Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, Periods 8 & 9,

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice vocabulary, identify logical and emotional appeals and demonstrate reading comprehension


Use the word "catastrophic" in a sentence using context clues.

1. Read the introduction on the handout provided to Rising Tides by Bob Herbert.

2. Listen to and/or read the article. Pages 518-520 in holt text.

3. Complete the 'Appeals" chart on handout and complete vocabulary sheet.

4. On the back of the Rising Tides introduction handout, answer the following questions:

a. Do you agree with Herbert that global warming is HERE? Why or why not?

b. What evidence did he present that most convinced you of this?

c. He wrote this article in 2001! He made some predictions in the article about the effects of global warming. Can you name them (page 519)? Is it true/ Are these things happening today ? (check notes from yesterday).

Exit Pass

What are some things you can do to help fight global warming?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Thursday, February 2, Global Warming

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice new vocabulary, demonstrate knowledge of global warming, how to reduce harming the planet further, and revise essay.


C0py definitions of all words on page 517 (you should already have first five done).
Turn in rough draft of essay.

1. Review vocabulary words with quizlet.

2. How can we do more to save the planet?

3. Write sentences for vocabualry words - 10 sentences with context clues for each. When complet, you will receive neo.

4. Revise essay on neos.

Exit pass

Print essay and submit.

Wednesday, February 1, Global Warming

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new vocabulary, and identify logical and emotional appeals in non-fiction article.

According to the author of Rising Tides, name three reasons he believes that we ARE experiencing global warming.

According to the author of Artic Floe, name three reasons that he believes we are NOT experiencing global warming.

2. Test Practice page 523.

3. Constructed response, page 524. Decide whose argument is more convincing. To do so, create a chart and complete as shown. Then write a three paragraph essay.

First Paragraph

After reading "Rising Tides" by Bob Herbert and 'Artic Floe", by Cooke, I am convinced that we (ARE / ARE NOT) experiencing global warming. (add three more sentences in introduction)

2nd Paragraph

cite specific examples from text to support your claim. show how one author is more convincing by using more logical appeals

3rd paragraph (conclusion)

relate their predictions to CURRENT information and weather created by global warming. You may reference the news articles we watched if you'd like as well.

Exit Pass

Explain today's weather.

HW - complete essay.

Tuesday, January 31, Global Warming Articles

Objective: by the end of class, students will identify logical and emotional appeals in non-fiction articles and add onto their knowledge of global warming and its effects.


From our discussion yesterday, what is the greatest cause of global warming? Name three negative effects that it is causing.

3. View global warming news cast "Can We Blame Philly's Extreme Weather on Global Warming?" Take notes.

4. Go back to KWL's and write in new things you have learned from watching video.

5. Read Rising Tides - pages 518-520.

6. In notebooks, list the reasons that the author of Rising Tides says global warming DOES exist (page 518).

7. List the potential EFFECTS (page 519) of global warming (write down).

8. Read Artic Floe - 521-522. What reasons does he give that suggest weather changes are NOT due to global warming? Write them down in notebooks.



How does global warming directly affect you, your household, your neighborhood?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monday, January 30, GLobal warming

Objective: By the end of class you will be introduced to new vocabulary, global warming and logical and emotional appeals that support the concept.


Vocabulary words on page 518 holt text. Copy the first five words and definitions into notebooks.

1. What do you know about global warming? Create KWL in notebook. Write down everything you know and some things you would like to know.

2. Read introduction to Rising Tides, page 517 holt text.

3. View global warming videos. NBC NIGHTLY NEWS and "Can We Blame Philly's Extreme Weather on Global Warming?" Take notes.

4. Go back to KWL's and write in new things you have learned from watching videos.

5. Make two lists now - one is emotional appeals and the other logical appeals. Which list is longer?


Exit Pass

In what way does global warming directly affect you?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Objective: by the end of class, students will complete a self evaluation and write a three paragraph essay on their discoveries.


List your three strongest character traits and three weakest traits. What kind of person do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror?

When you get a laptop, go to my blog, reinaeng1.blogspot.com and complete the quizzes below. Then you will write a short essay according to the below guidelines.

click here

Now, write a three paragraph essay. Each paragraph should be at least three sentences long. You may write your own or use the guide below.

First paragraph

After taking these quizzes I learned several things about myself. The three biggest things I learned are _______________, __________________ and ___________. I felt ________________________when I realized this.

2nd Paragraph

First, I realized________________. I think I do this, or am like this because___________________. Then I was surprised to realize______________________. This definitely is a reflection of me because___________________. Finally I didn't know that i __________________. I think i do this because_____________________.

In conclusion, I realized a lot about myself. Some of these behaviors I am proud of, some maybe not as much. I think i can be a better person by practicing to be______________________. People will notice because______________.

Exit Pass

How can you monitor your behavior so that you are proud of yourself at least most of the time?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday, january 27, Sound of Thunder Test / Laptop Research

Objective: Students will be assessed on comprehensive knowledge of Sound of Thunder, literary devices used and vocabulary.


5 minutes to review and/or ask any questions

1. Sound of Thunder test.

2. Use the text to find two examples of similes and two examples of metaphors from Sound of Thunder. Explain what Bradbury is describing when using these literary devices.

3. Get a laptop. Create an original book cover for Sound of Thunder using powerpoint or any other program you are familiar with. Write a preview to the story similar to something that would be written inside the book cover to get the reader excited, to go along with your visual cover.

Exit Pass

Did travis have to kill eckels or did he just want to? Do you think he was justified in killing him/ Why or why not?

Thursday, January 26, Sound of Thunder Test

Objective: today, by the end of class, you will demonstrate comprehension of Sound of Thunder, identify similes and metaphors and practice new vocabulary.


Quick review of notes and/or ask any questions.

1. Sound of Thunder multiple choice test.

2. Use the text to find two examples of similes and two examples of metaphors from Sound of Thunder. Explain what Bradbury is describing when using these literary devices.

Exit Pass

Explain the cause /effect in Sound of Thunder. In the end, what did Eckels do that caused a tremendous effect? What was that effect?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday, Period 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate knowledge of cause/effect, demonstrate reading comprehension skills and practice new vocabulary.



1. Summerize events to date in Sound of thunder. Read 506 - 509. Identify similes , metaphors, diction and how they create images and mood.

2. Answer comprehensive questions on study guide.

3. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Why does Travis kill Eckels in the end?

Thursday, January 26, Sound of Thunder / Cause / Effect

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate comprehension of cause / effect, new vocabulary and review plot and literary elements from SOUND OF THUNDER.


Cause / Effect quiz. (50 points).

2. Review vocabulary words and definitions. Write a sentence for each word (10 sentences).

3. Complete study guide questions from Sound of thunder. Review answers together.

4. Find at least 2 similes and 2 metaphors (figurative language) in Sound of Thunder (hint - they are easiest to find in the long descriptions of the dinasaur.)

4. Review literary elements from sound of thunder and prepare for test tomorrow.

Exit Pass

What literary elements that Ray Bradbury used in Sound of Thunder were most effective and why? Give one example from text.

How is Sound of Thunder a good example of a cause / effect story? What is the little cause that results in a huge effect?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday, January 25, Sound of Thunder

Objective: By the end of class, you will learn new vocabulary, practice creating and identifying "cause / effect" and demonstrate reading comprehension skills.


Write down the second five vocabulary words and definitions from a sound of thunder page 498 holt text into your notebooks. You should have all ten words written now.

1. Review cause / effect on powerpoint.

1. Listen on audio to SOUND OF THUNDER. Together, list the causes and effects of stomping on a mouse in dinasaur age according to Travis. Write into notebooks.

3. Answer study guide comprehensive questions on handout.

4. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Use three vocabulary words (depression, revoke, annihilate) to write three individual cause / effect sentences. Remember to only use one trigger word per sentence. Identify which is the cause and which is the effect.

Wednesday, January 25, Sound of Thunder

Objective: By the end of class, you will practice new vocabulary and cause/effect, demonstrate reading comprehension skills and analyze author's use of diction, imagery, similes and metaphors.


WRITE 3 individual sentences using the following three words. Each sentence must be CAUSE /EFFECT. Remember each sentence should only contain ONE trigger word.

annihilate delerious remit

1. Summerize events to date in Sound of thunder. Read 506 - 509. Identify similes , metaphors, diction and how they create images and mood.

2. Answer comprehensive questions on study guide.

3. Vocabulary practice - soft holt reader page..

3. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Three more cause / effect sentences..... this time use primeval, resilient and depression.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, Sound of Thunder

Objective: By the end of class, you will learn new vocabulary, practice creating and identifying "cause / effect" and demonstrate reading comprehension skills.


Write down the second five vocabulary words and definitions from a sound of thunder page 498 holt text into your notebooks. You should have all ten words written now.

1. Review cause / effect on powerpoint.

1. Review Events to date for Sound of Thunder. Together, list the causes and effects of stomping on a mouse in dinasaur age according to Travis. Write into notebooks.

2. Read pages .. Identify diction, style, mood, metaphors, simile, etc.

3. Answer study guide comprehensive questions.

4. Vocabulary practice worksheet.

5. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Use three vocabulary words to write three individual cause / effect sentences. Remember to only use one trigger word per sentence. Identify which is the cause and which is the effect.
Objective: By the end of class, you will learn new vocabulary, practice creating and identifying "cause / effect" and demonstrate reading comprehension skills.


Write down the first five vocabulary words and definitions from a sound of thunder page holt text into your notebooks.

1. Review cause / effect trigger words.

2. Write cause/ effect statements for three of the five vocabulary words. Be sure to use a different trigger word for each one.

3. Read Ray Bradbury biography - page . Write down 6 facts about his life in notebooks.

4. Read introduction to Sound of Thunder and make predictions about "Sound of Thunder."

5. Vocabulary practice handout and cause effect handout.

6. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Use three vocabulary words to write three individual cause / effect sentences. Remember to only use one trigger word per sentence.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Objective: by the end of class, students will be able to identify cause and effect and learn new vocabulary.


Write the sentence below in two different ways. One way should use a "cause" trigger word and the other should use an "effect" trigger word.

The boy was sick. He went to the doctor.

1. When you receive a laptop go to my blog and click on the following links to take online quizzes on cause / effect and Sound of thunder vocabulary. When done with each one, show me your results.

Exit Pass

What do you think the butterfly effect is? Explain.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday, January 20, LYRICS ANALYSIS

Objective: By the end of class, you will learn cause / effect trigger words and write an analysis of the song lyrics of your choice.


Look at the trigger words below for cause and effect. Write a sentence using one word from the cause column and one from the effect column. Identify which part of the sentence is cause and which part is the effect.


Because therefore
Since so
When in order to

1. We will review your analysis of MAMA IS A SUNRISE. You are expected to follow the same directions to write a short analysis of a song of your choice. The directions again are as follows:

a. Identify at least three devices in the lyrics (metaphors, similes, alliteration, rhyme, hyperboles, etc)

b. How do the devices help create images or make the song flow better?

c. What images come to mind when you read that specific line from the lyrics?

d. Write a thesis statement l - something like this:

In the song, "blah blah", the artist, so n so, uses stylistic devices including (pick three) in order to help the listener create images to understand the lyrics and create a smooth flowing sound.

Now you are ready to begin writing the analysis:

Opening paragraph:

Write the thesis statement. Then consider the following questions to complete your opening paragraph:

Why the does the artist use the devices in the song? Does it help paint a picture? Does it make the song flow better? Does it put emphasis on specific ideas? Does it make it easier to understand?

3. In your 2nd paragragh, identify each of the poetic devices you chose, give an example and explain how it enhances the song. Remember to use adjectives and descriptive words and write two sentences for each device. That means this paragraph has 6 sentences!

4. Conclusion - restate the thesis and explain the affect it has on you. In addition, possible answer other questions such as, "do you think most people can relate to this song? Why or why not?" Why do you think artist wrote this song? Do you think it is personal?

5. When complete, share with me on google docs or gmail to me at karenreina1@gmail.com

Exit Pass

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thursday, January 19, Cause / Effect / Diamante Poems

Objective: By the end of class, you will learn what a DIAMANTE Poem is, practice cause / effect and write original DIAMANTE POEMS.


Cause / Effect handout.


1. Review cause / effect handout. Then change each one to an "if, then " statement or use "because." Identify the "cause" and "effect."

2. Diamante Poems - cause and effect - read directions and samples as guidelines. Review Rubric.

3. Write two original Diamante Poems. Be sure to follow the rubric.

4. After proof reading and making corrections, check with me before writing onto good paper to be displayed.


Review cause / effect transition words and how to determine which is the cause and which is the effect.

Exit Pass

Write three cause / effect statements. Use 'if, then" and "because" and 'as a result." Identify which is the cause and which is the effect in each statement.


Wednesday, January 18, The Dollhouse

Objective: By the end of class, students will define symbolism and demonstrate reading comprehension skills by answering comprehensive questions to short story.


You have heard the saying, "BEWARE OF STRANGERS BEARING GIFTS." What is the message behind this old saying? Have you ever had an experience that you could share that supports this saying? Write 3-5 sentences explaining.


Define symbol - page 1031 purple section of holt text.

Read the short story, THE DOLL HOUSE and identify and interpret symbols that are used in the story. Also, identify character traits, setting and organize events in order (plot structure).


Answer comprehensive questions 1 -


List events in order of their occurance. Use this to write a summary in paragraph form of what has happened so far.

Check for understanding

What is the relationship between Steve and his family?

Exit PAss

What do you think will happen next? make a prediction in a minimum of three sentences.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, Cause and Effect

Objective: By the end of class, you will understand "cause and effect, " identifying each in statements and create a diamante poem.


Identify the CAUSE and the EFFECT in the following sentence. Which trigger words suggest cuae and effect?

If it rains, then I will bring my umbrella.


1. Complete cause / effect handout.

2. Diamante poems. Carefullly review the directions and samples befre doing anything!! then review the rubric. Pick a topic and write your CAUSE ? EFFECT statement before starting your poem!

3. Cause / effect paragraphs handout.

Review short answer handout.

Exit PAss

Identify the cause and effect in the following statement.

Because, as a group, this class cannot be quiet, I cannot show you a really good movie.

Wednesday, January 18, Poem Analysis

Objective: by the end of class, you will complete an analysis of the poem, Mama is a Sunrise, and type it on a neo and print.


Review the rubric for poem analysis on page of your holt text. Write down any uestions you may have.

1. Review thesis statement for poem analysis.

2. Consider the following questions to complete your opening paragraph.

Why the author, Evelyn Tooley, use the devices you chose in this poem? Does it help paint a picture? Does it make the poem flow better? Does it put emphasis on specific ideas? Does it make it easier to understand?

3. In your 2nd paragragh, identify each of the poetic devices you chose, give an example and explian how it enhances the poem. Remember to use adjectives and descriptive words. R

Remember how we described the sunrise picture yesterday? Use those words! For example, Tooley uses the metaphor, mama is a sunrise, to describe mama as........

Then do the same for the other two poetic devices used.

4. Conclusion - restate the thesis and explain the affect it has on you. In addition, possible answer other questions such as, "do you think most people can relate to this poem? Why or why not?" Why do you think Tooley wrote his poem? Do you think it is personal to her?

5. When complete, type on neo. Be sure to spell check before printing.

Exit PAss

Submit essay

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, Imagery and Poem Anaysis

Objective : By the end of class, students will use descriptive adjectives to create imagery and identify poetic devices and write a thesis statement for poem analysis.


1. View the following pictures and write three descriptive adjectives for each. Do not use "good" or "nice."

2. Read together, Mama is a Sunrise.
a. Identify every poetic device noticed.
b. Discuss meaning of poem.
c. Multiple choice questions on Mama.
3. Read Pages 480 - 481 in HOLT TEXT on how to analyze a poem.

4. Choose three poetic devices for MAMA IS A SUNRISE. then think about why the author, Evelyn Tooley, use the devices you chose in this poem? Does it help paint a picture? Does it make the poem flow better? Does it put emphasis on specific ideas? Does it make it easier to understand?

5. Once you decide the reason for each device used, then write a thesis statement and let me check it before moving on.

6. Once approved, You may begin to write the introduction.


Q & A regarding imagery and poetry analysis.

Exit Pass

Do you think most people can relate to this poem? Why or why not? Do you think tooley is effective in her use of poetic devices? explain.

Friday, January 13, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will read three poems and identify poetic devices and answer comprehensive questions.


Add the following poetic device to your list in your notebooks:

Onomatopoeia is the use of words that sound like what they mean. The words "crackle," "gurgle," and "POW!" are examples of onomatopoeia.


2. Read the three poems - "The BAT" / "this morning" / How I Learned English". Read each at least two times to understand meaning.

2. Answer all side bars.

3. Answer all questions on pages 216 and 217 - be sure to read directions first.

4. When complete, make sure I check all of your work for credit and correct any mistakes.

Exit Pass

Write three examples of onomatopoeia.

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate comprehension of the 7 poetic devices and analyze a poem in short essay format.


Review your notes, review work I give back to you and ask any questions before test.


Change the following similes into metaphors.

The air was as cold as ice on that winter day.

I was like a fast cheetah running through the jungle.

He is as pale as the moon.

Her cheeks are rosy like apples.

I scream like a loud rooster.

Change the following metaphors into similes.

The hot summer sun made our playground an oven because the blacktop absorbed the heat.

The snow was a blanket over the city.

The flower was a smile as it bloomed.

The man was a big house.

The bread was so stale, it was a rock.

Complete the hyperboles..

The woman was so fat that....

The boy was so short....

She was so dumb that....

His head was so big that....

She was so smart that....

Personify (give human qualities to the following)....

The wind

The rain

A computer

The night

the sun

Create couplets for the following sets of rhyming words:

boy / toy

fat / cat

maze / craze

under / thunder

lied / cried

Using imagery, write five lines (each line being a different sense) to describe an apple.

Read the poem, MAMA IS A SUNRISE at least two times before you do anything else! Identify devices first. Then go back to determine meaning. Write ONE PARAGRAPH about the meaning and ONE PARAGRAPH about how the author, evelyn tooley, uses the poetic devices to enhance the poem and help you understand it. each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, Imagery

Objective; By the end of class, you will learn how to recognize and use imagery.


Use HOLT TEXT to define Imagery and write into notebooks.

Imagery is created by using colorful adjectives and appealing to the five senses in order to create a picture in one's mind.

Example: To create an image a an apple, you might say:

(feel) (sight) (smell) (sound) (taste)
The smooth red, ripe, fruit smelled sweet and crunched as I bit into it, yummy juice dripping down my chin.

1. Describe your favorite food using all five senses. Write it in five lines using at least two adjectives per line:

How does it taste?
How does it sound?
How does it feel?
How does it look?
How does it smell?

2. How to Eat a Guava - holt text - page 541. Read this short essay and answer questions 1-6 on page 546 carefully.

Exit Pass

Create an image for a snowflake.

Friday, January 13, Poetry Test

Objective: By the end of class, you will demonstrate comprehension of the 7 poetic devices and analyze a poem in short essay format.
Review your notes, review work I give back to you and ask any questions before test.

Change the following similes into metaphors.
The air was as cold as ice on that winter day.
I was like a fast cheetah running through the jungle.
He is as pale as the moon.
Her cheeks are rosy like apples.
I scream like a loud rooster.

Change the following metaphors into similes.

The hot summer sun made our playground an oven because the blacktop absorbed the heat.
The snow was a blanket over the city.
The flower was a smile as it bloomed.
The man was a big house.
The bread was so stale, it was a rock.

Complete the hyperboles..

The woman was so fat that....
The boy was so short....
She was so dumb that....
His head was so big that....
She was so smart that....

Personify (give human qualities to the following)....

The wind
The rain
A computer
The night
the sun

Create couplets for the following sets of rhyming words:

boy / toy
fat / cat
maze / craze
under / thunder
lied / cried

Using imagery, write five lines (each line being a different sense) to describe an apple.

Read the directions to "Mama is a Sunrise" carefully. Then read the poem at least two times before you do anything else! Identify devices first. Then go back to determine meaning.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thursday, January 12, Imagery, Hyperboles

Objective: By the end of class, students will identify imagery in lyrics, create an original imagery poem, and demonstrate ability to recognize and create hyperboles.


Find definitions in glossary of holt text of the following terms and write into notebooks:



1. Imagery uses a lot of descriptive words to paint a picture. Descriptive words are mostly ADJECtIVES. Read together, the analysis of the The Beatles, LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS.

2. Listen, read and view the video. Identify words that create IMAGERY.

3. Write down 10 adjectives to describe your favorite food. Consider how it smells, tastes, sounds when it is cooking, feels in your mouth and looks like (use your five senses).

Then create a poem describing it. The poem should be five lines - one line for each sense.


Do not write down what food it is on your paper (we'll have to guess!)

4. Hyperboles - handout

5. I will return your metaphor poems. Review corrections and write and illustrate on good paper to be displayed. You will only get a grade if you turn in a final copy.

Exit PAss

Provide 5 adjectives that describe ice cream / the summer / the snow /

HW Study for comprehnsive poetry test tomorrow

Objective: By the end of class, you will change similes to metaphors and vice versa, create hyperboles, personify and analyze a simile poem, the Willow and the Ginkgo.


Change the following similes into metaphors.

The air was as cold as ice on that winter day.

I was running as fast as a cheetah.

He is as pale like the moon.

Her cheeks are rosy like apples.

I can scream as loud as a rooster.

Change the following metaphors into similes.

The hot summer sun made our playground an oven because the blacktop absorbed the heat.

The snow was a blanket over the city.

The flower was a smile as it bloomed.

The man was a big house.

The bread was so stale, it was a rock.

Complete the hyperboles..

The woman was so fat that....

The boy was so short....

She was so dumb that....

His head was so big that....

She was so smart that....

Personify (give human qualities to the following)....

The wind

The rain

A computer

The night

the sun

Direct Instruction

1. Willow and Ginko - underline all similies

2. Answer all questions on back of Willow / Ginko poem.

review answers.

Exit PAss

Find an example of alliteration in Willow / Ginkgo poem

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday, January 6, Hyperboles

Objective: By the end of class, you will learn hyperboles and how to effectively use them in poetry.


QUIZ - define the following and give me an example of each. you may use your notebooks.








Exit Pass

Wednesday, January 11, Similes, Metaphors and Hyperboles

Objective: By the end of class, you will change similes to metaphors and vice versa, analyze a simile poem and create an original metaphor poem.

DO NOW - practice / review

Change the following simile into a metaphor.

The air was as cold as ice on that winter day.

Change the following metaphor into a simile.

The hot summer sun made our playground an oven because the blacktop absorbed the heat.

Direct Instruction

1. Willow and Ginko - read together - View each tree. Discuss / explain.


2. Answer all questions on back of Willow / Ginko poem.


3. Review answers and collect.

4. "Metaphor of My Family Poem" - review directions and handout samples.

- Read sample poems on handout.
- Decide on something that might represent your family (i.e a school, a book, the circus, the universe, an army, etc).
- Use the samples as a guide to write your own metaphor poem.
- Each family member becomes a part of your metaphor.
- Save yourself for last.

These poems will also be displayed. When finished with rough draft, peer edit, then review with me, rewrite on good paper and illustrate. (50 points)


Verbal Q & A. Change similes to metaphors and vice versa.

Exit Pass

"The wind is a crying baby."
"The wind is like a crying baby."

Which of the above do you think has greater impact on the reader? Which creates a better visual effect? Why do you think what you think? Which is the simile and which is the metaphor?

HW - Tomorrow we will begin imagery. For homework, write down 10 adjectives to describe your favorite food. Consider how it smells, tastes, sounds when it is cooking, feels in your mouth and looks like (use your five senses). Do not write down what it is on your paper (we'll have to guess!)