Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, FEbruary 1, periods 8 & 9

Objective: By the end of class, students will demonstrate knowledge of global warming, reading comprehension skills and identify imagery and figurative language in a short story.


According to the global warming theory, why is it 60 degrees today in Philadelphia?


Answer the following questions 10 points each:

1. Fossil fuels release what gas into the atmosphere?

2. The artic sea ice is shrinking. How much has it declined in the past 30 years?

3. How much is the temperature expected to rise before the end of the century?

4. How much are sea levels rising?

5. What happened to the ozone layer that makes it hotter on earth?

6. Name three effects of global warming that exist today.

7. Name two things you can do as an individual to help slow down global warming.

When you complete the above quiz, give to me and get a soft holt reader. turn to page 240. Read introduction to THE BLUE JAR. Remember imagery is when the words used (usually adjectives) create a picture. Similes and metaphors are also types of figurative language used to create imagery. keep this in mind prior to reading this "fairy tale."

Then read the story one time through for enjoyment. Then go back and answer sidebars and all questions 245-247.

Exit Pass

What do you agree with the quote, "Is it not a sweet thing to think that, if only you have patience, all that has ever been will come back to you?" Why or why not?

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