudes about money?
5. Ruth tells Walter she doesn't want to know what he has been thinking about Why? What has Walter been thinking about?
6. How does Walter think women should treat their men?
7. How does Ruth react to Walter's desire for her support?
8. Describe the immediate exchange of words between Walter and his sister, Beneatha, when she comes into the living room.
9. What are Beneatha's hopes for her own future? Why is Walter concerned about Beneatha's plans?
10. What sacrifices does Walter say have been made for Beneatha's sake?  How does Beneatha react when she hears this? How does their conversation end?
11. Why does Walter return to the apartment? What does he do?
12. What does Mama retrieve when she opens the window? What is unique about this object?
13. In conversations with Ruth and Beneatha in this scene. Mama's values become more clear. How does Mama feel about money?
14. What kind of man was Big Walter? Why does Mama claim he worked himself to death?
15. How much does Mama value religion? How does she react to Beneatha's denial of God?
16. Mama compares her plant to her children. How are the plant and the children alike? What does the plant symbolize to Mama?
17. What does Mama ask Ruth to do at the end of this scene? What happens to Ruth?

Exit Pass

Would you sell something that you knew your family valued for money without asking them? explain.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday, Introduction to Raisin in the Sun, periods 8 & 9

Objective: by the end of class, students will be introduced to the historical background of Raisin in the Sun and relate to real life.


What is your greatest dream in life? What are you actively doing to realize that dream and make it come true? What obstacles are in your way or that you expect will be in your way at some point?

1. Powerpoint  - A dream deferred - langston hughes

2. Facts about Lorraine Hansberry

3. Preview to Raisin in the Sun trailer.

4. Packets distributed. Complete theme section - Real life examples prior to reading.

Exit Pass

Why do people behave as they do? What influences them the most/ What influences you the most when having to make a decision?

Monday, April 23, R & J Final test

Objective: Students will be assessed on their cumalitive knowledge of Romeo & Juliet.

96 questions - 2 points each.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friday -- 4/20 -- R & J THEMES & WORDLES

Objective: By theend of class, students will choose and analyze a theme from R & J and create a wordle using Shakespearean language.



1. Review archaic words on quizlet by clicking here.

2. How fast can you do the scatter game? time yourself!

2. THEN GO TO WORDLE.NET to create a wordle using shakespearean language. Your wordle must be at least 25 words. In addition, you should include the words ROMEO, JULIET, MONTAGUE, CAPULET and your own name. YOU MUST USE SAFARI FOR THIS!!!

3. When wordle is complete, put it in my drop box. On right hand side of this page you will see "TURN IN WORK." Click on it, enter password, ENG1, and upload your wordle from the desktop. I will print and display the best ones.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, R & J ACT V

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of plot and timeline of Romeo & Juliet and relate to real life. Comprehensive review for test on Friday / Monday.


Complete "THE STORY IS OVER" for review of plot. Then fill in the blanks on the opposite side and try to figure out the jumble.

1.IF ONLY......handout.

2. Discuss who is to blame. Brainstorm and write down reasons that different characters could be responsible. What is the role of adults in R & J ? Is this what their role should be? What should be adults roles in kids' lives? In the end, could any one character have stopped the tragic events?

3. Complete and submit all study guide questions.

Exit Pass

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thursday, April 19, R & J

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of plot and timeline of Romeo & Juliet and relate to real life. Comprehensive review for test on Friday.


Do you believe in FATE? Do you think what happened in romeo & Juliet was destined to happen? Why or why not?

1.IF ONLY......handout.

2. Discuss who is to blame. Brainstorm and write down reasons that different characters could be responsible. What is the role of adults in R & J ? Is this what their role should be? What should be adults roles in kids' lives? In the end, could any one character have stopped the tragic events?

3. Return Anticipation guides and review.

4. Complete and submit all study guide questions.

5. Review the themes of R & J to prepare for short essay on Friday.

Exit Pass

Could something like what happened in R & J happen today? Why or why not?


Wednesday, April 18, R & J ACT V

Objective: By the end of class, students will read and interpret Romeo & Juliet and relate to real life.


Romeo writes a letter and gives it to Balthasar when he finds out about Juliet's death. What is this letter and who is it for? Why do you think it might be important?

Who is Friar John and what key role does he play in ACT V.
1. Handout and review timeline.

2. Complete ACT 5!

3. Study guide questions through ACT v.

4. Review handout.

Exit Pass

Who is to blame for all of this?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, R & J ACT IV , ACT V

Objective: by the end of class, students will read and interpret ACt IV and demonstrate comprehension by answering study guide questions.


1. Bullet point the steps of Friar Lawrence's plan (pages 215/216). Is it a good plan? Why or why not? (for 15 points)

2. Juliet has many fears right before she takes the sleeping potion. She ponders them in her soliliquoy pages 227-229. List 5 terrible things she is afraid might happen to her after she drinks the potion. (for 35 points).

3. Read ACT 1V scene 5 and ACT V scene 1 & 2.

2. Answer all study guide questions to date.

3. Handout Timeline and review action to date

Exit Pass

Friar Lawrence's plan seems to be working so far. What hadn't he considered though? What could still go wrong? Why didn't he have a back up plan?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday, April 16. & J act 3 scene 5

Objective: By the end of class students will read and interpret act 3 scene 5 and demonstrate comprehension of action in play to date through assessement.


What do you do when your parents forbid you to do something or forbid you to hang out with certain "friends"?

1. ACT 3 QUIZ.

1. Review timeline to date. Collect study guide questions through ACT 3.

2. Act / read Act 4 scenes 1 &2.

3. Study guide questions for act 4.

Exit Pass

So far, who is most to blame for the disasterous events?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13, R & J

Objective: by the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension of Romeo & Juliet, and identify Shakesspeare vocabulary words.


Shakespeare word search

1. Review timeline of action to date. By the end of ACT 3, it is just Tuesday morning! Remember, R & J only met Sunday night!

1. Read/act ACT 3 scene 5.

Answer study guide questions through ACT3.

Exit Pass

Do you think the Friar should tell the parents now what is going on? When, do you think, they should they be informed, if ever? Why do you think that?

Friday, April 13, R & J

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on Romeo & JUliet through ACT 3.


1. TEST.

2. READ / ACT act 3 scene 5.

3. Answer study guide questions.

4. View through ACT 3.

Exit Pass

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

thursday, April 12, Romeo & Juliet ACT3

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of R & J, make predictions and evaluate use of irony and foreshadowing in ACT 3, scene 1.



1. Review timeline through Monday night.

2. Complete hand outs reviewing action to date. Use picture books if needed.

3. READ / ACT act 3, scene 2-4 identifying any foreshadowing, dramatic irony, etc.

4. Complete study guide questions to date.

4. Freeze Frame activity in groups.

Exit Pass

Would now be a good time to tell the Montagues and Capulets the truth about romeo & juliet? why or why not? Why doesn't the Friar decide to tell them?

Wednesday, Romeo & Juliet ACT 2 , periods 4 & 5

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension of Shakespeare by evaluating text, make predictions and judgements based on evidence.


Except for planning to consumate their marriage that night (Monday), Romeo and Juliet do not seem to have a plan. What would your plan be? What do you think Romeo and Juliet are going to do?

1. Read act 3 / scene 1. Identify couplets, foreshadowing and dramatic irony.

2. Answer study guide questions through ACT 3 / SCENE 1.


Exit Pass


HW - decode the message on the handout.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, R & J

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension of Shakespeare by evaluating text, make predictions and judgements based on evidence.


Use the picture book, pages 18 & 19 to complete the handout - friar side.

1. Read / act ACT 2 / parts of scene 4, 5, 6. Identify couplets, foreshadowing and dramatic irony.

2. Answer study guide questions.

3. View movie through ACT 2.

Exit Pass

Except for planning to consumate their marriage that night (Monday), Romeo and Juliet do not seem to have a plan. What would your plan be? What do you think Romeo and Juliet are going to do?

HW - decode the message on the handout.

Tuesday, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of character, make predictions and interpret Shakespearean language.


Use the picture book to identify two couplets, one metaphors and an example of personification from ACT 2 scene 2. remember to check in the boxes! Also, remember that Shakespeare also used couplets to exit major characters from the stage (hint: you'll find them at the end of the scene).


Use directions on handout to write a letter to "Dear Abby." If you are a girl, write it from Juliet's perspective and if you are a boy, write it from Romeo's perspective. When everyone has written a letter, we will randomly switch and another student will write the response from Abby.

2. Read ACT 2 / scene 3.

3. View movie through Act 2 /scene 5.

Exit Pass

Why does the Friar agree to marry them? Do you think he should have called their parents? What should he have done differently?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, R & J

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of character, make predictions and interpret Shakespearean language.


Use the picture book to identify two couplets, two metaphors and an example of personification from ACT 2 scene 2.

1. Make predictions. Romeo asks Juliet to marry him and agrees to meet with the nurse at 9 am the next morning to make arrangements. What might happen? What can go wrong? Do Romeo and Juliet really think things through? Where will they go? Without their parents support, how will they live?

Use directions on handout to write a letter to "Dear Abbey." If you are a girl, write it from Juliet's perspective and if you are a boy, write it from Romeo's perspective. When everyone has written a letter, we will randomly switch and another student will write the response from Abbey.

2. Read ACT 2 / scene 3.

3. Complete study guide questions through ACT 2 scene 3.

4. Review answers to date.

View through Act 2 scene 3.

Exit Pass

Why does the Friar agree to marry them? Do you think he should have called their parents? What should he have done differently?

Monday, April 9, romeo & Juliet review of Act 1 /

Objective: By the end of class, students will review Act 1, characters in Romeo & Juliet and demonstrate comprehension through review guide.


Use the picture book to summarize Act 1 in a short paragraph.

1. Complete the ACT 1 review sheet. You may use the NO FEAR book and also the picture book and the test returned to you today. Remember, all answers are in ACT 1 only.

2. Use directions on handout to write a letter to "Dear Abbey." If you are a girl, writ it from Juliet's perspective and if you are a boy, write it from Romeo's perspective. When everyone has written a letter, we will randomly switch and another student will write the response from Abbey.

Exit Pass

Do you think forbidden love is somehow sweeter? Why or why not? do you think Romeo and Juliet think so?

Monday, April 9, Romeo & Juliet

Objective: By the end of class, students will review Act 1, plot structure and characters in Romeo & Juliet and read / act Act 2, scene 1 and demonstrate comprehension through study guide questions.


Use the No Fear book to summarize Act 1 in a short paragraph.

1. Create Plot structure to date for Act 1.

1. Act 1 character and event review sheet.

2. Act 2 scenes 1 & 2. Identify and analyze soliliques.

3. View through act 2 scene 2.

Exit Pass

Do you think forbidden love is somehow sweeter? Why or why not? do you think Romeo and Juliet think so?