Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday, January 12, Imagery

Objective; By the end of class, you will learn how to recognize and use imagery.


Use HOLT TEXT to define Imagery and write into notebooks.

Imagery is created by using colorful adjectives and appealing to the five senses in order to create a picture in one's mind.

Example: To create an image a an apple, you might say:

(feel) (sight) (smell) (sound) (taste)
The smooth red, ripe, fruit smelled sweet and crunched as I bit into it, yummy juice dripping down my chin.

1. Describe your favorite food using all five senses. Write it in five lines using at least two adjectives per line:

How does it taste?
How does it sound?
How does it feel?
How does it look?
How does it smell?

2. How to Eat a Guava - holt text - page 541. Read this short essay and answer questions 1-6 on page 546 carefully.

Exit Pass

Create an image for a snowflake.

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