Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze the characters and houses using graphic organizers provided and demonstrate comprehension of HOMS throuh page 28, THOSE WHO DON't.
Complete character traits for first five characters on handout provided.
Direct Instruction
Review the descriptions of the houses from homework. Discuss.
Distribute character trait sheet and complete through all the characters that we have read about so far.
Comprehensive QUIZ
READ - together to page 34 - identfy characters and apply traits. Review new study packet.
Independent on NEO - 50 points -
Describe Esperenza in detail - physically, emotionally and academically. What does she look like? How does she feel (is she happy, sad, lonely, etc)? I she book or street smart? How do you know? Write one paragraph for each using at least one example from the text in each paragraph to support your answer. I will help you find examples from the text if you know what you are looking for!
Continue to read and answer study guide questions if / when complete.
Exit Pass
Can you relate to Esperenza in any way? How or why not?
HW - There was an old woman - section from study packet
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