Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16,

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze the allegory of The Scarlet Ibis and find various ways to identify character traits.


Summarize the Scarlet ibis on a literal level.

Direct Instruction

What do we know about the scarlett ibis? List traits and information that we know.

Look back at the story from the beginning. On the left side of the t-chart, list quotes or specific events from the story. Then on the right side, list the corresponding character traits that the quote or event reveals about Doodle. 

 On the back of your t-chart, list the traits of the Scarlett Ibis.  Next to it list Doodle's traits. How are they alike/ How might they be different?

Brother unsuccessfully changes Doodle into what he wanted him to be. Doodle dies. What statement is the Author trying to make about human nature? This would be the theme.


WHAT do you think the author's purpose is in using allegory to deliver the theme? Do you think this allegory was effective?

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