Monday, October 29, 2012

Objective: By the end of class, you will be introduced to greek mythology and the epic poem, The Odyssey. You will learn who the major greek gods are and how they play a role in greek history.

Copy this down into notebooks:
"Greek myths are based in religious beliefs and often used to explain natural phenomenons (occurrences) and/or other mysteries. 

Direct Instruction
Natural occurrences or phenomenons include things that occur naturally but were hard to explain a long time ago.  These include, rain, fire, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Myths help explain these things. For example, if there wa a storm, the ancient greeks would say, "The gods must be angry!"

Many cultures have their own myths, gods and goddesses that were created to help explain things. In America, there are folktales that explain how mountains and rivers were formed, etc.

Quick Free Write (just 3-5 sentences) - Is there a myth or tale from your culture that you can share? If not, share anything that you know about myths.

Guided Practice
On the graphic organizer provided, you will see four columns:
God/goddess     Of What     Symbol     Adjective to describe

Some of it has been completed for you.  As you view the video that I will show you now, try to complete the blanks. I will stop the video periodically, and we will watch it 2x. click here

2.  Check graphic organizers.

2. Shared Reading (model)-  introduction to Greek Mythology pages 640-642. Using the textbook, in groups of 2-4 (cooperative learning groups), answer the following questions in notebooks :

a. What is an epic poem? 
b. How were epics originally told? 
c. What three goddesses wer arguing over who was most beautiful? 
d. Who did Paris pick and why? 
e. Why did Helen go to Troy with Paris? 
f. What goddess looks out for Odysseus? 

Check for Understanding 
Round robin around room - groups share answers with the class and corrections are made as necessary.

Review gods and goddesses, importance of mythology in greek history.

Exit Pass
Do you relate to any one greek that we learned about more than another? Why? Does it connect to a story from your own culture?

HW - Read page 643 and see if you can find the answers to the next three questions on the handout provided. Also, write down any words with which you are unfamiliar.  We will add to our vocabulary list and word wall tomorrow.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October 26, Persuasive Presentations

Objective: Create a persuasive presentation on the topic of your choice using logical and emotional appeals.


On the 8 index cards that you receive, write LOGICAL APPEAL on 5 of them and EMOTIONAL APPEAL on 3 of them.

Direct Instruction

Research a topic to create a persuasive presentation.  You my choose from the list provided on this site CLICK  HERE or suggest your own.  You must get your topic approved by me prior to beginning your research. You may work in PAIRS.

Starter Guidelines

1. Create a minimum of EIGHT slides on powerpoint (however, you may use another program and be more creative if you would like as long as you can identify the appeals.). 

2. Find at least five (5 ) logical appeals and three (3) emotional appeals to plead your case. If you cannot find strong evidence to support your opinion, you may need to choose new topic.  

3. Use google to research your topic.

4. You may be creative and add music or a short video clip. 

5. YOU MUST have a resource page at end of presentation to transform a website into a proper resource, go to this link and cut and paste the web address into it and hit "cite this." It will do the work for you!

6. Each index card should have notes that correspond to individual slides.  You will use these notes when presenting. 

7. I will give you two grades fro this assignment - 100 points for the actual power point and 50 for the way you present it. 

Exit Pass

Hand index cards back to me with your names on the back and any notes you have so far.  You will complete on Monday. 

Thursday, October 25, twelve Angry Men Test

Objective: Today, you will be assessed on your knowledge of the play, Twelve Angry Men.


Five minutes to study and/or ask questions.

Direct Instruction

Handout test.  Also, use three vocabulary words in paragraph form using context clues. Words are - JURY  //  INTIMIDATE   /// HOMICIDE 

Foreman -small,
Juror 2 = meek, 
Juror 3= forceful,
Juror 4= wealthy,
Juror 5 = naive,
Juror 6 = honest,
Juror 7 = loud,
Juror 8 = quiet,
Juror 9 = mild,
Juror 10 = angry,
Juror 11 = humble,
Juror 12 = flashy,


View --- as an example of being persuasive! Remember you have your presentation coming up on Monday!

Exit Pass

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wendesday, October 24, Twelve Angry Men Study Guide and test review

Objective; by the end of class, students will complete comprehensive study guides, PRACTICE new vocabulary and review for test on Thursday.


Use intimidate, homicide and jury in a paragraph using context clues.

Direct Instruction

Complete study guide packets for twelve Angry men.

Use character analysis graphic organizers to analyze two jurors from Twelve Angry Men.

Review answers.


Review for test

Exit Pass

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, Twelve Angry Men Conclusion

Objective: By the end of class, students will view and read conclusion of twelve Angry men and review for test on Thursday.


Write down each Juror and two character traits of each.  Use pages 4-5 in book. For example:

Foreman -small, dogged
Juror 2 = meek, easily swayed
Juror 3= forceful, opinionated, strong
Juror 4= wealthy, stuck-up, self - confident
Juror 5 = naive, frightened, hesitant, young
Juror 6 = honest, dull-witted, good listener
Juror 7 = loud, flashy, coward, bully, short -tempered
Juror 8 = quiet, thoughtful, fair, debater, seeks truth
Juror 9 = mild, old, gentle, seeks truth, lonely
Juror 10 = angry, bitter, bigot, antagonizing, bully
Juror 11 = humble, refugee / immigrant, ashamed
Juror 12 = flashy, advertising exec, understands people, slick, snob

Direct Instruction

Finish reading!!! pages 59-63. 

View ACT 3.


Complete study guide packet questions and review.


Add two more words from list. Write sentences for each in notebooks. Review the five "words" of the week."

Review Alll study guide answers and discuss.

Exit Pass

Do you think there was enough reasonable doubt to acquit the defendant?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Monday, October 22, Twelve Angry Men Conclusion

Objective: By the end of class, students will view ACT 1& 2 and then read/ act the conclusion of Twelve Angry Men and identify emotional and logical appeals.


Look up definitions for next three vocabulary words and write a sentence for each (7-9 on list). 

Direct Instruction

TAKE A look at the juror descriptions again. In your notebook, make two columns..One Is header Juror 3 (GUILTY) the Other Juror 8 (NOT GUILTY). We will create list together.

View ACT 1& 2 of Twelve Angry Men. 


Read conclusion of TAM and identify logical and emotional appeals.


Answer study guide questions for Act 3.

Review Answers

Exit Pass

Do you think there was reasonable doubt? Did the jury make the correct decision when they acquitted the defendant?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, October 19, Twelve Angry Men Vocabulary Quiz/ Persuasive Presentation

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehension of new vocabulary words and begin a persuasive presentation.


Quick review or vocabulary words.

Direct Instruction

 Vocabulary Quiz. Use all six words in sentences using context clues (5 points each). 5 extra points if you connect ideas and write in paragraph form using all words and context clues.

Persuasive Presentation

By yourself or with a partner, Research a topic to create a persuasive presentation.  You my choose from the list provided on this site CLICK  HERE or suggest your own.  You must get your topic approved by me prior to beginning your research. You may work in PAIRS.

Starter Guidelines

1. Create a minimum of EIGHT slides on powerpoint (however, you may use another program and be more creative if you would like as long as you can identify the appeals.). 

2. Find at least 5 logical appeals and three emotional appeals to plead your case. If you cannot find strong evidence to support your opinion, you may need to choose new topic.  

3. Use google to research your topic.

4. YOU MUST have a resource page at end of presentation. This page shows where you gathered information. Just cut and paste the websites that you used for now. I will teach you how to transform the web addresses to proper format next week.

Exit Pass

Why did you choose your topic? Would you like to submit your work beyond this class? To a support group or Randolph Administration?


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wedneday, October 17, Twelve Angry Men Act 2 questions

Objective: By the end of class, students will answer comprehensive questions for Act 2 for twelve Angry Men and identify emotional and logical appeals.


If you could ask the jury one question at this point, what would it be and why?

Direct Instruction

Review vocabulary from yesterday and the action that took place in Act 2.

Guided / Independent

Answer Study Guide questions for Act 2.

Exit Pass

Thursday, October 18, Worldes and PErsuasive Presentation research

Objective: By the end of class, students will create a wordle using vocabulary from Twelve Angry Men and "trigger" words from emotional and logical appeals. Students will also pick a topic for a persuasive essay and begin to research it.


Use 4 of the six vocabulary words in a paragraph.

Direct Instruction

Review ACT 2 answers.

When you receive a laptop, go to my blog, and click HERE.



The more you type a word, the BIGGER the word will appear. It will not appear many times over.

When done, hit go. Then use color tab and font tab to rearrange until you are happy with it.

When all done, you may print it off of my printer.


Research a topic to create a persuasive presentation.  You my choose from the list provided on this site CLICK  HERE or suggest your own.  You must get your topic approved by me prior to beginning your research. You may work in PAIRS.

Presentation guidelines and rubric for grading will be provided on a handout.


Exit Pass

What is your topic and what is your position on it?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, Octobr 16, Twelve Angry Men

Objective: By the end of class, you will read/act and Twelve Angry Men, analyze characters learn new vocabulary and identify logical and emotional appeals.


Use the second three vocabulary from Twelve Angry Men words in a paragraph.

Direct Instruction

Review answers from Act 1.

List logical (facts) and emotional appeals.

Do you think there enough fact to convict the defendent at this point? What questions might you still have if you were on the jury? 

Read / act twelve Angry Men - ACT 2

Take notes on characters and their behaviors.

Identify logical and emotional appeals from the jurors (add to list).


In pairs, work on study guide questions for ACT 2 and continue to define vocabulary words.

Review study guide answers and list appeals.

Exit Pass

Do you think the defenedent is guilty or innocent at this point?

HW - Study vocabulary words for short quiz on Wednesday.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday, October 15, twelve Angry Men

Objective: By the end of class, you will read/act and Twelve Angry Men, analyze characters learn new vocabulary and identify logical and emotional appeals.


Use the first three vocabulary from Twelve Angry Men words in a paragraph.

Direct instruction

Read / act twelve Angry Men.

Take notes on characters and their behaviors.

Identify logical and emotional appeals from the jurors.


In pairs, work on study guide questions and continue to define vocabulary words.

Review study guide answers and list appeals.

Exit Pass

Do you think the defenedent is guilty or innocent at this point?

HW - vocabulary words through #6 should be defined.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday, October 12, Introduction to Twelve Angry Men

Objective: By the end of class, students will be introduced to the play, Twelve Angry Men,  be assigned roles and learn new vocabulary.


Define the first three words on vocabulary list provided. You may want to put definitions in notebooks in case you lose this paper!!


Introduce characters.

click here to see preview

Assign roles.

Read introduction / setting page 9-10. 


Answer questions 1-4 on study guide provided. 

 Review Answers to 1-4. 

Make list of props that would enhance the reading of the play.

 Exit Pass 
What character traits do you have in common with your assigned role? Major differences?



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, October 11, Logical / Emotional Appeals

Objective: By the end of class, students will clearly identify logical and emotional appeals by completing poster boards with verbal and visual examples of each type of appeal.


Complete handout identifying types of appeals.

Direct Instruction

Review the Sandusky case.

Click here to see interviews and determine logical and emotional appeals.

Guided / Independent

Continue poster boards according to guidelines.

Complete before the end of this class!

Turn in completed board and put supplies away and clean up your area! (thank you :) 

Exit Pass

Give me one logical and one emotional appeal to convince me you should not have a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 10, Appeals / Persuasion

Objective: By the end of class, students will create poster boards that clearly demonstrate comprehension of emotional and logical appeals and the art of persuasion.


Write down this definition in notebooks along with logical and emotional appeals.

Ethical appeal = trust of the person who is providing information. Is the person providing information opinion is credible or believable?

 For example, if a doctor tells the court that the victim may never walk again, they will probably believe him/her.  If a family member made the same testimony, the jury might question that to be true.

Direct Instruction

Together, review questions and answers for Defense of the Jury.


Complete the vocabulary review page 313 holt text - (just write done correct answers in notebooks and then we will review).


In groups of up to 4, you will create a poster board to demonstrate your understanding of the art of persuasion.  USE DIRECTIONS PROVIDED.


Friday, October 5, 2012

tuesday, October 9, Defense of a Jury System

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new vocabulary, understand TRIAL BY JURY and analyze persuasive essay, Defense of a Jury System by identifying logical and emotional appeals.

Do Now

Copy vocabulary words on page 309 holt text into notebooks.

Direct Instruction

Read TRIAL BY JURY handout for general understanding of how a jury is picked for a standard trial.

Read opeing paragraph of Defense of the Jury. Discuss Mc Donald's case.

pic of the defendent

click here to see burn


Read Defense of the Jury pages 310-311.


In pairs, read through the article again and identify as least three logical appeals and two emotional appeals.

Share answers and discuss.

What is the author's claim? In other words, in the end, what is the author trying to get you to believe?

Exit Pass

Do you think this article is effective? Why or why not?

Objective: By the end of class, students will be introduced to "TRIAL BY JURY" system of justice and emotional vs. logical appeals.


If you have to go to court, would you rather a judge decide your fate or jury of twelve people that you don't know? Why or why not? Remember, the 12 must ALL agree on your guilt or innocence. 

Direct Instruction

Read together pages 308-309.  Take NOTES!!


Complete handout on different types of appeals.

Review answers.


In groups of 2-4, analyze the cases on the handout provided, identify logical and emotional appeals and if it is a credible argument.

Exit Pass
 Is the following an emotional or logical appeal?

70%  of all students that graduate with a 3.0 or higher, end up with college degrees.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

thursday, October 4, Quiz / Grammar / Persuasivev Appeals

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of Lady or the Tiger?, practice subject verb agreement and be introduced to persuasive appeals.


Subject / Verb Agreement handout

Direct Instruction

Use neo to write a more detailed version of a sequel to Lady or the Tiger? using the guidelines and rubric provided. 

You may use the book, notes, etc. Please read directions carefully and use examples as a guide. 


Name three types of ruling governments and give an example of each.


Read together pages 308-309.  Take NOTES!!


Complete handout on different types of appeals.

Exit Pass
 Is the following an emotional or logical appeal?

70%  of all students that graduate with a 3.0 or higher, end up with college degrees.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, Lady or the Tiger?

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze the characters of the King and his Daughtr and determine an ending to the ambiguous story.


Are most people motivated by their own desires or by their concern for others? How about YOU? Did the princess tell the boyfriend to pick the door with the tiger or door with the lady?

Direct Instruction

View summary of Lady or the Tiger?

Discuss the character traits of each the King and the Princess.  What is the Princess' true nature? 

On page 302, the boyfriend says, " "He understood her nature.." what do you think he believes?

Whatever he believes will surely impact his decision, no?

If the princess knows he knows her "TRUE" nature, do you think she might have thought he would choose the opposite of what she suggested?

Read together quote from Frank Stockton - page 304. 


1.  Write a sequel to the story. What happens next? At least two paragraghs, 4-5 sentences in each paragraph.

2. Write the thoughts of two of the five following characters as the boyfriend is standing in the arena, awaiting the moment he is suppose to choose  door:


Share answers.  Review for short comprehensive test on Thursday.

Exit Pass

Explain why the following lines are examples of verbal irony:

1. "It's perfect fairness is obvious."
 2. ".....impartial and incorruptible chance."
 3. "..did not the accused person have the whole matter in his own hands?"

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, Lady or the Tiger?

Objective: By the end of class, students will red conclusion of Lady or the Tiger? and make inferences based on character traits and behaviors.


What makes a  story ambiguous?

(turn in vocabulary homework and take out "open-minded" graphic organizers as well)

Direct Instruction

Review Lady or the Tiger? to date.

List some of the kings and daughter's character traits that we know so far.

Read the conclusion of Lady or the Tiger - pages - 

Make predictions along the way and record any new character traits for the king and /or daughter into OPEN-MINDED graphic organizers.

You will now answer three types of questions on the handout provided for the story:

Literal - the answers are directly in the text
Inferential - the text provides clues to the answer but does not come right out and cleary state it.
Evaluative - you must make conclusions after intrepreting the text.

Review answers

Exit Pass

What door do you think  the boyfriend chose and why?