Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, November 26, House On Mango Street Intro

Objective: By the end of class, students will be introduced to author Sandra Cisneros, her inspiration behind HOMS and make real life connections.  Students will also practice using proper forms of adjectives, nouns and verbs.

Contagion is a noun and Contagious is the adjective form of the word. They are the same word in a different form.  Both mean the spreading of disease. Use each in a sentence.  Remember a noun is a THING and an adjective is a word that describes a noun.  You can HAVE a noun, but BE an adjective.  

(assign books to students)

Direct Instruction

Background on Sandra Cisneros - video on inspiration to write HOMS.

Read introduction - what's in a name? 

Quick write - where does your name come from? Does it have a a meaning? Were you named after a relative? Do you like your name? Would you choose another name if you could? Do people call you by your given name or  do you have a nickname? Do you prefer your nickname? Why or why not? 

Read together - First vignette - HOMS

Compare in detail Esperenza's family dream house to the house on mango street. At least 5-7 sentences.

Describe your dream house in 5-7 sentences. What makes it special to you ? 

read together  - HAIRS

Although this is a very short vignette, the hairstyles of each family member say a lot about their personality.  From these descriptions alone, provide three character traits of each member.

Exit Pass

Is life better if you accept and make the best of what you have or if you dream of what you want and constantly strive without ever been certain that you will get what you want?  

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