Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31, Creative Writing / interviews

Objective: By the end of class, students will interview each other and record the interview on neos.


What shop are you going to next year? You must pair yourself with someone NOT from your shop.

1. the following are a list of interview questions to ask your partner.  Record the questions and answers on NEOS. Provide well-thought out answers as if this was a job interview. Interviewer will record every word you say so try not to say "like" and "you know" and try to keep slang to a minimum!!

1. What is your name?

2. What shop are you going to next year?

3. Why did you choose this shop?

4. Why do you think you will be successful in this shop.  What specific skills do you already have or think you will develop quickly to succeed?

5. What sets you apart from other students?

6. Do you have a part time job in this area now? If so, what is it?

7. What are your biggest weaknesses / faults?  Is there anything that would get in the way of you succeeding in this area?

8. Has anything you have done this year at Randolph helped you prepare for your shop?

9. How would you describe yourself and why are you "right" for this shop / future job?

10. Is there anything else you'd like to share to that would convince me to "hire" you?

When complete, print out and give to me.  I will read, grade and decide which interviews "earn" the job.

Finally, I will distribute the YEARBOOKS!!! GREAT JOB!! ENJOY THEM :))

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, YEARBOOK

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete and print all sections of yearbook.


Get a textbook, or Raisin in the Sun or Romeo & Juliet and find a favorite quote, write it down and who said it from what story. Hand to me.


1. The cover - volunteer to create it?

2. Every student should have a photo page done on comic life and a bio page on microsoft word (includes highlights, a paragraph about yourself and your "favorites.").  If you do not have this complete, work on it now! If you need examples, I will show them to you.  

3. I will distribute quotes to type up for a quote page of things we read this year. 

4. Everyone should write an ACROSTIC POEM - you may include it on your bio page. Write your name vertically and then use each letter to describe yourself horizontally. It looks like this:

A -wesome
R - iveting
E - ntertaining
N - earby 

4. Volunteer to create a WHAT IF... page???? I will show you example.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 29 - periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will write an ACROSTIC poem.  

You may use your first name, last name or both.


K - ind
A - wesome
R - owdy
E - entertaining
N - eat

Tuesday, May 29, Yearbook

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete components of yearbook using laptops.


1. If you have not created a personal page, you must do so.  You may use powerpoint or comic life.

2. We need to take photos of the "most" list. these must then be downloaded and pages must be created for them.  Three seem to fit on one page so we'll need three pages. Since we have to work in pairs today, we can have three groups - each group works on one of these pages.  You can use comic life. 

3. We nee to take a group photo. You can use this photo for the cover page or end page of your yearbook.

4.  If there are any other sections you would like to create or complete, now is the time! Tomorrow will be our last day with laptops for this project. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday, May 25,

Objective: By the end of class, students will write original work to be published in our yearbook.


Sit down, take out a penn or pencil and get ready to take a ONE MINUTE memory test.  Use scratch paper provided.  I will give instructions.

1. Choose two of the following to type into neos and print for the "yearbook."
a. An original poem of any kind. 
It can be ACROSTIC (write your name vertically and then write something with each letter that describes you)
It can rhyme or not. It cAN BE about anything - topics might be, the 9th grade, a specific class, a favorite food, the time of day, summer break, etc etc.
b. A short story - it can be true or completely fiction. It can be about an event that happened, a memory, a wish, dream or hope or a story for entertainment.
c. A rap or song.
d. A series of favorite quotes.
e. Your original ideas are welcome.  What would you LIKE in your "yearbook?"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 24, Poems for Yearbook

Objective: By the end of class, students will write an original poem to be printed in our "YEARBOOK," and as a class, we will produce poems together on smartboard for "yearbook."


Write a message for next year's ninth graders.

1. Together we will write and print some poems for the yearbook.

click here

2. If you are on the "PHOTO COMMITTEE" then you should be taking photos now! I will give you a pass to go take photos of teachers and staff and you can download, layout and print tomorrow.  We also need pix of "Most likely to Succeed," etc.

2. Finish Gulliver's Travels.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Friday, May 25, Yearbook -

Objective : By the end of class, students will type info into neos and print.  These pages will follow your photo page in our "YEARBOOK."


Write a message for next years freshmen

TYPE into neos the information i'm giving back to you with grammatical corrections.  This should include or be similar to:

1. Your biography
1. Academic Highlight
2. Social Highlight
3. Favorites

Please be sure to spell check and grammar check. I must also proof read prior to printing. Make sure all information is on ONE page as this will go on the backside of your yearbook picture page.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, YEARBOOK

Objective: By the end of class, students will create year book pages for themselves and work in groups to create other sections of our mock yearbook.


Get  LAPTOP and go to this site.  It has suggested themes for yearbooks as well as layout, design options. Consider them. By the end of class, we will determine a theme that will carry throughout the "book."  You may use clip art from this site as well to add into pages you are working on. Be CREATIVE!!

1. To create your personal page, you must include the following:

a. A photo of yourself and only of yourself. You may have 1-4 pix on your page as long as it fits.
b. A favorite quote or quotes (minimum 1, max 3.)  It can be a quote from a song or author or a quote of your own.
c. Your lifetime goal or dream.
d. Images or symbols that are reflective of your personality (at least two).

2.  If you are on the photo committee, take photos of all of the "bests" and all teachers and administration. you may also take fun, random pix of your class as well. Also, we will need a class picture.  These photos should be downloaded onto my laptop and yours. You can then arrange photos on pages and add captions underneath to later be printed.

3. If you are on the highlight committee, you are brainstorming 10 of the best academic and social moments of this school year. List them in order 10-1 and let me proof read.

4. We need typers to enter autobiographies. I have edited them already.

5. I will teach someone how to do an excel spread sheet. This person will enter everyone's "favorites" and I will print it.

Exit Pass

Write down your suggested THEME.  majority will rule.

Objective: by the end of class, students will plan, organize and write and edit sections for mock yearbook.


Complete graphic organizer for autobiographical information. Then use it to write a short biography in paragraph form about yourself for the yearbook. What do you want people to know about you and how do you want to be remembered from this year?

1. Write a short story about something that happened this year in school and what you learned from it. Some of these short stories will anonymously be printed in the yearbook.

2. More class voting! Vote one boy and one girl for each catagory.

Best Dancer
Best Student
Best advisor (who would you ask for advice?)
Most trustworthy

2.. Create committees for yearbook. Photo committee and highlight committee.  Responsibilities on the handout. We also need a cover design / layout person, a poetry committee and someone to write an introduction and collect closing statements.

3. Each committee will work on gathering, reading, organizing information. Tomorrow, you will have laptops to begin typing, laying out, designing each section and your own personal pages.

4. Movie - Gullivers Travels

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday, May18, RITS Presentations

Objective: By the end of class, students will present their RITS projects and be introduced to the Yearbook.


Hand in your essays and prepare to present your project. 

1. Project presentations

2. Handout directions for Yearbook project. 

3. Vote for "BEST" list by secret ballot. Announce winners.

4. Create Favorite lists and brainstorm "most memorable moments. Each student should write at least two memorable moments from freshman year.

Exit Pass

What committee do you want to be on and why? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, RITS Project

Objective: By the end of class, you will complete your RITS project and prepare to present to class.


Review the guide for your essay due Friday. Any questions?

1. When you receive a laptop, continue working on your project that you started lat week. When complete, save to desktop and then drop in my "DROPBOX." I will print. Be prepared to present project on Friday.

2.  If you complete your project, you may work on your essay.  You can use the laptop and either email or share on google docs.

3.  We will have laptops tomorrow (thursday) as well so DO NOT RUSH your project or essay!!!

Exit Pass

What theme from RITS, in your opinion, is most important - fear, love, respect, family, racism - and why do you think that?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, RITS

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze character fears and demonstrate comprehension of key issues, themes and events from RITS.


Use the sample poem, FEAR, to write a similar poem that reflects your own fears.

1. Use the same poem and choose one character from RITS to write about what he/she fears.  If working in a group, produce poems for several characters.  After I check it, write it neatly on thw paper provided.

2. Use the "OPEN-MIND" graphic organizer.  Fill it in with at least 25 words from RITS that rcflect major themes or events from RITS.  USE the book to find these words or phrases!!! Please be neat!!

Exit PAss

Which character is most like you and why?

Monday, May 14, Raisin in the Sun

Objective: By the end of class, students will  decide on roles to perform Raisin in the Sun and determine character traits to "create" proper personas for each character.


In groups, use the sample Character trait sheet to list traits for each character in Raisin in the Sun.

Lena (Mama) Younger
Walter Lee Younger
Ruth Younger
Beneatha Younger
Travis Younger
Willy Harris
Mr. Lindner
Ms. Johnson

1. Review the list and traits. Divide the class into three groups. Each group will perform two scenes from RITS.

a. Two students should be assigned to each character - a lead and an understudy in case someone is absent in each group.

b. A narrator should also be assigned in each group.

c. Decide what costumes, props, etc. you need for your scenes and plan to acquire them.

2. Get into groups, assign roles and begin practicing.  We will plan to perform and film on Thursday, May, 31.


Gather any props that you need for your scenes and bring in to practice with tomorrow.

Continue to work on ESSAYS  - due Friday.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, May 11, RITS PROJECT

Objective: By Wednesday of next week, students will choose one of five project choices, create an original piece of work and present to class.


Multiple Choice test.


1. We will review the topic choices together.  You may work alone, in pairs or groups depending on the project you choose. Remember, if you are working in a group or pairs, and someone from your group is absent, you are still responsible for the work. 

2. When you receive a laptop, carefully research your topic and gather as much information as possible in order to do your best. If your project requires pictures, you may find them online and print them from my printer. 

3. You will have today and Monday to work on laptops and Tuesday to perfect project during class.  You will present your project Wednesday,Thursday, Friday of next week.


Work on your essay - due next Friday, May 18.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 10, RITS Project

Objective: By the end of class, students will choose a project in connection with raisin in the Sun and research information about it on laptops.


Complete and hand in RITS study guide. If you did not take the multiple choice test, take it now - open book.


1. We will review the topic choices together.  You may work alone, in pairs or groups depending on the project you choose. Remember, if you are working in a group or pairs, and someone from your group is absent, you are still responsible for the work. 

2. When you receive a laptop, carefully research your topic and gather as much information as possible in order to do your best. If your project requires pictures, you may find them online and print them from my printer. 

3. You will have today, tomorrow and Monday to work on laptops and Tuesday to perfect project during class.  You will present your project Wednesday,Thursday, Friday of next week.


Work on your essay - due next Friday, May 18.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, RITS TEST

Objective: by the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of character, plot, theme of RITS.


Complete study guide packets.  Use book to help you with answers.

1. View end of movie.

2. Final RITS test.

Exit Pass

Many of you said, "take the $ from Lindner and go buy a bigger house in a better neighborhood." Why, in 1950, would that be easier said than done? Describe how mama was feeling about this situation.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monday, May 7, Raisin in the Sun ACT 3

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete Raisin in the Sun, analyze character and how society can affect behavior. we will also view first part of movie to prepare for class performance.


Raisin in the Sun Matching. 


The following sections should be completed:

a.  ACT  ONE _ Dreams
b. Act 2 - Conflicts
c. Act 3 - what each character loses / gains
c. THEME - real life examples and examples from play

3.  View film.  Take notes for things we may want / need when we act it out (props, costumes, etc)

 Would you consider taking the money from Lindner? How important is pride? Could you take the money, not move and maintain your sense of self-respect?