Friday, January 6, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, Similes, Metaphors and Hyperboles

Objective: By the end of class, you will change similes to metaphors and vice versa, analyze a simile poem and create an original metaphor poem.

DO NOW - practice / review

Change the following simile into a metaphor.

The air was as cold as ice on that winter day.

Change the following metaphor into a simile.

The hot summer sun made our playground an oven because the blacktop absorbed the heat.

Direct Instruction

1. Willow and Ginko - read together - View each tree. Discuss / explain.


2. Answer all questions on back of Willow / Ginko poem.


3. Review answers and collect.

4. "Metaphor of My Family Poem" - review directions and handout samples.

- Read sample poems on handout.
- Decide on something that might represent your family (i.e a school, a book, the circus, the universe, an army, etc).
- Use the samples as a guide to write your own metaphor poem.
- Each family member becomes a part of your metaphor.
- Save yourself for last.

These poems will also be displayed. When finished with rough draft, peer edit, then review with me, rewrite on good paper and illustrate. (50 points)


Verbal Q & A. Change similes to metaphors and vice versa.

Exit Pass

"The wind is a crying baby."
"The wind is like a crying baby."

Which of the above do you think has greater impact on the reader? Which creates a better visual effect? Why do you think what you think? Which is the simile and which is the metaphor?

HW - Tomorrow we will begin imagery. For homework, write down 10 adjectives to describe your favorite food. Consider how it smells, tastes, sounds when it is cooking, feels in your mouth and looks like (use your five senses). Do not write down what it is on your paper (we'll have to guess!)

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