Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, POETRY - Metaphors , Similies, and Personification

Objective; By the end of class, students will learn new literary terms, identify them in poetry and use them effectively.


Define alliteration and write a tongue twister as an example.

Write a couplet - a two line rhyme in which the last word of each line rhymes
example: The waiter was so slow and lazy /
i was so hungry it was driving me crazy!

1. Personification / Similies and Metaphors - write definitions into notebooks.

2. Read personification poem together. Identify human qualities given to non-human things.

3. Complete graphic organizer for personification.

4. Personification handout - complete one side - review - then work on graphic organizer to write your own paragraph or personification poem.

5. Read Willow and Ginko together.

6. In groups, answer comprehensive questions.

7. Review answers.

Exit Pass

Personify the following in complete sentences (one sentence for each).

A cell phone

Write a similie for the cold weather.

HW Creative Similie handout

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