Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, Analogies, Vocabulary and Primary / seconday sources

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice analogies, learn the difference between primary and secondary sources and learn new vocabulary.


Write the following into your notebooks:

Analogies are about the RELATIONSHIP between words. Consider the following before answerin g questions on the handout:

1. are they opposites (antonyms)? example = hot:cold
2. Do they have the same meaning (synonyms)? Example = fast:speedy
3. Do they sound the same but have different meanings? (Homonyms) example = weigh : way
4. Do they rhyme? example = fat :cat

1. Do analogy handout - double sided.

2. Copy all vocabulary words from page 578 into notebooks.

3. Complete vocabulary practice sheet.

4. Read the difference between primary and secondary sources. What are the main differences?

Exit Pass

List five primary sources and five secondary sources. What makes them either primary or secondary?

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