Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, December 7, HOMS

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice grammar and analyze character in a three paragraphs


In the Family of Little Feet, what do the shoes represent? Why are they dangerous?

Direct Instruction

Review study guide answers and discuss importance of HOUSES as a theme or symbol in HOMS. 

Independent on NEO - 50 points -

Describe Esperenza in detail - physically, emotionally and academically. What does she look like? How does she feel (is she happy, sad, lonely, etc)? I she book or street smart? How do you know? 
Write one paragraph for each using at least one example from the text in each paragraph to support your answer. (I will help you find examples from the text  if you know what you are looking for.)

 Continue to read and answer study guide questions if / when complete.

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