Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, PRESENTATIONS

Objective: By the end of class, you will complete your power p0int presentation and present your "Civil WARS Destroy Families" to the class.

Do Now

Have you lost a family member or someone close to you in a war of any kind? If so, what happened? How would you feel if, when you are a parent, your child joins a gang or volunteers to go fight in a war you do not believe in?


You will have until the first bell rings to complete projects.


You will receive a grade per the guidelines already provided for the actual power point.

You will also receive a separate grade for your presentation skills:

1. Eye contact (look at your audience!)
2. Body Language (don't slouch. Stand tall and use gestures to smartboard).
3. Loud / clear words (don't mumble or talk too fast).
4. Clear understanding of what you are presenting. (Know what you are talking about!).
5. Use of Umm's, likes, and other unnecessary or slang words. (keep it to a minimum - 5).

Exit Pass

Tell me one thing you learned about someone else's project.

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