Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, Feb 19, Dangerous Game Test

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed for comprehension on The Most Dangerous Game, analyze text, view film clips, and make real life connections to non-fiction text.


Is hunting for sport acceptable? Why or why not? If no, when is it acceptable? 

Quick review of Dangerous Game before test.

The Most Dangerous Game assessment


KWL Chart on Animal Intelligence

View film clips on animal intelligence.  
Do these animals show signs of human-like intelligence?
Why or why not?

Add to L section of KWL chart


When you receive a laptop, choose an animal to research and answer the following questions:

1.  How does this animal communicate with others' of its kind?
2. Is it warm-blooded or cold-blooded?
3. How long does this animal care for its young before the young are on their own?
4. Does this animal live in a family or 'PACK"?
5. Where does this animal live? What part of the world?
6. What does this animal eat? Is it an omnivore or carnivore?
7. How does this animal obtain food?
8. Do you beleive this animal has feelings? Why or why not? Give an example that demonstrates either.
9. Would you consider this animal intelligent? Why or why not? Give an example for either.
10. Is this animal endangered?

If you could be any animal, what would you choose? Why?

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