Monday, October 31, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, The Sniper, Liam O'Flattery

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills, identify literary elements, make predictions and learn new vocabulary.


Vocabulary on page - write down words and definitions into notebooks. Pay attention to what part of speech each word is (noun, adj, verb, etc). This will help you later!

1. Make predictions. We are going to read called, "The Sniper." What is a sniper? What do you think this story is going to be about? Jot down some predictions into your notebooks.

2. Read the Liam O'Flattery biography on page 213 of Holt text. Write down five facts about him into your notebooks.

3. together we will read introduction and background information for THE SNIPER.

5. Begin reading story together. Students to then work on study packets. Practice applying grammar skills to figure out vocabulary.

6. Review vocabulary and beginning of study guide.

7. Exit pass - what do you predict will happen at the end of the SNIPER?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Monday, October 31, THEMES Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand the concept of THEME and identify it in short story.


What is a child prodigy? Can you think any famous child prodigies that you may have heard of?

1. Open to page 107 in soft holt reader. Copy down definitions of SUBJECT, THEME AND GENRE into notebooks. Also, write down:


non-fiction = makes readers think

fiction = makes reader experience

poetry = makes readers feel

2. Flocabulary review for plot, setting, characters, conflict and theme. YOU must be able to identify plot, setting, conflict (and resolution) and characters in order to figure out theme.

3. Read short story on handout. Answer section A questions on the back.

4. Review answers.

5. Copy vocabulary words into notebooks - page 109 in soft holt text.

5. Exit pass -

Monday, October 31, THEMES

OBJECTIVE: Students will practice vocabulary and parts of speech. They will also be introduced to genres and learn how to identify THEME.



1. Vocabulary sentences - prepare for quiz on Tuesday.


Non - Fiction = Think
Fiction = Experience
Poetry = Feel

2. Read introduction on THEME in holt text, page 208

3. Theme handout. . Read short story and identify theme.

4. Laptops. Complete and edit final versions of Poe essay - due by end of class today.

5. Closure - review geres and theme handout.

6. Exit pass -

Friday, October 28, periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short story, identify literary elements and compare / contrast using graphic organizer provided.


Subject / Verb Agreement

1. Read the story regarding recycling.

2. Answer the questions and complete the graphic organizer to distinguish FACT from OPINION.

3. Review with groups.

4. Take out graphic organizers from POE articles. Look at supporting details. Are the supporting details that suggest POE died of alcohol based more on FACT or OPINION? Are the supporting details that support the idea that POE died of RABIES more fact or OPINION?

EXIT PASS - If information obtained from FACT is more reliable than information obtained from OPINION, Which theory regarding POE"S death is more reliable?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday, October 28, Edgar Allen Poe Essay & Vocab

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice using new vocabulary and write a compare contrast essay from non fiction articles using graphic organizers and then type into google docs.


Vocabulary worksheet

1. Work on rough draft of essay in notebooks or on graphic organizers. REMEMBER:

Opening paragraph includes the thesis statement. An example of an effective thesis statement for this essay is:

In the article, "In Poe's Final Days," the author, Kenneth Silverman suggests that Poe may have died of alcohol; however, In 'Telltale Alcohol," Dr. Benitez suggests that rabies was the cause of his demise.

2nd Paragraph - talk about the first article and the supporting details that suggest he died of Alcohol. Remember to use direct quotes for support.

3rd Paragraph - talk about Benitez article and the supporting details that suggest he died of rabies. Remember to use quotes.

Conclusion - In different words, readdress the thesis and then provide your opinion. After reviewing the evidence, what do you think? Did he die of alcohol or rabies? Why?

Rough draft should be completed by end of class.

HW - TYPE ONTO GOOGLE DOCS AND SHARE WITH ME! Essay should be double spaced and have your name and date on it! IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS SHARING, TRY IT FROM HOME! Worst case scenerios - put it on a flash, gmail it to me or print it out and bring it on Monday. No excuses.

ESSAYS DUE MONDAY! Have a nice weekend :)

Friday, October 28, Edgar Allen Poe Essay & Vocab

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thursday, October 26, GRAMMAR and technology

Objective: By the end of class, students will use technology to learn new grammar rules and practice using them, and assess themselves.


Write down your short term and long term goals into your notebooks.

SHORT TERM - Where will you be and what do you think you will be doing in 5 years?

LONG TERM - Where will you be and what do you think you will be doing in 10 years?

1. When you receive a laptop, go to my blog and click on this link

2. Focus on adjectives and parts of speech to test your skills. Increase difficulty as you improve.

3. Exit pass - What skill did you learn today and how will it help you?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday, Ocober 26, Compare Contrast Essays

Objective: By the end of class, students will create an outline for their essay on organizer provided and learn how to use google docs.





1. Review POE articles and compare similarities and differences by creating venn diagrams. Determine the more reliable author and why.

2. Review the organizer for outlining essay and rubric.

3. Use organizer to write outline. Remember, in final essay, you need SPECIFIC examples from the text which means they will be in QUOTATION marks.

4. LAPTOP distribution. If you do not have a gmail account, you must first set one up before you can get to google docs.

5. Begin essay on google docs and SHARE WITH ME IMMEDIATELY. You will have time on Friday to continue working on this.

Exit Pass - WHAT DISTINGUISHES a reliable author from an unreliable author?

Tuesday, October 25, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will identify main ideas and supporting details in non fiction and determine the reliability of the authors.


Summerize the story you read yesterday suggesting Edgar Allen Poe died of Alcoholism. Do you think the supporting details are strong? Do you believe, after reading this, that he did die of alcohol? Why or why not?

1. Read together, next article suggesting RABIES is the cause of POE's death.

2. Complete graphic organizer for main idea "POE died of RABIES " and provide supporting details.

3. Compare supporting details from two articles - which has support based more on fact? List the supporting details next to each other to decide.

4. So which author is more reliable?

5. Grammar worksheet - 'her or she"?

6. Exit pass - which article is the most reliable?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, POE ARTICLES

Objective: By the end of class, students will identify main ideas and supporting details in non fiction and determine the reliability of the authors.


Vocabulary review worksheet

1. Read together, next article suggesting RABIES is the cause of POE's death.

2. Complete graphic organizer for main idea "POE died of RABIES " and provide supporting details.

3. Compare supporting details from two articles - which has support based more on fact?
So which author is more reliable?

3. Read both letters to editor and complete graphic organizers.

4. Complete test practice on page 191 - 192.

5. Exit pass - which article is the most reliable?

Monday, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze a non-fiction article, identify main ideas and supporting details and learn new vocabulary.


Copy the vocabulary words on page 183 of HOLT TEXT into your notebooks.

1. The death of Edgar Allen Poe - THEORIES

a. He died of alcohol.
b. He died of an illness called encephilitis (swelling of the brain).
c. He dies of Rabies.

2. Read the article on page 189. Hunt for main ideas in each paragraph. Write them down in your notebooks.

3. Use graphic organizer to complete "MAIN IDEAS AND SUPPORTING DETAILS."

What is the main idea of this article? - it suggests that POE died of alcoholism.


Then, find SPECIFIC supporting details that suggest he did die of Alcoholism.

On the other side of the handout, for main idea, write, "DID NOT DIE OF RABIES."

Then, find the supporting details in the SAME article for this belief.

4. Review graphic organizers.

5. Exit pass - do you think the author of this letter is reliable or unreliable? Is the evidence (supporting details) based on strong facts or can it be questioned?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monday, October 23, POE articles

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze and synthesize information from non-fiction and learn new vocabulary.


Write definitions for new vocabulary words from page 183 of HOLT TEXT into notebooks.

1. Read introduction to synthesizing information on page 183.

2. Reiew "Hunt for MAin Ideas" and "Insert' skills to increase reading comprehension.

3. Read first article together and use new MAX skills for reading comprehension. Write down main ideas from each paragraph 184-186 into notebooks.

4. read second article on own. In groups, apply MAX skills, write down main ideas into notebooks.

5. Complete venn diagram for two articles.

6. Review main ideas and do 'Insert"again for both articles.

7. Exit pass - What do you think after reading the articles?
Do you think one author is more reliable than the other? Why or why not?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, October 21, periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice grammar and vocabulary skills and apply them in creative writing.


Subject Verb Agreement Quiz


1. Creative Writing. Use the graphic organizer to outline an original, creative story. choose one of the following prompts below or create your own. Then complete graphic organizer.

a. You have won a DREAM HOUSE for your family. It is just perfect but it is in the mid-western part of the country. Do you go? Consider where you live now, your school, friends, family, parents' jobs, lifestyle, etc. before you start.

b. What is the most boring day you have ever had? Then write so that it is not boring.

c. Write about the worst or best meal you have ever had but write it in present tense as if it is happening right now.

2. USE your graphic organizer to write your story in four paragraphs. Be sure to use your best grammar and vocabulary. Be sure that you include the:

SETTING and BASIC SITUATION in 1st paragraph
PLOT in 2nd paragraph.
CONFLICT in 3rd paragraph.
RESOLUTION AND THEME in 4th paragraph.


Quiz review

Exit pass - What is the hardest thing about writing an essay?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, October 21, Cask of Amontillado Test

Objective: Students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Cask of Amontillado, identify types of irony and show understanding of new vocabulary.


Quick review. Plot review on smartboard "practice quiz."

1. Multiple choice test.

2. When you are done with the multiple choice part of the test, you may turn in and get a textbook to complete the "Constructed Response." For an additional 25 points, you must also develop a plot structure for Cask of Amontillado. Do not forget to include the following components:

1. Setting
2. Basic Situation
3. Rising Action (List 5 things)
4. Climax
5. Resolution

Extra Credit (5 pts): Write one example of each, dramatic, situational and verbal irony from COA. Be specific and tell me WHY it is that kind of irony.

If time permits, we will finish viewing THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR and you can identify moments of irony in the movie for extra credit!

Have a nice weekend. ;)

Thursday, October 20, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of relate short story, learn new vocabulary, grammar rules for subject / verb agreement.


Subject verb agreement handout.

1. The Tell Tale Heart is another short story by Edgar Allen Poe that reveals his dark side of a

2. Do first side of vocabulary worksheet for TELL tale HEART.

3. View the FIRST HALF OF movie. As you view, record the following:

a. Who are the main characters? What are some of their character traits? Use the graphic organizers provided.

B. Write down the setting.

C. A series of events occur (PLOT). Write them down in order (Bullet point).

Then, you will summerize Tell Tale Heart in your own words in a short essay using guideleines provided.

Closure - review character trait sheets and plot with groups.

Exit pass - subject verb agreement check.

She (do, does) go to the party on Friday night.

They (wants, want) to get pizza after school.

I really (is, are, am) going to study for the test.

HW - finish vocabulary.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday, October 20, Cask of Amontillado Review

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Cask of Amontillado, identify irony and be able to effectively use new vocabulary.


What kind of irony is it when at the end of COA, Montresor says, "Rest in Peace"? Why?

"He did not perceive my smile was at the thought of his immolition," provides us with what kind of irony? why?

Fortunato asks Montresor if he is part of a secret society called the "Masons." Montresor says, "Yes" and pulls out a trowel (page 177). Why is this ironic?

1. Take out Cask of Amontillado study guide for review.

3. COA discussion questions. each table should work together to develop discussion points for each of the following on the handout provided.

4. Test review group game.

5. Closure - Question / Answer about test content.

6. Exit pass - what do you feel least sure about for test tomorrow?


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, WORDLES for Cask of Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension and knowledge of new vocabulary by creating wordles on laptops for CASK of AMONTILLADO.


Take out notebooks for notebook checks. Get a textbook and open to 172 so you have access to vocabulary words and the story to help create your wordles.

1. After receiving a laptop, go directly to WORDLE.NET


Type a minimum of 25 words.
Type words in that pertain to the story. Use new vocabulary words as well as words from the text. Use interesting adjectives to create a picture in your mind. When reading it, it should obviously reflect CASK of AMONTILLADO.

If you want one word to be bigger than another, type it over and over again. For example, if I want the word, "catacombs" to be bigger than other words, I will type it three or four times. The more you type it, the bigger it will be.

When done, hit "GO."

The words will scramble into your wordle. You can reconfigure and change colors until you like what you see.

Save it to the desktop.

Bring to me to print.

HW _ study and review COA and complete study guide questions for Thursday.

Tuesday, Periods 8 & 9, Cask of Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will comprehension of short story and identify irony and analyze characters by applying traits determined by what they say and do.


"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Do you agree with this quote? How does it relate to the characters in Cask of Amontillado?

Review by viewing flocabulary again.

1. Characters - The Main characters of Cask of Amontillado are Montresor and Fortunato.

Use the textbook to find character traits of each. Look for what they say and do in order to determine traits. Use the handout provided. Complete one side for Montresor and one for Fortunato. Be sure to write down the page number on which you find your evidence.

2. Complete study guide questions.

3. In text, there are examples of dramatic, situational and verbal irony. Identify one example of each. Write down the example and page number where you found it and tell me why it is situational or dramaitc or verbal.

4. Revew study guide and irony.

5. Exit pass -

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, Cask of Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills, identify irony in short fiction and the "unreliable narrator."


"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? From what you already know about the Cask of Amontillado, how does this connect to the story?

1. 1. Complete the following paragraph by inserting the proper words in the proper places:

retribution catacomb impunity connoisseur amontillado immolition

You will not have _________ for insulting and disrespecting me. I will seek ___________.

You think you are such a ______________ of fine wines. I will take you down to my

________________ and we will taste ______________.

The _______________ of your body, mind and soul will take place there.

2. Read unreliable narrator again on page 172. Then, listen to COA and follow along in textbooks.

3. Complete study guide questions. You can work in groups.

4. Closure - review answers.

5. Exit pass

Tell me why Cask of Amontillado has all three kinds, dramatic, situational and verbal irony. Give me one example of each from text.

Monday, October 17, Periods 8 & 9 Cask of Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills, identify irony in short fiction and learn new vocabulary.


Copy definitions of all 10 vocabulary words on page 172 in Holt text into notebooks.

1. Complete the following paragraph by inserting the proper words in the proper places:

retribution catacomb impunity connoisseur amontillado immolition

You will not have _________ for insulting and disrespecting me. I will seek ___________.

You think you are such a ______________ of fine wines. I will take you down to my

________________ and we will taste ______________.

The _______________ of your body, mind and soul will take place there.

2. Listen to / view cask of amontillado.

3. Use the textbook and the video to answer study guide questions (handout).

4. Closure - review answers with groups.

5. Exit pass - 2 questions below

Why is it ironic that Montresor says, "REST IN PEACE" at the end of the story?

Do you think Fortunado really did something so terrible to Montresor that he deserves this?
Tell me why you think this. What from the story makes you believe this?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monday, October 17, Mardi Gras and Cask of Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand the history of Mardi Gras (Carnival), learn new vocabulary and identify literary elements and irony in short fiction.


Copy second five vocabulary words on page 172 in Holt text into notebooks and write sentences with context clues for the following:

Impunity Immolition Catacombs Connoisseur Retribution

1. Return Irony quiz and show answers and explainations on smartboard.

2. Show History of Mardi Gras. Write down as many facts as you can about mardi gras and carnival as you view it.

3. Read the summary of Cask of Amontillado. Extract the following information form the summary and write into your notebooks:

a. Setting

b. Two main characters and 3 character traits of each. Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist?

c. The basic situation.

d. The plot.

e. The climax.

f. The resolution.

g. What is ironic about the name Fortunado?

h. What is ironic about this story taking place during Carnival?

4. Review summary sheets.

5. View flocabulary summary of COA.

6. Exit Pass -

Summerize what mardi gras is and when it takes place.
What kind of irony is it when Montresor says, "rest in peace," at the end of the story?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: Students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills of short story and be able to define the "unreliable" narrator.


What is a catacomb? What was normally kept in a catacomb?
What is Carnival (Mardi Gras)?

1. View history of Mardi Gras. Write down as many things as you learn about Mardi Gras and Lent in your notebooks.

2. CASK OF AMONTILLADO Study guide . Complete the front side only. Do not lose this paper!

3. Review study guide vocabulary and literary terms with each group.

4. Handout summary of the Cask Of Amontillado.

7. Listen to and view beggining of Cask of Amontillado and follow along in textbook starting on page 174.

7. Exit pass -
Describe the setting of COA and why you think it might be ironic.

HW - last five vocabulary words from COA

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friday, October 14, Irony Quiz and Cask of Amontillado

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of irony and be able to differentiate between kinds (verbal, situational and dramatic). Students will demonstrate reading comprehension skills of short story and be able to define the "unreliable" narrator.


Quick review of irony for quiz.

1. Irony quiz

2. Cask of Amontillado anticipation guide. Discuss.

3. Read together page 172 in holt text. Define unreliable narrator. How can we determine if the narrator is unreliable? What should we, as readers, look for?

4. Write down next five vocabulary words in notebooks and write down three synonyms for each.

5. CASK OF AMONTILLADO Study guide . Complete the front side only. Do not lose this paper!

6. Review study guide vocabulary and literary terms.

7. Exit pass -

Describe the setting of COA and why you think it might be ironic.
What are we going to look for to know if our narrator is 'unreliable" or not?

HW - last five vocabulary words from COA

Tuesday, October 11, Edgar Allan Poe and the Cask of the Amontillado

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new vocabulary, understand facts about Edgar Allan Poe and make predictions about the short story, "Cask of the Amontillado."


Is taking revenge on someone acceptable? Why or why not?

1. Turn to page 172 of HOLT textbook. Read background information for Cask of Amontillado.

2. What is CARNIVAL? When does it take place?

3. Look at the photo on page 173 - what do you think this story will be about?

4. Read biography on Edgar Allen Poe on page 180 of your holt text and write down ten facts about him in your notebooks.


4. View flocabulary introduction to help make predictions.

a. How do you think Poe's life impacts the story?

b. Do you think the narrator of the story is actually Poe? It is written in FIRST PERSON. What does that mean?

c. What is Amontillado?

d. What leads someone to seek revenge? How can obsession with vengeance lead to tragedy?

e. What might be ironic about the name Fortunado in the story? Do you think this person is going to be fortunate or unfortunate?

5. Review and exit pass.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, Irony / POV and Edgar Allen Poe

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand and be able to identify the different kinds of irony, learn facts about Edgar Allen Poe and make predictions about one of his short stories, Cask of Amontillado.


Write down the definitions of the first five vocabulary words on page 172 of your holt textbook.

1. Review Power Point of IRONY.

2. View video of Sarah Palin / turkey savior video.

3. Read background information on 172 together.

4. Read biography on Edgar Allen Poe on page 180 of your holt text and write down ten facts about him in your notebooks.

4. Look at cover page of Cask of Amontillado and view flocabulary introduction to help
make predictions.

a. How do you think Poe's life impacts the story?

b. Do you think the narrator of the story is actually Poe?

c. What is Amontillado?

d. What leads someone to seek revenge? How can obsession with vengeance lead to tragedy?

e. What might be ironic about the name Fortunado in the story? Do you think this person is going to be fortunate or unfortunate?

5. Review and exit pass.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: Students will identify types of irony in short passages and answer comprehensive questions regarding short story.


Provide an example of the kind of irony asked for on the handout. You may use your own or take an example from The Interlopers.

1. Review irony and how to recognize it again on POWERPOINT.

2. View Sarh Palin ironic video and takes notes so you can explain, in your own words, why this video is ironic and identify what kind of irony it is.

3. Answer comprehensive questions on The Interlopers on handout.

Review HW irony sheets and comprehensive answers to ensure understanding.

Exit Pass

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Friday, October 7, IRONY and POINT OF VIEW

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to identify different types of irony and how different POV's affect interpretation.


IRONY QUIZ - you may use your notes to help you decide if the paragraphs on the handout are using verbal, situational or dramatic irony.

POV HAndout - Identify the type of narrator - first, second, third or omniscient narrator for each.

Peaceful Warrior - you will have a handout of comprehensive questions to be answerd while you watch the rest of the film.

Thursday, October 6, Periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will identify different types of irony and demonstrate reading comprehension skills by using the five elements of a story.


Irony handout. Use your notes and information provided yesterday to determine if each paragraph is situational, verbal or dramatic irony.

1. Flocabulary - five elements of the story. As you watch and listen, write down the example the song provides in the appropriate place on the handout provided.

2. Analyze story. Us the handout now to analyze THE INTERLOPERS. Do this by focusing on each element and writing in the space provided.


Exit Pass

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thursday, October 6, IRONY and Point of View

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand and be able to identify different types of irony and points of view, and how different POV's directly affect interpretation.


Write definitions of three kinds of irony into notebooks (definitions provided). You can just write the first definition for each. Leave room under each one to add examples thoughout the class.

Listen to IRONIC song and follow along reading the stanzas.

Identify situational irony in each stanza.

Can you find an example of verbal irony in the song? Why is it ironic?

Think of three examples from books or movies that create dramatic irony.


Read handout in groups at your table and identify each 1st person, 2nd person, third person and omniscient narrators. What is the definition of OMNISCIENT? Write the definitions of each in your notebooks.

Which ONE of the four is not biased (not opinionated)? Why?

Complete POV handout. Determine POV for each paragraph provided.

Review answers.

Exit pass.

Wednesday, October 5, Periods 8& 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will understand and identify irony in short story and answer comprehensive questions regarding the text.


QUIZ GRADE - Write an example of each of the following:

1. Situational Irony

2. Dramatic Irony

3. Verbal Irony

4. What does OMNISCIENT mean?

SHORT FICTION - PAGE 80 in SOFT holt reader - The Interlopers

Listen and follow along to this short story. It is told by an OMNISCIENT narrator. It also has a very surprising and ironic ending.

Answer the questions on page 89 and 90 in soft holt reader.

Closure - review answers.

Exit pass.

HW - point of view page 2
Objective: by the end of class, students will demonstrate ability to write a cohesive essay demonstrating comprehension of short plays and resoltion development.


Quick review of the plays you read and wrote resolutions for yesterday. Take out the plot structures to use as a guide. Basically, you are going to transform your plot structure into an essay.

1. Write a five paragraph essay in the following format:

PAragraph 1 = introduction - should include the setting and basic situation

Paragrapgh 2 = character traits of the main characters of the story (protaganist and antagonist)

Paragrapgh 3 - Conflicts - what is going on?

Paragraph 4 = the resolution that you developed as a result of knowing the characters and the conflicts

paragraph 5 = conclusion - quick summary and include why you resolved the situation the way you did.

Do not forget to include transitional statements between paragraphs.

2nd half of class, we will finish watching peaceful warrior. Pay attention, because you will have questions to answer aftr the movie.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TUESDAY< Octobr 4, IRONYNAND POINT OF VIEW - periods 8 &9

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to identify and define irony and points of view.


Copy the definitions of different types of irony into notebooks. Leave room under each to add examples.

Listen to IRONIC by Alanis Morrisette and identify the situational irony in each stanza.

In groups, read the definitions of different POINTS of VIEW.

Points of View Handout.

Closure - review handout

Exit pass.

HW - Complete POV worksheet

Monday, October 3, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, Tough Choices

Objective: Students will understand integrity, analyze dialogue, make inferences and determine resolutions to real conflicts.


What would you do if you saw a student drop $100 bill in the hallway? Why would you make that decision. How would you feel about it later. Would you tell your friends? Would you tell your family? Be honest.

1. View clips and write reactions to verbal questions.

2. Integrity handout.

3. Tough Choices. Now go back to your groups and work together to develop a conclusion to your play. Remember, you will be asked to provide an explanation. You will have to explain "WHY" your character made the choices he/she did and write that into your ending.

4. Add your resolutions into your plot structures.

5. Practice acting to prepare for presentations. Decide if you need any props, costumes, etc.


HW Bring in anything you need for presentations.

Monday, October 3, Tough Choices Periods 8 & 9

Objective: Students will learn the meaning of integrity and apply it to themselves. Students will practice writing in paragraph format.


Creative writing. Write a clear 4- 5 sentance paragraph responding to the prompt on the handout provided.

1. View clips on integrity and motivation. Students to write down responses after each clip.

2. Students will complete handout on "INTEGRITY."

Dictionary definition of Integrity = the quality or condition of being whole. Soundness. Adhering to strict moral and ethical codes.

In more simple terms, INTEGRITY is what you have inside of you that motivates you to behave a certain way. What kind of person are you really on the inside?

Review with groups.

Students will then write their own eulogy on a seperate piece of paper to be turned in. What do you want people to say about you? How do you want to be remembered? What would people say about you now?

Write a clear paragraph as if someone was reading it about you at your funeral.


Monday, October 3, Tough Choices

Objective: Students will practice grammar skills and be able to analyze text, make inferences through dialogue and consider resolutions to real conflicts.


What is the toughest decision you have ever had to make? Do you think now, in retrospect, that you made the right decision? Why or Why not?

Collage Presentations - Optional worth and extra 5 points.

Grammar Review - Madlibs


Each group will choose a play from the book tough choices.

Read the play. it will leave off at the climax. Each story presents a problem which, ultimaatly you, as a group will have to resolve.

When you are finished reading, answer the comprehensive questions at the end. Then create a plot structure of your story so far. Remember, there is not a resolution yet! Do not forget to include the setting, basic situation, and events leading up to the climax.

Each group will summerize their play for the class and present the "problem" the characters face.

Exit Pass