Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012, Period 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will read and interpret prologue and Act 1 of Romeo & Juliet and answer comprehensive questions, and practice new vocabulary.


Add - "Bite my thumb" to vocabulary list. It is an insult similar to giving someone the middle finger!

Then use whence, hither, wherefore, annon and bite my thumb in a a short paragraph.

You will have a quiz on these words tomorrow as well as a character quiz.


1. Read and analyze the prologue.

2. Begin ACT ONE.

3. Answer study guide questions on handout provided.

4. Complete family tree for the family that you DID not do yesterday. If you were not here, you nee to complete one for EACH the Montagues and the Capulets.

Exit Pass

Do you think Romeo is really in love with Rosaline? Why or why not?

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