Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17, The Scarlett Ibis

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze the Scarlett Ibis as allegory.


What are some of the things that Doodle and the Scarlett Ibis have in common?

Direct Instruction

What do you think the message (theme) is in the Scarlett Ibis?

1. You can't try to make someone something he is not.
2. It is difficult to survive in an environment in which you are not accustomed.
3. Who you are should be good enough.


1. What might the external beauty of the Scarlett Ibis represent (symbolize)?
2. Describe how the Scarlett Ibis is an allegory for the above themes?
3. Analyze the allegory of the Scarlett Ibis.  This means first show how the author uses the Ibis to represent DoodleTHEN, explain why this was a good way of expressing the above themes.

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