Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday, September 19, Dangerous Game -

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to analyze and interpret short fiction and use organized thought process to continue plot structure and organize events in real time and sequence.


CRQ - In 3-5 sentences, respond to the following:

"Instinct is no match for reason." Zaroff says this. What exactly does he mean? Do you agree?

1. Read together pages 18-19. Identify foreshadowing. Add onto character traits.

2. Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) - read pages 20-21 on own and answer the following questions in complet sentences (to be collected):

a. Instead of just running away, what does Rainsford decide to do?

b. How is Zaroff hurt?

c. What does Zaroff decide to do to have a better chance of catching Rainsford? What does this mean according to Zaroff?

Time and Sequence / Plot
3. Map the island. Take your time and on handout provided, list all of the things that should be placed on a map of the island. Work in pairs or groups. Then you will illustrate the island and identify all key locations and map Rainsford's trail.


4. Recreate plot structure to date. WE DID NOT GET TO THE CLIMAX YET. the last event should be the "burmese tiger trap kills one of Zaroff's dogs."

4. Exit pass -

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