Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, The Dollhouse

Objective: By the end of class, students will define symbolism and demonstrate reading comprehension skills by answering comprehensive questions to short story.


You have heard the saying, "BEWARE OF STRANGERS BEARING GIFTS." What is the message behind this old saying? Have you ever had an experience that you could share that supports this saying? Write 3-5 sentences explaining.


Define symbol - page 1031 purple section of holt text.

Read the short story, THE DOLL HOUSE and identify and interpret symbols that are used in the story. Also, identify character traits, setting and organize events in order (plot structure).


Answer comprehensive questions 1 -


List events in order of their occurance. Use this to write a summary in paragraph form of what has happened so far.

Check for understanding

What is the relationship between Steve and his family?

Exit PAss

What do you think will happen next? make a prediction in a minimum of three sentences.

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